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In the Jinyi Pirates, the daughters never felt alienated from each other.

With the increasing number of daughters, the pirate group will only grow faster into a terrifying force.

Now, not to mention that any of the Seven Warlords of the Sea on the Grand Line cannot be hostile to Jinyi, even if it is placed in the New World, this force is an extremely powerful existence.

"Ho hoo, hold on to my arms, I'm here to take you up the roller coaster"




Huahua stood right under the roller coaster, with her hands crossed in front of her, her arms rising from the ground continuously,

"Sister Tiantian is here!"

"Sister Kiki is here!"

"Yanyan flew up by herself!"

""Sasha can fly too!"

Several little ones climbed up the rock along the arm in a cooperative manner, chasing the roller coaster that was moving rapidly.

The passers-by who were watching the excitement in the innermost layer also widened their eyes. It was probably the first time for them to see a roller coaster being played like this since they were young.

"As expected, they are all Devil Fruit users, just like the rumors say."

"And it seems that I have seen a lot of these little ghosts' abilities."

Aokiji, who was standing behind the crowd, jumped onto the mast connected to the circuit and observed the little girls playing inside.

Before seeing the little ghosts, the navy had already made a rough guess.

Aokiji knew at a glance that the source of these little ghosts' abilities was definitely not simple.

"It seems that if we want to find Jin Yi, it will be faster if we rely on them to lead the way."

While thinking, Aokiji flew and turned into ice again, flying towards the playground.

As a general, Aokiji did not take the child-like ability users seriously, and regarded them as the most ordinary ones. What he did not know was that his action directly pushed himself into the most dangerous abyss.



"whispering sound?"






The moment Aokiji entered the playground, the eight children felt the aura of the ability user at the same time, and they all focused their attention on the wide open space at the edge of the playground.

"Your perception is pretty good, guys."


The ice piled up in a rustling manner. The adult Aokiji quickly revealed his true form in front of the little girls.

"The natural ability user has a very unusual aura."

Tiantian is at the front of the sisters, saying to Aokiji.

Now in the group of little girls, Tiantian has firmly established herself as the eldest sister. On the one hand, it is a matter of age, and on the other hand, it is Tiantian's terrifying ability after enlightenment.

The devil fruit ability is just the icing on the cake. Tiantian's most terrifying thing is her physical combat ability.

Every time a devil fruit ability user appears around them, the little girls have only one task... to defeat the opponent!

Not only Tiantian who spoke, but the other little ones around them all felt the unfathomable depth of the newcomer.

The little girls' faces were full of excitement for the battle. Facing the admiral of the navy, the only ability users who can still smile are probably the few little ones in front of them.

"They are some scary looking little ghosts, but this time the mission is not to capture any of you."

"Where is your father now? I'm here to find him."

Aokiji is not good at dealing with children, so he directly stated his intentions.

It would have been better if he hadn't said it, but saying it so directly made him feel like he was looking for trouble.


"Swish swish swish……"

Tiantian waved her little hands, and the eight little ones stood in a row.

"It's true that I can't talk to children properly. I say, little ones, I'm not here to cause trouble.……"

"Let's take this guy down together!"




Before Aokiji could finish his words, the little girl rushed towards him swiftly. Just by looking at the fighting momentum, you could tell how scary she was!


In the office of the mayor of Qishui City,

Bingshan held a thick stack of documents in his hand and carefully checked Jin Yi's signature.

"These have been signed. Jin Yi, from now on you will be the major shareholder of Carrera Company."

"What you promised before……"

As Bingshan spoke, he looked up and watched Jin Yi's reaction.

You know, if the world government keeps watching him, Bingshan will be restricted in many things.

"Don't worry, I will solve it myself soon."

Jin Yi promised to help him solve the problem, and he took so much cash and shares, so he would not break his promise.

"The work is done, let's quickly bring those little brats back."

"You're right. If we keep indulging them in fooling around outside, sooner or later there will be a big mess."

Weiwei and Robin followed Jin Yi, put away the contract that belonged to him, and looked at him unhappily and said

"Don't worry, the mothers who are more anxious than you two are already on their way to catch the little ghost."

Jin Yi waved his hand casually and said


【The system automatically warns of high-risk events!】

【Eight daughters encountered a SS-level strongman!】

【Target person: Admiral Aokiji of the sea!】

【Target fruit ability: Natural Ice Fruit! 】

Just as I finished speaking, the system directly sent me shocking news!

"Let's go, if the other mothers go, Robin and I will go too."

"That's right... Jin Yi? Why are you still standing there?"

Wei Wei and Robin stood up and looked at Jin Yi's reaction, asking suspiciously.

Jin Yi opened the devil fruit map and determined the range of the people with special abilities that appeared in the Seven Water Capital.

Without knowing the decision made by the high-ranking navy officers, Jin Yi naturally didn't know the purpose of Aokiji's visit.

"It seems that we can't let you go alone, because this time a troublesome guy has come."

Jin Yi murmured.

Bingshan also stood up from his seat, looked at Jin Yi and said:"Have you encountered any trouble? Do you need my help to coordinate?"

"Who is it?"

"Have you met your daughters yet?"

The two wives are much smarter than Bingshan. They can make Jin Yi use the word"troublesome" to describe them. They are definitely not people who can be solved by coordination!

Jin Yi turned his wrist and glanced at Bingshan:"Captain Bingshan, if possible, please let the residents near the amusement park stay away... The one coming this time is a navy admiral!"

……_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection,

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