
"Boom... Bang!"

A childish sneeze came from the dilapidated house, accompanied by a turbulent wind wave that made the doors and windows rustle.

"What's going on? What a terrible feeling!"

"Did I hear it wrong just now? Why did it sound like a child’s voice?"

"You heard it right, it sounded like that to me too!"

The navy soldiers held their weapons nervously and looked towards the house in panic.

""Be careful! Cheer up!"

The flying squirrel's hair stood on end, and it instinctively reminded the navy soldiers surrounding the door.

While carrying out missions at the headquarters, the flying squirrel had encountered all kinds of difficult enemies, but nothing was more frightening than the one in front of him.

Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, a small figure slowly walked out of the falling dust...

Whether it was the navy soldiers, the onlookers, or even the battle-hardened flying squirrel, everyone held their breath!

"little girl!"

"Little girl?"

"Why is there a little girl here?"

"Could it be the daughter born by Colonel Tina?"

"It's already this big when it was born! What's going on?"


The little girl, whose height was only one-third of the door frame, showed up and immediately caused a sensation.

Tina's slim navy T-shirt was worn by the little girl as a floor-length skirt.

The waist and shoulders were surrounded by tight iron rings, which made the originally ill-fitting T-shirt look different. Her pink hair was exactly the same as Tina's, but her eyebrows were more beautiful, even better than her mother's.

The little girl wiped her snot with a rag in her hand and glanced at the crowd.

"There are so many people, Luo Luo is feeling annoyed."

The little girl who calls herself Luo Luo looks listless, as if she will fall asleep at any moment.

The flying squirrel walked in front of the navy team and repeatedly confirmed Luo Luo's threat.

From the first impression, Luo Luo doesn't look like a strong person except that he is dressed a little weird.

"Could it be that there was someone else who just took action?"

"Is this really just the daughter born by Tina?"

The flying squirrel pondered suspiciously.

Even if the facts were as he guessed, it was indeed strange to have a daughter this big when she was born.

"Capture this kid for now."

The flying squirrel waved his hand and said to his men.

"Yes, Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel!"

After receiving the order, the two soldiers standing at the front temporarily put away their guns and walked towards Luo Luo.

"Why arrest Lolo?"

"You must be bad people."



Just as the approaching soldiers were caught off guard, a strange scene occurred!

Luo Luo raised her little hand gently, and the iron fence swam like a snake, circling in front of the navy soldiers in the blink of an eye.

"What is this!"

"Hey, hey, hey, put me down!"

The two navy soldiers were locked by iron bars and fell into the air.



"Uh ah!"


Luo Luo swung his arm, and the two soldiers were hit hard on the ground with their heads facing the ground.


"Everyone be careful, this girl is weird again!"

"A devil fruit user?"

"You have the power of a devil fruit when you are born?"

The navy soldiers outside raised their guns again and aimed at the direction where Luo Luo was.

"Oh, is it that Luo Luo's attack was too gentle? Why didn't he scare them?"

Luo Luo narrowed his eyes and scratched his head, with a puzzled expression.

Perhaps these young navy soldiers couldn't see anything, and could only guess whether Luo Luo's special ability came from the devil fruit.

The flying squirrel who had dealt with Tina at the headquarters was indescribably shocked at this time!

"The fruit of Kankankan!"

"This little girl is using the power of the Kankan Fruit!"

"Devil Fruit users... can they pass their abilities on to the next generation?"

Such an astonishing discovery made the flying squirrel very emotional for a long time.

If the information was transmitted back to the headquarters, the researchers of the Navy Science Department would have to break the current theory and start a new study!

Flying squirrel has seen people with abilities have offspring in his many years on the job. Did the child have the same abilities as the mother? Did Tina know the secret?

With this thought in mind, the flying squirrel looked at the dilapidated house behind Lolo.


A sparkle flashed in Luo Luo's pupils, and the stern light flashed across the flying squirrel's sight.

"This brat!"

The flying squirrel was startled and subconsciously avoided the scrutiny and put his hand on the sword beside him.

After only a moment of contact, Luo Luo gave him a great sense of mental pressure.

""Cover the threshold!"

Luo Luo crossed her hands in front of her and swung them out. In full view of everyone, the restless iron threshold flew out from her hands and behind her.

The dilapidated house behind her was surrounded and penetrated by the iron threshold. The shabby house seemed to have been quickly renovated and reinforced. Soon, the iron threshold formed a refined defense!

"Mom is very tired, you are not allowed to disturb her, otherwise Luo Luo... will be angry."

Luo Luo's lazy and lifeless face, after feeling the hostility of the flying squirrel towards Tina in the house, although his expression did not change, his aura was completely different!

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