Chapter 95 The Real Pirate

In the center of the arena, the samurai of the returning group were killed and defeated. Facing the crazy attack of the Kozuki samurai who gave up everything, they couldn't even bring up the courage to face it.

"These guys are all crazy!"

"Run away, you can't beat them at all!"

"Escape to the entrance, back to the stands!"

Many warriors retreated in a panic, and soon turned into a big rout. However, what greeted them was not the hope of survival, but the butcher's knives of beasts!


The shrill screams echoed on the battlefield.

The knife in Holdem's hand was dyed red, and blood dripped continuously. At his feet, lay the corpses of several escaped warriors!

"Those who retreat, die!"

At some point, the cadres of Hundred Beasts led their subordinates to block all escape routes, and the fastest-running warriors were all beheaded, without exception!

Seeing that the samurai in the Hui group were horrified, they stopped quickly, and at the same time they were afraid, but their anger could not be suppressed no matter what.

"We are in the same group!"

"Bastard, why did you kill us!"

"If we don't escape, we will all be killed by the warriors!"

The crazy Kozuki samurai are in front, and the Beasts Pirates are blocking the retreat behind. Seeing the group, I can't help but despair, and the anger of being betrayed again!

"You seem to have made a mistake."

Holdem's body was filled with murderous aura, and his eyes were as cold as a knife.

"According to the rules, only one side can survive this great martial arts show. If you can't eliminate the Kozuki samurai, all of you will die!"

"If you want to live, then go back and fight with your life, even if you die, you must bite off a piece of Kozuki's flesh and blood!"

"This is your only value!"

Holdem raised the butcher knife again, swung it with murderous intent, and cut the fugitive closest to him in half. A large amount of blood spurted out and sprinkled on him, terrifying like a ghost from hell!

"Don't come here!!!"

Seeing the group of samurai staggering away from Holdum, great fear surpassed anger, and for the first time they realized each other's true identity!

Cruel, cold-blooded, tyrannical!

This is the terrifying existence called pirates!

"We are dead!"

See the samurai of the group return in despair, launch a death charge against the Kozuki samurai, risk their lives in pursuit of a chance that barely exists.

They just want to live, but the Beasts Pirates will not allow them to retreat, and the red-eyed Kozuki samurai will not accept them!

maybe this is the end of the betrayer

When the last samurai of the Mikai group fell, the earth was dyed red.

Only half of the Kozuki warriors left, covered in blood one by one, stepped on the corpses of the samurai of the Mikai group and marched towards the northern half.

"Beasts Pirates!!!"

Anger is burning their souls!

The corpses under their feet are not only enemies, but also members of Wanokuni, but the Beasts Pirates fooled them so much that they forced them to die!

Absolutely can not forgive!

"Chirp chirp!"

The ghost seemed to sense the danger, screamed and swung the giant mace, and smashed it down at the warrior below with all its strength!

"Go away!"

Goro the Leopard of Flowers jumped up, facing the giant falling mace, and slashed out with the long knife in his hand!

"Flower Blade Flow·Wind of Scourge!"


Accompanied by the piercing sound of slashing, the house-sized mace was broken in the middle, and the cut surface was as smooth as a mirror!

With a "boom", the upper part of the mace hit the edge of the arena heavily, splashing a lot of smoke and dust!


The ghost held the broken handle of the mace, his head was blank, he seemed unable to understand what happened just now, but soon the anger dominated his brain!

His beloved toy was destroyed!

"Chick chirp!!!"

"Shut up, monster!"

The Leopard Binggoro appeared in mid-air, holding the handle of the knife with both hands, and the constantly fluctuating Emission was wrapped around the blade, as if a flame was burning.

"Flower sword flow · Sakura Yeming!"

Like the first light of dawn, a huge pink Slash Wave pierced the sky, slashed at Si Gui's body fiercely, leaving a huge bloody mouth from his shoulders to his waist!

Si Gui rolled his eyes white, lost consciousness instantly, and his body like a hill fell straight backwards!

"Get away from the ghosts!"

The pirates below scattered in a hurry. If they were suppressed by the fallen ghosts, they would be seriously injured even if they didn't die!


The whole arena is shaking!

"So strong!"

"Such a big monster can be killed with one blow!"

"Worthy of being the number one knight in Wanokuni!"

The audience in the stands exclaimed, and the pirates in the arena were also taken aback. They didn't expect the opponent's general to have such strength!


The Leopard Soldier Goro landed on Sigui, his chest heaving and falling, fighting all the way, and then dealing with such a huge monster, his physical strength was exhausted, but now is not the time to rest.

Then comes the real test!

"Get rid of him!"

Holdem roared, and rushed to the Leopard soldier Goro first, and the other real fighters also rushed up. For them, there was no retreat for this battle!

"Don't get in the way!"

Dazheng, Tsunagoro, Ya Taiping, the bosses of the gangsters in various townships, and the strongest warriors stood on both sides of the Huabao soldier Goro at the same time, blocking Holdem and others' surprise attack!

The Leopard Soldier Goro didn't look sideways, walked out from the encirclement of the real fight, and came directly in front of the three of Quinn, his hair and beard were automatic without wind, and Haki visible to the naked eye spread out.


Quinn laughed mockingly: "Smelly old man, you are really strong, but you alone can't be the opponent of the three of us!"

The strength of the Leopard Soldier Goro is definitely not inferior to them, but if he wants to fight against three with one, it would be a bit too presumptuous!

"The old man is very aware of this, and he didn't intend to fight alone!"

The Leopard Soldier Goro held the knife in his backhand, and more and more troops gathered behind him.

In this war, their greatest advantage is their strength. Although more than half of the casualties were caused by Orochi's subordinates, the remaining troops are still far more than the Beasts Pirates!

In the blink of an eye, thousands of people have gathered behind him, among them there are no less than a hundred swordsmen who can match the opponent's middle-level cadres and use flying slashes!

They are heroes from various villages, and their strength is by no means inferior to Kin'emon and others. They are the biggest trump cards used to deal with the top cadres of the beasts!

The Leopard Soldier Goro looked ferociously: "Don't blame us for bullying the few!"

"Hehehehe, we are pirates, we don't blame others, if we die, we can only blame ourselves for our lack of strength!"

Moria and Quinn looked at each other and laughed loudly at the same time. The stage has been set up, and it's time to show the trump card!

"Come out, mechanical zombie army!"


Bandaged hands stretched out from the ground, and soon, dense zombies appeared on the battlefield, surrounding the warriors!

Unlike the previous zombies, these special zombies have obviously been transformed, with weapons all over their bodies!

Defensive zombies with full body shields!

Searing zombies with flamethrowers!

Chainsaw Zombie whose arms are chainsaws!

Assault zombies with the body of a horse and eight mechanical arms!

A tank zombie with crawlers on the lower body and a cannon on the upper body!

There are even special zombies equipped with secret weapons such as laser lasers and discharge functions!

An army of undead transformed zombies!

The characteristic that zombies will not die allows Quinn to use the transformation technology to his heart's content. As long as a small amount of body tissue is kept, other parts can be made as he wants!

"Mhahaha, see, this is the power of science!"

(end of this chapter)

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