Chapter 81 The Taste of Betrayal

"You were beaten badly, Quinn, Moria!"

Kaido stared at the two of Quinn. The Kingdom of Vodka is not far from Wanokuni. If you sail by boat, you can get there in half a day, but it took him almost an hour.

However, facing Admiral, Quinn and Moria obviously can't last that long, they lack the defensive ability of Jhin and Marko.

If it weren't for the fact that after the battle, Marine would have to clean up the battlefield and treat the wounded, and it would have set sail by now. In that case, the battle location would have to be placed on the sea.

"Also, Quinn, you look so ugly when you lose weight!"

Seeing Quinn's shriveled and ugly appearance, Kaido almost laughed out loud. This idiot has always felt good about himself, and even said that he would be more popular if he lost weight. He wanted to complain a long time ago!

When he wakes up, you must give him a mirror!

At this moment, Marine also reacted.

"The whole army is ready to fight!"

Colonel Marine raised his knife and roared, the sea soldiers immediately surrounded Kaido, dozens of flintlock guns were aimed at Kaido, even the mortars were pushed out!

"Mortar aimed at Kaido, Rifle team firing from behind, commando team on standby, wait for a salvo, immediately launch a surprise attack!"

"The enemy is Kaido of the Beasts, one of the world's most vicious criminals, take his head without living!"

"For justice!"

When the slogan of justice was shouted, all the cannons and guns opened fire immediately, and in an instant, the flames and bullets of the explosion drowned Kaido!

Before the smoke cleared, Colonel Marine immediately pointed his sword forward!



The elite troops that had been prepared for a long time rushed into the smoke and dust, slashing wildly towards Kaido's direction with the knives and axes in their hands!

Then, all the charging elites flew back at a faster speed!


A huge blue dragon appeared in the port!

"Annoying flies!"

Kaido stared down. The feeling of being hit by bullets and shells was like being bitten by a mosquito. Although it didn't hurt very much, it would make people irritable.

The fire condensed in the mouth!

"Die, Marine!

"Hot interest!"

The scorching flame rays fell to the port and exploded with a bang. Everything within the explosion range melted under the terrifying high temperature, and even magma flowed on the scorched ground!

With just one blow, one-third of the sailors disappeared without a trace.


The corners of Kaido’s mouth curled up. In the transformation state, any moves are comparable to natural disasters. It is very suitable for clearing troops. Marine and pirates are sworn enemies, so there is no need to show mercy.

The flames gathered again, and the power gathered was even stronger than before. He wanted to wipe out all the Marines in the port with one blow!

When the fire in his mouth was condensed to the limit and he was about to launch, a golden figure approached extremely quickly from the position of the warship, and the fist exuding golden light mercilessly hit his cheek!

"Don't shoot at my subordinates!"


Kaido let out a muffled grunt, and swung his head involuntarily to the side. The heat that was aimed at the remaining Marines changed its trajectory and shot towards the distant mountain.


A small sun appeared in the field of vision!

The entire mountain top melted and disappeared in the explosion!

"Mountain, gone!"

The pupils of the sailors shrank. If such a terrifying attack fell on the port, they would surely die!

This is the strongest creature in the legend!

"Everyone, evacuate immediately!"

Sengoku landed at the port and immediately ordered the sailors to evacuate. The next battle was beyond their control.

Even he dare not say that he can win against the evil dragon in front of him!

"Whoa, whoa, Admiral Sengoku!"

Kaido shook his painful head, looked at Sengoku, who was wrapped in many bandages, with a satisfied smile on his face.

"You were injured, Quinn and the others did a good job."

"Just a little injury."

Sengoku snorted coldly, Quinn and Moria did cause him a lot of damage, especially the one hit by Quinn, the injury was more serious than the penetrating wound on the arm.

But now is not the time to show weakness.

"Kaido, I have a question for you."

Sengoku took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "Where did you get Experimental No. 4!"

"Hey, you mean ghosts, right?"

Kaido's eyes bent down, and he stretched out a paw pointing at the sky, his smile became brighter: "You can ask the World government about such small things, but as a watchdog, it seems not good for Marine to know too much! "


Sengoku's gloomy face dripped water, seeing Kaido's mocking attitude, this matter may really have something to do with the World government!

If the World Government has reached a cooperative relationship with the pirates, it will undoubtedly be the biggest betrayal to them who have fought against the pirates all their lives, and to those sailors who died!

This kind of thing must not be tolerated!

"Kaido, in the name of justice, I must arrest you here!"

"Hey, hey, if you can do it, try it!"

Kaido laughed and rose to the sky, looking down at Sengoku condescendingly, the wind force caused by his swimming body gathered in his mouth!

"Bad wind!"

In an instant, countless cyan wind blades spit out from the mouth, and the rocks, houses, and even the warships in the distance were all cut into two by the wind blades!


Sengoku stomped on the ground, using explosive power to continuously change directions, while avoiding the wind blade attack, he quickly approached Kaido!

"Action is so fast!"

Kaido's eyes were fixed, and the wind blades that were dense like rain were all dodged.

And what concerned him the most is that there is no teaching light on Sengoku, which means that the other party's mind, body, and skills are perfectly coordinated, and they have all reached the peak level!

"It's the effect of the Buddha fruit!"

The human fruit·Phantom Beast·Great Buddha form, its ability is not only to send out shock waves, but the real effect is to make the eater have the power and wisdom of a Great Buddha, and become the ultimate person who takes care of both mind, body and skills.

If you want to defeat such a guy, you must either use external influence to expose his flaws, or crush him with absolute strength!

"Come on, let me feel the limit of human beings!"

Kaido swam his body, with the pitch black Haki wrapped around his head, and swooped down towards Sengoku below!

"Kaido, in the name of justice, you must not be allowed to do whatever you want!"

Sengoku bent his legs to accumulate power, and the ground under his feet cracked layer by layer. When he jumped up, the entire ground was crushed and sank under the reaction force!

The rage turned into Haki wrapped around his fist, facing the swooping dragon!

"Dragon God dives!"

"Buddha's Wrath Fist!"


The wind howled, the beasts ran away, and even the sea outside the port was under the terrible impact, forming huge waves to flee outwards!

When the impact stopped, the already riddled port town disappeared completely, leaving only some broken stone pillars standing on the sea!

Kaido and Sengoku in human form landed on the largest stone pillar, with crimson blood flowing from their foreheads at the same time!

Kaido pulled out the mace from behind, and sneered at the corner of his mouth: "The feeling of betrayal is not good, Sengoku!"


Sengoku wiped the blood off his face without any wavering in his eyes.

"Don't underestimate justice!"

(end of this chapter)

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