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"The priest Shura... was killed?"

"A little girl from Qinghai who has the power of a devil fruit? She defeated the priest with just one strike... just one strike!"

"It turns out that what Aisha said was true... a group of scary Qinghai people came to Arpaiado!"

"What to do? Just watch now?"

"Let's wait and see, maybe... maybe they can really get rid of all the priests in one go!"

The Shandia warriors looked at each other, and everyone was stunned. No one dared to take action at this time.

If one was not careful, it would be very likely that the little devil would attack him, and then it would not just be the three priests who would be in trouble!


Feeling the approach of the little devil, the white dog under Ohm showed its sharp claws.

The three little devils acted at the same time, each of them keeping a distance from each other.

In addition to the opponent in front of them, the priests had no time to pay attention to the strange battles of others.

"I never like to talk nonsense!"

"Even if you are a child, today you can only become a remnant soul under my sword."


Ohm looked at Qiqi threateningly, and the sword in his hand had already been unsheathed. Qiqi

's attention was not on Ohm at all, but she took a small circle and her eyes fell on the metal ring on the white dog's neck.



The white-haired dog seemed to be ignited with anger. Seeing the smug smile on Qiqi's face, he couldn't help but run forward.

Ohm held up his sunglasses, with his long sword in front of him, ready to kill with one blow.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk!"

Facing the white-haired dog that was dozens of times bigger than herself, Qiqi was not panicked or frightened. Instead, she smiled even more and slowly raised her little hand.


A strange sound exploded in the white-haired dog's mind, and the white-haired dog suddenly stopped moving five meters in front of Qiqi.



The metal collar on the white dog's neck seemed to weigh a thousand pounds. The force of its fall caused it to fall to the ground with its head thrown off, and it kept rubbing forward.

"Ugh! What happened?"

"Holy dog!"

Ohm lost his balance on the dog and flew into the air.

When he saw the holy dog he had worked so hard to cultivate fall, Ohm's eyes swept over Qiqi angrily.

"Ugh... why do you look so fierce? The playful but timid Qiqi. After being glared at fiercely by Ohm, she ignored the battle scene and burst into tears.

"Crying, crying?"

"What a joke!"

Omu, who was about to kill, paused as he was about to strike.

"Ugh...the bald uncle is so scary……"

"Go away... Go away……"

Qiqi's two little hands were placed in front of her at the same time, and the strong magnetic force attached to Ohm's sword.


"What's going on with this strange power!"

"Stop! Stop now!"

Ohm, holding the sword tightly, followed the changes in the magnetic field and flew in the air like a human-shaped kite.


The alternating up and down movements of the head and feet soon made Ohm dizzy and he had to let go of his hands and fell heavily to the ground.

"Damn kid... took control of my weapon……"

"Even without weapons……"



Ohm thought that everything would be fine if he let go, but he didn't expect that the long sword carrying the shellfish was even faster than before, and rushed towards Ohm.

Ohm, a dignified air livestock farmer, was like his white-haired dog at this moment, jumping up and down on the ground to avoid the attack of his weapon.

""Woo...tsk, tsk, tsk!"

Qiqi, with tears in her eyes, smiled again when she saw Ohm avoiding her in despair.



"Purple leather jacket, spider hair style!"

Tiantian clenched her fists, her big eyes flickering as she looked at the priest Gedaz.

Gedaz was also a stubborn guy, and after seeing Tiantian's expression, he shook his leather jacket to look cool, stood there coldly, and did not rush to attack.

"Oh, uh... it's a pity that she's too ugly.

Tiantian's next words stunned Gaidas.

"You are such an annoying brat! Let me show you the coolest multiplier punch a man can use!"


Gedaz clenched his fists in front of him and looked at Tiantian with anger on his face.

"Hehehe... Multiplier Punch? What is that?"

"It sounds funny... Is it funnier than your hairstyle?"

Tiantian jumped and swung her arms, ready to take the attack.


The sound of an explosion came from the soles of Gedaz's feet.

Tiantian looked up and shouted,"It's flying! What a great pair of shoes!"

It's not just the shoes that are great, but the wind-spraying shells installed on the soles of the feet. If the compressed wind energy is used properly, it can not only cause a small range of wind slashes, but also move in the air.

Tiantian, who was busy watching the fun, let Gedaz fly from the air to her.


Another gust of wind blasted out from Gadaz's elbow, making the starting speed of his punch several times faster!

……_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection,

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