On the coastline of Seymour Village, people are busy doing various tasks. Some are cleaning boats, some are sorting out the caught fish, and some are bargaining with the merchants who buy them. Suddenly, a voice resounded throughout the coast.

"Everyone, look, what is that on the sea, is it a person walking?" The people working on the dock discovered the amazing sight of Finn walking on the sea and shouted in surprise.

"What is it, why are you making a fuss?" A worker asked.

"Well, it's really a person, but how can a person walk on the sea?" Another worker asked curiously.

"Quick, quick, tell Master Koshiro that this person must be a strong man, I wonder if he is a pirate?" An old fisherman hurriedly said.

Shimotsuki Koshiro was able to open such a large-scale dojo, and he was obviously not an incompetent person. Through the graduation of one class after another, his reputation in the local area has been rising, and now he has become the backbone of the local people.

Yes, this is Finn. After a week of sailing, the cruise ship successfully arrived at the nearby island. After asking for the specific route, Finn refused the captain's kindness to send him ashore and chose to walk directly from the sea.

It was this behavior beyond the cognition of ordinary people that caused a huge shock on this busy coastline.

. . . .

"Master Koshiro, Master Koshiro, there is a person walking on the sea, walking towards us." A young crew member shouted breathlessly.

Koshiro, who was demonstrating the sword skills of cutting everything for apprentices in the dojo, heard the news that someone was walking towards this side on the sea. His first reaction was that the person who came here might be a super strong person. After all, there are probably very few people who can walk on the sea.

As the guardian of the village, he immediately decided to go and see him, and at the same time hoped that the person who came was not here to cause trouble.

. . .

When Finn stepped onto the dock, he saw a large group of people surrounding him, but the scene was very quiet. Walking in front was a slender man wearing traditional samurai clothes, glasses, and a sword hanging on his waist. His eyes were deep and full of spirit, revealing a calm and wise atmosphere.

Finn knew in his heart that this should be Koshiro, who was obviously a strong man.

Koshiro was also looking at Finn. He knew at a glance that the flame cloud behind Finn was not a devil fruit ability, but a pure physical skill.

He also knew that it was very difficult to make such a change in the body. Before this, he had never seen anyone with such an ability, so he immediately judged that this person was a super strong man.

After the two sides looked at each other briefly for a while, Finn thought that he was not here to mess up the scene, but to seek the truth and ask friends, so he took the initiative to say: "Is this Seymour Shiki Village?"

"Well, I don't know what this friend is doing?" Koshiro responded immediately.

"I am Jurent D. Finn. I heard that there is a Yixin Dojo here. I heard that the master Shimotsuki Koshiro is an excellent swordsman. I came here to make friends with him. May I know if you are a senior?" Finn said politely. After all, he was here to communicate and ask for advice. He had to be a man of many talents and be well-versed in social etiquette.

"I don't dare to be called a senior. I am Shimotsuki Koshiro." The low-key Koshiro replied. He knew that the person in front of him must be stronger than himself, so he didn't dare to be arrogant.

"Oh, that's a coincidence. I wonder if you can take me to the dojo for a tour and ask you some questions." Finn said straightforwardly.

Koshiro knew that Finn just wanted to communicate and had no ill intentions, so he was relieved. Out of respect for the strong, he decided to entertain Finn in person.

. . .

When they arrived at the dojo, a group of students saw Finn next to Koshiro and were attracted by Finn's image. After all, the topless, 4-meter-tall little giant was covered in muscle, and the rookies felt the pressure of the surging power.

The dark red flame cloud behind Finn made him look more sacred, and he was also the focus of discussion. He was really unique and could not help but attract attention. Obviously, the strong are so dazzling wherever they go.

Koshiro briefly introduced and took Finn to the backyard of the gym.

Under the maple tree, the water was boiling on the stone table, and Finn and Koshiro sat opposite each other. Koshiro refilled tea for both parties.

As a blind swordsman, Finn did not come here to learn swordsmanship, but to understand the principles of swordsmanship and see if he could apply it to other situations.

He also knew that Koshiro would not refuse his request as long as he was not stupid. Whether to make friends with a super strong man and gain the friendship of the strong, or to refuse the visitor and offend the strong, as long as he was not a fool, he wouldUnderstand how to do it.

Since Finn did not have systematic knowledge of swordsmanship, he asked how Koshiro taught his apprentices. He did not ask why he could do this or that right away, because Koshiro probably did not know.

Finn knew that there were no martial arts secrets in this era. Many things were passed down by word of mouth, and many were based on experience formed after many generations of improvement and perfection.

They only knew that it was right to practice like this, and the definition of strong people in each level was also to reach a specific level. For example, those who could cut iron were sword masters, and those who could use flying slashes were great sword masters.

Koshiro also talked about the learning process of students, which usually involves accumulating strength first and then training sword moves.

And Koshiro also demonstrated basic swordsmanship moves for Finn, including:

Sword thrust: thrusting forward, with the force reaching the tip of the sword.

Sword splitting: splitting from top to bottom, with the force reaching the sword body.

Sword-lifting: from bottom to top is called lifting, and the force reaches the front of the sword.

Sword-hanging: the tip of the sword moves from front to top, back or down, back is called hanging, and the force reaches the front of the sword.

Sword-pointing: lifting the wrist to make the tip of the sword move forward and downward is called pointing, and the force reaches the tip of the sword.

Sword-breaking: sinking the wrist to make the tip of the sword move forward and upward is called breaking, and the force reaches the front end and tip of the sword.

Sword-cutting: the sword moves diagonally upward or diagonally downward is called cutting, and the force reaches the front of the sword.

And told Finn that only when these movements are practiced proficiently and can be integrated, will real combat exercises be carried out. If you can persevere in training, most people have the talent to become swordsmen, of course, the strength varies from person to person.

Of course, for those with outstanding talents, he will accept them as his personal disciples, and will teach them according to their aptitude and focus on training. However, there are very few people who can meet Koshiro's standards, and there are only 3 so far.

Finn also asked about the key stages in the growth of swordsmen, such as how to achieve the ability to cut iron, how to perform the flying slash, and the term "breathing of all things" which is more general.

Not surprisingly, Koshiro also found it difficult to explain all this, because this was a skill passed down from generation to generation, not invented by him. He only knew that doing so would have such an effect, and he could only demonstrate it through demonstration, and then showed Finn the iron-cutting and flying slashing.

At this time, Finn's mind kept replaying the movements demonstrated by Koshiro, and soon Finn fell into deep thought.

Not long after, Finn gradually returned to normal. For these two skills, he thought of the two realms commonly seen in fantasy novels - lifting heavy as if it were light and lifting light as if it were heavy.

After repeated replays and careful feelings in his mind, he firmly believed that the key to iron-cutting and flying slashing lies in the realm of lifting heavy as if it were light and lifting light as if it were heavy in terms of strength.

The skill of iron-cutting requires lifting heavy as if it were light, concentrating the whole body's strength on one point, and focusing on the point of breaking the enemy. The principle of flying slash is to lift light as if it were heavy, slash the air with powerful force, compress the air, and transmit power.

This may sound simple, but it is extremely difficult to master the mystery, and it can only be understood by heart, which is difficult to express in words. No wonder in the original work, a genius like Zoro only realized the iron-cutting when he was on the verge of life and death.

This exchange gave Finn a great inspiration. He always knew that he had shortcomings in long-range strikes, but he never knew what method to take. After combining the principles of slashing, Finn had some vague ideas and tried to develop a new move.

Of course, Koshiro also asked Finn about his doubts, especially about the flame cloud on Finn. Finn did not hide anything and described in detail the process, principle and function of the flow of immortals he developed.

After listening, Koshiro was completely stunned. These simple-sounding terms, such as controlling blood flow, regulating the influx of qi, and the domineering aura of exposing and entanglement, each of them is a high-level field that requires super physical masters to get involved in.

Finn stayed in Koshiro's dojo for a whole week. During this period, Finn constantly practiced the two techniques of cutting iron and flying slash. Obviously, with Finn's strong physical fitness and outstanding qualifications, he quickly mastered these two skills.

However, this does not mean that Finn has become a great swordsman. A great swordsman needs to reach perfection in all aspects of swordsmanship, including various sword moves and sword skills. Only in this way can he be a real great swordsman.

Koshiro was surprised by Finn's amazing physical strength. Every time Finn showed his skills, he showed them all without reservation, which made Koshiro gradually let down his guard. Especially when he learned that Finn was only 18 years old and had learned it by himself, he was even more shocked and soon became friends with Finn.

However, Finn vaguely felt that he could develop a new move suitable for himself. Therefore, he said goodbye to Koshiro and chose to practice alone in the nearby mountains. Although Isshin Dojo is also an option, Finn is still a little embarrassed to eat and drink for free for a long time. After all, he is not so thick-skinned.

. . .

Time passed quickly, and nearly a year passed. Finn finally succeeded in ingeniously integrating the principle of slashing into his own moves and created a unique long-range attack form. Yes, it is indeed a form. Finn named it "Shenwushen·Second Style·Gun God".

This name is not obtained by chance, because in this form, Finn can gather the air that forms the flame cloud to his right arm, and through the entanglement of the armed color, make the whole arm like a gun barrel.

"Gun God" showed three unique attack methods:

First, imitated the finger gun technique of the Navy Six Styles, released the armed color, and the fingers were like machine guns. To pay tribute to the finger gun, Finn directly named it-"Finger Gun".

Secondly, by gathering strength through the fingers, the arm suddenly thrusts out like a spear, creating a slashing effect, with more concentrated strength and power, named by Finn - "Air Stab".

Finally, Finn can also launch an attack through his fist, making the attack spread in the air like sound waves, just like a cannon, forming a wide coverage strike, named - "Cannon Fist".

At this time, the control of his own strength has reached a new height, and the combat power has also made a breakthrough.

Character: Jurent D. Finn

Age: 19 years old

Qualification: Lv5 Proud of the Past and the Present (1000000)

Transformation Energy: 73000

Skills: Life Return, Observation Haki, Armament Haki, Divine Body·Ryusen, Divine Body·Gun God

Combat Power: General Level

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