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""Weiwei, have you really decided?"

Cobra gathered at the port with a group of guards and followers.

Weiwei patted Kalu Duck on the head and asked it to return to Cobra. Then she raised her head and said,"Father, don't persuade me. Don't you understand me?"

Cobra recalled every detail of Weiwei's growth in his mind. For a moment, he couldn't describe his feelings.

"Bring the things up here!"

Cobra gave an order with red eyes, and the guards behind him hurriedly lifted three boxes and placed them in front of Weiwei.

"Hmm? Food and Bailey have already brought enough, what is this, father?"

Weiwei looked at Cobra in confusion.

Not far away, Qiqi was hanging on Jin Yi's back. Seeing Cobra's red eyes, she said in confusion:"Is grandpa crying? Didn't they say that adults don't cry... Grandpa is like a child," while saying this, Qiqi struggled to run over, but was grabbed by Jin Yi and put on his shoulder again.

"Qiqi, you can't go over here at this time."

"Adults don't want others to see their childish side."

Jin Yi said to his daughter Qiqi in a deep voice.

As the little daughter who had just been born, Qiqi nodded as if she understood, and continued to stay quietly beside Jin Yi.

Cobra didn't let Weiwei open the box on the spot, but put it together with the stack of boxes at the port, and personally ordered someone to deliver it to the ship prepared for Jin Yi.

Seeing that they were about to start moving things, Jin Yi came up to them holding Qiqi and quickly stopped them, saying:"Father-in-law, we appreciate your kindness, but there is no need to send the ship. We have our own ship."

"Have a boat?"

"There is a boat?"

Cobra and Weiwei were both stunned by what they heard.

""Oh? Dad, is our ship a big one?"

Qiqi also blinked her big eyes and looked at Jin Yi expectantly.

In the previous system rewards, in addition to the high-speed speedboat, Jin Yi also stored a luxury cruise ship! When sailing alone, speed is the key. When traveling with a wife and children, of course, the comfort of life on the sea must be considered.

Moreover, after Weiwei, his daughters and women will come to the ship one after another. It is a very enjoyable thing to have the most luxurious cruise ship on the sea.

"Of course the ship must be equipped. I remember the way to summon it is like this……"

As Jin Yi spoke, he leaned over and placed his palm on the water at the shallow end.


A loud noise was heard on the sea.

Next to the beautiful ship prepared by Cobra, a huge cruise ship slowly emerged from the seabed.

What caught my eye were the super-physical starting devices of the ferries on both sides, and two sixteen-deep-diameter fire cannons.

The system information gave a detailed description that the cruise ship was equipped with thirty-six master bedrooms, seventy-two guest bedrooms, a kitchen, a tea restaurant, a gym, a small playground... all the basic facilities of the day were available.

If measured by value, all the wealth of Alabasta would be able to buy such a luxurious cruise ship.



"What the hell! How can there be such a big ship?"

Cobra took a long time to react before he couldn't help but yelled out loudly.

"It's a little too big, but I'll just use it."

Jin spread his hands indifferently.


"What a big ship!"

Qiqi's eyes lit up, and she waved her hand casually, and the metal boxes that had fallen on the ground flew up one after another, without the need for the guards to move them.

"Why is this child so anxious!"

"Qiqi, be careful!"

Although she knew her daughter was very powerful, Weiwei still hurriedly caught up with the boat.

Accustomed to Jin Yi's endless shocking behavior, Cobra wiped the sweat from his forehead and murmured,"Forget it, I still can't see through you, my son-in-law... It's a waste for three people to live on such a big boat."

"Thump thump thump……"

As soon as Cobra finished speaking, a series of hurried footsteps came from the end of the guard team.


The Karoo duck was closest to the target sound source, so it turned its head and looked behind itself.



Without giving the duck time to react, the man stepped heavily on its head.

The man took advantage of the step and jumped into the cruise ship.

"If three people are wasting this big ship, how about four... no, five people?"

An elegant female voice came from the boat, with a high bulge in her belly, and she was the first to enter everyone's field of vision!

"Who is this woman?"

Cobra looked at the woman with a big belly and immediately turned his gaze to Jin Yi.

"It’s you...Miss AllSunday!"

"Why? Why you too?"

Vivi stared at Robin's big belly in astonishment, unable to imagine what had happened.

Robin ignored Vivi's questioning and cast her gaze on Jin Yi:"You made my belly so big, and you want to just walk away and be irresponsible? I'm on this ship today."

Jin Yi certainly had no reason to refuse the mother of a child who came to him on her own initiative. He smiled and scratched his head,"Then there's nothing we can do... Set sail!"

All the personnel were present and the equipment was on board. There was no reason to stay and waste time. It would take at least half a day to explain, as long as Cobra and Vivi were given time to react.

"Suddenly………Boom boom boom!"

Jin Yi's figure flashed, and the cruise ship was slightly controlled by the system and started moving without any warning.

"Goodbye, father-in-law!"

"Goodbye, Grandpa!"

Jin jumped onto the boat, picked up Qiqi, and waved to Cobra.


"Speak clearly, you little bastard.……"

"If I catch you, I will never let you go!"

"Be nice to my daughter!"

Cobra didn't react for a moment, and shouted whatever he thought of.

Vivi's eyes were red, and her heart was full of reluctance.

Robin seemed very calm and asked:"Where are we going now... Captain!"

"Where to go... the previous words... Got it! We go to heaven!"




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