




The moment they were enveloped by the domineering aura, the rebel soldiers' eyes turned white and they fell to the ground one after another.

Without moving an inch, three thousand people were killed in a second!

Such an incredible but shocking scene made Cobra and the guards on the city wall dumbfounded.

When thousands of rebel soldiers fell, the remaining rebel soldiers stationed on the side could not come to support them in time.

And judging from the current situation, even if they could, no one would have the courage to come over.


After the rebels fell, Kalu and Bell ran to the front without any obstacles.

At the gate of the palace on the opposite side, Ikalem had received the news in advance.

When Ikalem was about to lead people to rush over to rescue Weiwei, he personally felt the powerful spiritual aura in the distance and witnessed the scene of killing 3,000 people in a second.

"Thousands of people...fell!"

"Who on earth is that man? He killed thousands of rebels as soon as he showed up!"

"Uh... this strength is too terrifying!"

"Captain Ikalem! Vice Captain Bell and Princess Vivi are coming!"

The guards were shocked and reminded Ikalem to pay attention to the people coming.

Ikalem's pupils flickered, and he looked at Princess Vivi and Bell excitedly, then turned his attention to Jin Yi in the distance.

"I had only heard about it before, but I never expected to see it with my own eyes.……"

"The fate is innate... You can intimidate and subdue your opponents without any action!"

"One in a million king qualifications... Domineering Haki!"

Ikarem tightly grasped his wrist, trying to stop Chan's shaking.

Primary Domineering Haki is uncontrollable and will be activated with the outburst of emotions; intermediate Domineering Haki is enough to be controlled by will. For ordinary soldiers who have not practiced spiritually, being killed instantly is the most basic phenomenon.

The top Domineering Haki is enough to cause damage to external objects, use pressure to attack, and even directly wipe out the opponent. The continuous growth, birth, and battle of his daughter have made Jin Yi's three-color Haki far beyond the intermediate level.

Although there is still a long way to go to the top, there is almost no opponent in the vast sea area of the Grand Line.



Every time Jin Yi took a step forward, cracks half a meter wide appeared on the thick sand, and the momentum was particularly shocking.

Under Jin Yi's deliberate control, while 3,000 people were stunned, only the leader Kou Sha was left, making him clearly feel the terrible events happening before his eyes.


"Who…who…are you?"

"How could it become... like this?"

Kosa knelt on the ground with a thud, looking at his companions lying on the ground around him in disbelief.

Jin Yi walked up to Kosa, grabbed his collar, and effortlessly pulled him to the level of his eyes.

The leader of Kosa, who was always calm and composed and commanded the army, was now in Jin Yi's hands, as if his skeleton had been shaved off, and his weak and trembling body was like a shaving.

"Take your people with you, and get out of here as far as you can"

"Next time... Kill without mercy!"

Jin Yi said in a deep voice, and every word seemed to increase the sense of oppression in Kosa's ears.

Kosa opened his mouth with his teeth chattering. In front of Jin Yi, he couldn't even say a word in response, as if he would be killed in the next moment.

After saying that, Jin Yi threw Kosa aside with a flick of his hand, and took a few steps forward to catch up with Kalu Duck's footsteps.


"Your Highness Weiwei! You are finally back safely, how do you feel now?"

Ikalem leaned down anxiously, concerned about Weiwei's situation.

Weiwei opened her eyes and saw the bandage on Ikalem's forehead, with a layer of mist in her eyes:"Ikalem... That's great... That's great!"

When Ikalem decided to lead the agents away alone, Weiwei was very worried about his safety.

When she saw that he was safe and sound when she returned to the palace, Weiwei felt relieved.

"The gentleman who just made the move... ahem... well... well... what should I call the gentleman who just made the move?"

Ikalem's old problem came back again.

At this critical juncture, Jin Yi had no patience. He took Vivi from Kalu Duck and held her in his arms, saying,"Stop calling us mom and dad, and get out of the way. Your princess is really going to be a mother!"

"Get out of the way!"

"Get out of the way!"

Before Jin Yi could disperse the guards, someone in the back had already shouted loudly.

At the same time, the palace gate slowly opened, and King Cobra didn't care about his safety and walked quickly through the crowd.


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