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Traveling through the foggy Magic Triangle, damaged ships can be seen everywhere in the dark sea.

There are hidden reefs everywhere in the sea, and one can lose one's life if one is not careful.

Because of the fog, even in the daytime, the sun cannot shine in, forming an independent shadow area.

For Moria, who has the power of the Shadow Fruit, this place is like a nest tailor-made for him, and there is nothing to complain about.

"Sister Tiantian, she’s right in front of us, look!"

"Oh my! What a big island, is this the destination my dad mentioned?"


"Even though the smell is very faint, it should be the smell of a devil fruit user!"

"Myss, myss, myss... I smelled it too!"

"It seems that what is in front of me is not an island, but more like a big ship!"


After the little girls' speedboat avoided obstacles again and again, they finally saw a place that looked like a small island in the direction that Jin Yi pointed. A terrifying three-masted sailing ship!

Because the ship was too huge, it looked like a small mountain from a few miles away in the thick fog.

When the little girls' speedboat slowed down and approached slowly, they discovered the true appearance of the three-masted sailing ship!

In terms of scale, the three-masted sailing ship was larger than the ship of Jin Yi's pirate group. There were countless destroyed pirate ships and commercial ships around, and many skeletons could be vaguely seen nearby.


"What a scary place! Sisters, please protect me!"

Timid Qiqi hid behind the little ones. She was the most timid one, and when she saw such a scene, she immediately lost the mood to play.


"Don't be afraid, sister Qiqi, sister Luoluo will protect you."

Luluo turned around and hugged Qiqi in a big bear hug. She rubbed her sleepy eyes and was obviously not impressed by the environment in front of her.


"So many sounds……"

"And they are all very strange!"

Huahua touched the wreath on her head, and sorted out the flashing images in her mind with a suspicious look.

Because of the influence of the special magnetic field in the triangle area, Huahua's network of sight, hearing, and color was very chaotic. She could only vaguely see part of the picture and hear some messy sounds.

However, the sounds she heard were all strange sounds like"vomit" and"coo", which seemed to be made by creatures, but not like normal humans.


"Hee hee hee……"

"It looks so interesting!"

Tiantian stepped on the railing of the speedboat with her little feet, and looked at the glowing gate of the three-masted sailboat with an eager expression.

Among the brave little girls, Tianran was the fearless one, as if she was born without knowing what fear was.

She clapped her little hands in front of her, quite like a leading lady.

"Don't be afraid, sisters, just follow me."

"Sister will take you to play.

Every time she gives a sweet command, the little girls' emotions will be mobilized.

"Swish swish swish……"

As Tiantian's figure flashed, the little girls quickly followed and rushed directly to the gate.

Since Huahua's mind network ability was temporarily unavailable, they could only rely on the natural induction of the little ones to the devil fruit ability users to find the target's location.

"on the left!"

"That’s not right. It seems like both of them are on the right?"

"Why do I feel like there is one on each side?"

"There are so many answers, so many smells in the air"

"That's right, and I always feel like something is buzzing."

""Oh, it's so troublesome to find someone."

The strange environment made it difficult for the little girls to make a decision. They were suspicious and judged the location.


Qiqi stood at the back of the little girls, leaning timidly on Luo Luo's shoulder.

Just as the little girls were discussing enthusiastically, they heard footsteps behind them.


Qiqi scratched her head and turned around.

A penguin-like animal with black and white fur walked up to Qiqi with a dull look.

Looking down, it was indeed a penguin, and the way it moved over was also imitating the movements of a penguin.

But when Qiqi's eyes gradually moved up and saw the face of the penguin-like creature that was the same height as her, Qiqi's emotions collapsed immediately!

On the body of the well-behaved penguin, a big dog face was sewn with needle and thread, and the teeth in the mouth were so sharp that they were directly exposed.

Such a ferocious animal zombie was suddenly placed in front of her, how could the timid Qiqi accept it?


Seeing Qiqi's eyes gradually covered with mist, the dog penguin instantly opened his mouth and rushed towards Qiqi.


"What a weird dog!"

""Bang... Boom!"

Qiqi suddenly cried out, and punched forward with all her might.

The strange force was so strong that the dog penguin's body, which was already sewn together, suddenly deformed and flew far behind like a bomb.

After sliding for more than ten meters, it sank heavily into the dilapidated wreck.

"Sister Kiki!"

""Sister Qiqi!"

The seven little ones reacted later and surrounded Qiqi in a circle.

But this could not stop the frightened Qiqi!

"Woo woo woo……"

"Woo woo woo……"

"Stinky dog, so scary……"

"Don't let it go easily!"

"Buzz buzz buzz!"

With her emotions out of control, Xiao Qiqi held her shoulder with one hand and swung her other arm in circles.

The strange magnetic energy wave spread rapidly from the door of the three-masted sailboat.





Immediately afterwards, a series of animal zombies with low intelligence rushed out from inside and outside the gate, rushing towards the little ones from all directions.

"Wow, so many weird-looking little animals came out!"

"No wonder Kiki was scared. It's scary to see so many ugly monsters running out."

"Wow, these don't seem to be living things. I can't feel any living things at all."

"Gupu, Sister Huahua is right. I feel like a dead animal too."

""Whatever it is, it seems that they came out at the most unlucky time."

The sisters gathered together and did not rush to attack.

Qiqi's magnetic force soon showed its terrifying side in every corner of the three-masted sailboat!

……_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection,

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