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"Daughter you……"

"" Swoosh!"

Jin Yi hadn't finished his words of comfort and reminder when a series of whistling sounds came from the sky above his head.

The huge and bulky mechanical arm in the air was as nimble as a child's arm, but it slapped several people in an instant.

Such a powerful slap was almost as powerful as Jin Yi's punch!

""All of you, get down!"

Jin Yi didn't have time to think about it. He squatted down and shouted at Gaga and the members of the guards.

Crocodile didn't seem too panicked. He raised his head and his body had already turned into sand.

"Little brat, no matter what weird fruit ability you have, it's useless"

"The horror of the natural system, you are...Puuuuuu!"

Crocodile's inflated roar had not yet been finished, and his sand-like figure was easily captured as a physical entity, and was slapped ferociously into the distance. The mere Armament Haki, Kiki already had it naturally when she was born.

Even the birth reward of the third daughter directly raised Jin Yi's Armament Haki to the super top level, which was enough to show that Kiki's Armament Haki would not be weaker.

Jin Yi did not need to look up, just by looking at the system map, he could see a marked point that was rapidly retreating into the distance.

From a distance of several meters, it landed fifty kilometers away in the blink of an eye!

Crocodile had taken the initiative to deliver himself to the door, and Jin Yi wanted to take advantage of the situation to defeat him,���He easily accepted the natural sand-sand fruit.

However, Qiqi's slap delayed the battle for an unknown amount of time.

"Daughter you……"

Jin Yi slowly stood up from the ground, and for a moment he was so embarrassed that he didn't know what to say.

"whispering sound……"

Qiqi let out a long sigh, wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, and said in a silly and cute way:"Dad, am I good enough?"

Anyway, with Crocodile's temperament, he would not back down and dare not come over just because of a punch, and he would not be slapped to death.


"Next, let's deal with the few small fry on the field."

Jin Yi praised and stroked Kiki's head twice, then turned his attention to the battlefield.

In addition to Crocodile, there are several other high-level agents on the field, all of whom are Devil Fruit users!

"Dad, what should we do with this strange big dog?"

As she spoke, Qiqi spread her hands and the giant mechanical arm approached her side.


With a sound of metal collision, the dog gun Lasu was folded into a ring, and fell into Qiqi's arms with its head and tail connected.



The dog gun Rasu made a very weak sound. It was just a weapon, but after eating the dog-dog fruit, it also had the power of a living being. This new technology that allows inanimate objects to eat devil fruits is unique to this route.

"After all, it is a fruit."


Jin Yi took the dog gun Lasu and pinched its head with a little force.

Under the rotation of the energy of nothingness, Lasu's pupils continued to circle, and soon lost consciousness.

The sausage dog's body shape also gradually returned to the shape of a long gun in the fluctuation of energy.

Soon, a khaki devil fruit fell into Jin Yi's hand.


【Congratulations to the host for successfully obtaining the Animal-type Dog-Dog Fruit (Dachshund form)!】

【Get 1000 experience points as reward!】

【The host can choose to sow the fruit worldwide, or recycle and store it systematically.】

【Tips: The experience value of the Mengquan host is 75,000 points, of which 50,000 points are the reward for"Meeting the Three Daughters"】

"There are so many fruits this time, keep them for me first, and then plant them slowly!"

Jin Yixin said, and put the devil fruit into the system warehouse.

"Huh? Disappeared?"

"How did Dad do that?"

Qiqi curiously pulled Jin Yi's hands and looked around for the devil fruit.

"Haha, do you want to know?"


Qiqi nodded vigorously.

"If you want to know, go get rid of the three troublesome guys with your dad first, and I will tell you."

Jin Yi poked Qiqi on the nose.

After hearing Jin Yi's words, Qiqi quickly ran to the edge of the building and looked at the square in a posture that almost fell down.

"The one on the left holding a long sword……"

"Downstairs wearing sunglasses……"

"Bald at the back……"

"And a large feathered bird……"

"Huh? Dad, aren't there four of them?"


Qiqi counted on her little fingers and repeated the names she had just listed.

"Qiqi, you can actually... find them all?"

With the system map built into the devil fruit, it is understandable that Jin Yi easily grasped the other party's location.

If you rely solely on mental perception, it is really not an easy task to accurately find a few people in a scene of tens of thousands of people.


"Because they all have a special aura."

"Qiqi didn't know what was going on... Dad, is it three or four?"

Qiqi was still troubled by the number Jin Yi said.

The daughter transformed by the devil fruit has all kinds of amazing abilities.

Perhaps because the original body is a devil fruit, it has a natural perception of other devil fruit ability users.

"Let the big bird go, beat up the other three"

""Okay, Dad! Wait for me!"

Jin Yi was ready to jump, but Qiqi waved her hands in the air, one beat faster than him.

"Magnetic train!"


The mechanical metal behind her jumped up with Qiqi's little feet, and rushed down to the square like a series of bombs in the air.

Qiqi herself landed on a skateboard-like metal block, like an elf in the air, and first aimed at Kosa on the left side of the crowd!

"Your Highness the Little Princess!"

"Prince Consort Jin Yi, isn't it too dangerous to let the little princess go alone?"

Jia Ka held onto the balcony and shouted anxiously.

Jin Yi's jumping action slowed down, and he shook his head helplessly and said,"It seems that I don't need to do anything... Don't worry, even if the tens of thousands of people below are dead, Qiqi can't be hurt. This crybaby girl is simply terrible!"

……_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Faloo

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