At the same time when everyone on Drum Island saw the news report, all the major pirate groups in the Grand Line, including the New World, also received the news. For a moment, the entire sea was covered with dark clouds, and was suddenly shrouded in the haze of war.

"Dad, Dad, something bad has happened!" Marco hurriedly ran to Whitebeard with a newspaper.

Everyone on the Moby Dick was also curious. Marco, who was usually calm and composed, was extremely anxious today. It seemed that something really big had happened. They all came over to find out what had happened.

"Dad, the news reported about Ace's identity. Is he really the son of Gel D. Roger?" Marco eagerly asked Whitebeard for confirmation.

In fact, the information contained in this news is simply shocking. If there is any mistake, it will affect the entire Whitebeard Pirates, and he can't help but pay attention to it.

Whitebeard instantly had a gloomy face and an extremely serious expression, and did not answer Marco's words immediately.

Everyone shuddered when they saw this. Could it be true?

Who leaked Ace's identity? Could it be Teach? He was just seriously injured and his whereabouts were exposed, and such news came out. In addition, he had been on Ace's ship for a long time.

It seems that Teach told the news agency about Ace's identity in order to muddy the waters of the world and let the navy contain us. Only then can he be safe, and we can't care about him.

It seems that he was really injured this time, but he is really a sinister bastard! My good son, Teach.

"That's right, Ace is Roger's son!"

Seeing everyone's solemn expressions, Whitebeard did not continue to hide it. Besides, the news has spread everywhere now, and even if he denies it, it is useless.

"But Ace, is it really important whether he is Roger's son?" Whitebeard shouted to everyone, "Have you forgotten? I am Whitebeard!"

The ship was very lively at this time, and everyone had different expressions and expressed their opinions.

"Dad, you actually hid such a big thing from us."

"Dad was also concerned about Ace's safety. Besides, is it really that important to be the son of someone? We are pirates. When have we ever discussed bloodline?" Marco said bluntly to everyone.

"Yes, we are pirates!"


"What should we do now? Ace is in the Grand Line, in the control area of ​​the Navy. The situation is very dangerous. If we don't take action, it's only a matter of time before we get caught."

Flower Sword Vista pointed out the key to the problem. Obviously, swordsmen are generally calmer.

Everyone reacted at this time. It turned out that this was the most important thing now.

"Yes, do we have to run to the Grand Line to save Ace?"

Everyone was a little hesitant at this time.

"Ace is my son. He ventured to the Grand Line to protect my name. I decided to save him. As for your choice, I don't want to interfere. Pirates are free."

Whitebeard was very determined at this time. He decided to save Ace for both emotional and rational reasons. He did not force the crew, but chose to let them make their own decisions. He knew that pirates were only right if they believed themselves.

"Squard, I know that what Roger did made you hate him, but you have to know that no one can choose their own origin. I hope you can think clearly whether you should pay for your father's hatred." Whitebeard said to the confused Squard.

After listening, Squard fell into hesitation. It was a fact that Roger killed his companions, and his hatred for Roger was deeply rooted in his heart.

He also had a good relationship with Ace, but now he knew that Ace was the son of his enemy. This was a great irony. At this time, he fell into an inner conflict.

After some entanglement, he understood that he had no reason to resent Ace. Ace was born after Roger's death, and had nothing to do with him. Recalling his time with Ace, he also decided to save him.

At the same time, everyone on the ship was united in hatred of the enemy. As expected of the pirates who roamed the sea, they all clamored to march into the Grand Line to rescue Ace.

After all, they are not in crisis now, and it is not a time when everyone is in danger. Even if they fight, they will not necessarily lose. They are the Whitebeard Pirates, with the strongest man in the world, the strongest pirate group in the world, and they dare not go to the Grand Line?

Everyone on the ship is the face of the Whitebeard Pirates, and each of them is extraordinary. None of them is a real weakling, otherwise they would not be able to board this ship. Years of fighting and confronting the navy are commonplace, and there is no panic at all.

Seeing that the military spirit is available, Whitebeard immediately ordered to set off directly and sail toDrum Island on the Grand Line. He also asked Marco to notify the 43 Pirates under his command and let them decide whether to go.

Obviously, this is just a formal notification. No one is stupid enough not to go. They are all people who rely on the Whitebeard Pirates to live a chic life.

If the big ship sinks, what hope is there for a good life in the future? Their fate is closely linked, and they will prosper together.

Moreover, they are all heroes on the sea. If they don’t go, won’t it make people laugh? What is the most important thing on the sea, isn’t it reputation.

. . . . . . .

"It turns out that the captain's bloodline is still there, Ace, it seems that the captain has bet his future on his son, and gave his son the name of the saber. What a high expectation."

On the Red Force, Shanks looked at the latest news newspaper, and his thoughts went back to the days with Roger and Rayleigh a long time ago.

"What are your plans, Captain?" Beckman said to Red Hair casually, as if it was nothing serious, with a calm expression.

"The balance of the world cannot be broken, and this war must be stopped, otherwise the order of the world will collapse." Shanks said seriously.

As a man who dares to bet his arm, he has a big vision and considers the order of the world. No wonder his domineering color is so strong.

"Well, it seems that it is not the right time yet." Beckman said meaningfully, "But it is true that in the current rush, it is really hard to say whether the navy can beat Whitebeard. After all, the situation is urgent and the navy's forces are too dispersed."

"Companions are ready to go, go to the Grand Line and stop this war." Shanks said to everyone.

If it is just to rescue Ace, then Red Hair is likely not to go, after all, he is not Ace's nanny, but if it is to stop a war that affects the balance of the world, Red Hair will decide to go without hesitation.

Because this often only requires military deterrence, and does not require real fighting, Red Hair is very clear about this.

. . . . . .

"So Roger, you really meant what you said, that your son will become the Pirate King and change the world. Your son inherited the name of your sword. Do you want him to inherit your will?"

Rayleigh recalled the last scene with Roger and said lightly.

Then he decided to go to the Grand Line to meet Ace the Fire Fist. What he didn't know was that this scene was happening in different places at the same time.

If Ace was taken to the Navy Headquarters and had to risk his life to break into the dragon's den and tiger's lair, he would not go, but if it was the Grand Line, they could act according to the circumstances, and they were all happy to do it.

Because they were the crew of the Pirate King, they were the blood of their captain, and they didn't provide any help they could, so it can only be said that Roger was wrong at the time.

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