Finn stood alone by the boat, staring at the turbulent sea in the distance, silently thinking about the direction of the future.

The sudden strong wind swayed the boat, but Finn was as unmoved as Mount Tai. In this strong wind, an unusual figure gradually appeared, that was Luffy's father, Monkey D. Dragon. His deep eyes stared at this young man who was about the same age as his son, but he intuitively felt a hint of danger.

Finn's eyes also turned to Dragon, feeling the deterrent power of the strong, and suddenly he had an understanding in his heart, knowing that this was Luffy's father, Monkey D. Dragon. Although Dragon's appearance was slightly different from that in the comics, that touch of resemblance was enough to convince Finn that this was the legendary figure in the legend.

At this moment, a tense and expectant atmosphere filled the ship in Rogue Town.

Then, Finn instantly changed into the God of War Body·Second Style·Gun God, and then a cannon punch went straight to Dragon in the air.

In mid-air, Dragon noticed Finn's movements and immediately became alert. In his observation, he realized that a shock wave was coming towards him. Faced with this sudden attack, he instinctively knew that if he was not careful, he might be hurt. Therefore, he did not dare to be careless, and quickly penetrated his entire arm with Armament Haki, and used Dragon Claw Hand to resist the incoming cannon punch. Dragon felt a huge force, but he was not injured. However, he had a deeper understanding of Finn's strength. The ability to release Armament Haki was obviously not simple.

Finn saw Dragon easily block his cannon punch. Although he understood that this was just a casual test, it was almost impossible for ordinary people to easily resist it. However, he knew that the comer was not hostile. So, he changed back to the form of Liuxian, with flames and clouds entwined, and said lightly: "Not bad."

Drager was not angry when he saw Finn's evaluation of him. Although the other party was indeed a junior in age, he was knowledgeable and experienced. It was obvious that Dragon, who had been on the sea for many years, was not the kind of person who liked to rank people by seniority and take advantage of his age. There is no doubt that the emotional intelligence of a person who could go against the world government was beyond doubt. He had a deep understanding of the rule that strength was respected on the sea.

Drager saw that Finn did not make another move, so he knew that the test was over. Through intelligence, he had long known that there was a young strong man who had a good relationship with his son, but he had not investigated the specific information about Finn, which made him always a little worried. However, through the test just now, he knew that his worries were unnecessary. If such a strong man wanted to harm his son, his son would have died eight hundred times. But now, he unconsciously had the idea of ​​pulling this young strong man to join the revolutionaries.

"The young man is so powerful that it really makes us old guys ashamed. Does the young man seem to know me?" Dorag said to Finn after landing on the boat.

"Dorag, you are famous. How many people on the sea don't know you?" Finn replied lightly, without hiding that as the most vicious criminal in the world, his wanted order has long been all over the world. The World Government has always been merciless in its crackdown on him. This man's goal is to shake the foundation of the World Government, so how can the World Government not pay special attention to him.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect that I am so famous now. It seems that the World Government really feels threatened." Dorag said with a smile.

"What can I do for you?" Finn asked directly.

"The famous East Sea Martial Saint, I want to see him, is there any problem with that?" Dorag joked, "It's really well-deserved. It really opened my eyes."

Finn stared at Dorag and did not answer. He knew very well that these words were just polite words.

Dorag noticed Finn's silence and felt a little embarrassed. He stopped talking and asked directly: "Brother Finn, what do you think of our revolutionary army?"

"I don't know, and I'm not interested in knowing." Finn replied indifferently.

Finn knew that the complexity of world development was self-evident. The world government only maintained a detached position to ensure the overall direction of the world. It would not interfere too much in the internal affairs of the member states, and each country would still maintain autonomy. Although there are world nobles, such as the Celestial Dragons, who stand at the top of the world, the number is pitifully small, and most ordinary people will never have any intersection with them in their lives.

This is somewhat similar to the federal system in the previous life. Various problems such as unbalanced regional development, the gap between the rich and the poor, and class contradictions also exist. It is very complicated to improve them. At least Finn doesn't know how to solve them. However, Finn obviously has no intention of paying attention to these topics at the moment. He just wants to pursue personal transformation and transcendence.Facing Finn's reply, Dragon understood and understood that Finn was unwilling to discuss these topics in depth. He knew that it seemed unlikely for Finn to join the Revolutionary Army at the moment. The atmosphere on the scene was once again shrouded in an awkward silence.

"Stinky boy, don't hurt Finn, get out of here." Garp's voice came from a distance, breaking the silence between Dragon and Finn.

It turned out that Garp had gone directly from the Navy Headquarters through the Calm Belt and arrived at Rogue Town early after Sengoku's order, ready to meet Luffy. However, he felt the presence of his son Dragon and clearly felt that Dragon was running towards Finn. Therefore, he directly canceled his plan to meet Luffy and came directly to the scene.

Finn was also surprised to see Garp's arrival. And Dragon smiled and looked at Garp and said, "Old man, long time no see."

Garp curled his lips and said angrily, "You little bastard, you disappeared for these years and hurt me so badly, and you are so damn at ease."

It turned out that Dragon did not get along with Garp, so he directly rebelled, formed the Revolutionary Army and fought against the World Government, becoming the number one enemy of the World Government. Garp has been standing in the middle for these years and has been under too much pressure. If he had not been a hero of the navy and made great contributions to the navy in his early years, his old comrades also believed in his position, and he would have taken the initiative to give up his rights and choose to retire in the navy, which blocked the gossip in the navy. If it were someone else, he would have been dealt with by the navy long ago.

It was also because of Dragon that Garp did not force Luffy to join the navy too much, but acquiesced to his own choice. Because he knew that with a father who was a revolutionary leader, Luffy's situation would probably be worrying after joining the navy. It might be better for him to be a pirate and live freely. At least for his sake, those strong men should not do anything excessive. This is also the reason why Garp has been letting Luffy go, worried that he would be too conspicuous and disadvantageous to Luffy.

Drag also knew that he was wrong and made his father bear too much. He knew with his feet that Garp in the navy must have endured too much doubt. However, he has his own ideals and his unfinished career. No matter how much he explains, it is useless, so he chooses to look at the sea and keep silent.

Garp also knows the personality of his son, and knows that no matter how much he says, it is useless, so he will not say anything.

Seeing this, Finn took the initiative to speak and ease the atmosphere, saying: "Grandpa Garp, why did you come to the East China Sea? Did you come to see Luffy? He should be on the island now."

"Brother Finn, long time no see. You are now the famous East China Sea Martial Saint," Garp said with a smile, "The big things you did in the East China Sea have alarmed the upper echelons of the navy."

After hearing this, Finn knew that it seemed that Luffy's strength in the East China Sea was already very conspicuous, and the upper echelons of the navy were alarmed. The four seas are the basic base of the world government, and maintaining the stability of the four seas is the most important thing for the navy. Because of Garp's relationship, it is estimated that Sengoku also chose to turn a blind eye to Garp's face. It seems that Garp came here to warn Luffy.

But Finn will not take the blame for Luffy. He is not a pirate. He still needs to grow up. He smiled and said to Garp: "Old man, you may have misunderstood. I am not a member of the Straw Hat Pirates. I just took a ride on a ship to the Grand Line. This should be innocent."

"Well, brother Finn, don't go the way of pirates, and don't be fooled by this stinky boy. This world is very complicated. Living a stable life is more important than anything else." Garp said to Finn earnestly.

"Old man, it seems that you still remember, yes, I just want to live well, and I won't joke with my life." Finn also responded with a smile.

At this time, Dragon knew that he could no longer win over Finn, so he prepared to leave.


A huge shout came from the shore. It was Luffy and his crew who had just finished their purchases. Seeing Garp, Luffy shouted loudly.

Obviously, Luffy's current strength has not encountered too many setbacks. Although he had a confrontation with Navy Captain Smoker, unfortunately, under Luffy's two-color domineering, Smoker was no match at all and could only watch Luffy leave. This battle also inspired Smoker's fighting spirit and created the famous Smoker Smoker on the sea.

After a while, Luffy and his crew returned to the ship.

"Grandpa, why are you here? Are you here to see me off?" Luffy couldn't think of any other reason for Garp to appear, and asked happily.

When Garp heard this, he was immediately furious. He had taken on such a great pressure, but the brat actually wanted him to see him off. So, heHe swung out a fist and hit Luffy's forehead hard.

The sudden punch made Luffy fall on the splint in an instant, and a big bump appeared on his forehead.

"It hurts, it hurts, grandpa, what's wrong with you, why did you hit me?" Luffy said puzzledly.

"It's refreshing," Garp responded with two words, and then shouted at Dragon, "You little brat, you didn't even say hello to your son when you saw him."

Luffy also reacted and said in surprise: "You are my father, I haven't even met you yet."

"Okay, Luffy, this villain is called Dragon, don't associate with him in the future, it's very dangerous." Garp warned.


Obviously, the friends on the pirate ship were shocked. As the world's most wanted criminal, they must have heard of his name. After all, if there is a celebrity list in the world, Dragon and Garp are probably in the top ten, and their popularity is too high.

"Vice Admiral Garp, please don't scare these passionate young men!" Finn said with a bad taste.

"Hero Garp..."

Everyone on the ship was frightened again. This family is so complicated that they couldn't help but take a breath.

Garp also saw Dragon's embarrassment and said bluntly: "For Luffy's safety, you can leave and contact him less in the future."

Dragon felt relieved and felt deeply sorry for Luffy, but he had no choice but to say apologetically: "Luffy, work hard to pursue your dreams. Sooner or later, we will meet again." After that, he turned into a gust of wind and disappeared without a trace.

After seeing his grandson, facing this heartless guy, Garp knew that nothing he said would help. He knew that this kid would not listen to him at all, and he felt extremely tired. Forget it, let the world be destroyed, so he simply said to Luffy: "Luffy, this is your own choice, life and death are in your own hands, go." After that, he flashed a few times and disappeared without a trace.

Luffy's friends were also very surprised to see the meeting and separation of this family.

"Then let's embark on the Grand Line!" Luffy shouted loudly.

"Yeah..." X3

Seeing this scene, Finn was also amused and said with emotion: "This family is really special and so interesting."

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