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Hancock and Tina arrived at the scene almost at the same time, looking at the two little girls who were looking at each other with surprised expressions.

"She actually has a daughter!"

"She actually has a daughter too!"

Hancock and Tina said at the same time.

After hearing each other's voices, Hancock put his hands on his waist and glanced at Tina with imposing manner.

Tina was a little weaker in momentum, and subconsciously took a step back and said:"Empress Hancock... why are you here? Why do you actually... have a daughter too!"

Hancock did not feel strange that someone recognized her identity

"Who are you? I want to ask you the same question!"

Tina was just a captain in the navy. Hancock had no impression of her and started questioning her verbally. The questioning between the two women did not affect the two little ghosts who met for the first time.


Tiantian seemed much more outgoing. She boldly approached Luo Luo and sniffed his hair with her little nose.

In the past, when a stranger approached, Luo Luo would look listless and punch him away angrily.

But Tiantian's action not only did not cause Luo Luo's dissatisfaction, but also made Luo Luo feel his heart beat unusually fast and his mood became a little happy.

"Hee hee hee!"

"You are younger than me, right?"

"Come to think of it, we should be the same father!"

Tiantian poked her chin with her finger, revealing a thoughtful expression, as if waiting for Luo Luo to give a positive answer.

"Ah, that should be correct."

"So are we sisters?"

"And... my name is Luo Luo."

Luo Luo nodded vigorously, and seemed much more shy than Tian Tian.

Tian Tian's whole body was chan. Her two small hands tightly grasped Luo Luo's shoulders:"I actually have a sister, it's incredible! My name is Tian Tian."

Compared with the mother who gave birth to them, and the father Jin Yi who they have not met yet, the connection between the devil fruit daughters is closer. Even if they are far apart, they can feel each other's existence.

The devil fruit daughters also have a special spiritual connection. They have their own judgment of each other's birth time, and there is no need to worry about disrupting each other's sisterhood.


"She is really my sister!"

"Tiantian and Luoluo are both my father's daughters!"

Tiantian excitedly took Luoluo's hand and took the initiative to stand in front of Hancock.

Hancock, who was still questioning Tina's identity, couldn't help but tighten his lips when he heard Tiantian's statement. The look he gave Tina became more complicated.

Luoluo also turned her head to look at Tina and nodded to show that Tian was right. While Tina was shocked, she had a terrible idea in her mind.

"Empress Hancock... your daughter must be a natural-born fruit ability user, right?"



Such a question immediately made the two women stunned.

Outsiders may not be able to see the surprise in their hearts, but there are many questions between the two mothers that they want to communicate.

"Lady Snake, I seem to have seen this woman at the Navy Headquarters last year."

Margaret came close to Hancock and reported the information to Hancock in a low voice.

Hancock let out a long breath, calmed down his inner emotions, glanced at the two little girls who were having fun, turned to glance at Tina and said:"Let's chat here, I have a question to ask you"

"It just so happens that I have a question for you as well.

Tina did not refuse Hancock's invitation and followed Hancock's footsteps to the distance.


"Ah here!"

"It really turned into stone!"

Lolo stared at the beetle that was turned into stone with shining eyes.

Tiantian stood where she was, with her hands clasped in front of her, and said with a proud smile like a child:"What do you think, sister Lolo, I'm awesome, right?"


Luo Luo nodded continuously.

"What is Luo Luo's ability?

Tian Tian approached Luo Luo curiously, and instinctively felt that Luo Luo must have her own abilities.

"Black cage, prison!"

Luo Luo raised her hand, and the iron cage circled around Tian Tian, imprisoning her firmly inside the iron cage.

"Oh!! Tied!"

"Sister Lolo has such amazing abilities!"

"I'm a thief and I got caught, uh……"

Tiantian happily swung her body, using only half of her strength, but the iron fence didn't move at all, which shows how strong it is.

While doing this, Tiantian also lay on the beach, pretending to be caught and fell to the ground


Luo Luo watched from the side with a smile on her face, canceling the ability of the Kankan Fruit. She was always sleepy and had no sense of humor, but today she smiled more than she had since she was born.

Tian Tian, who was lying on the ground, caught a glimpse of an ancient book on the cut tree trunk, and sat up suspiciously.

"Luo Luo, look what that is?" Tian Tian

, who wanted to play more with her sister, tried her best to discover new things.

Luo Luo took a few steps forward, picked up the ancient book, looked at the whitish pictures on it, and said,"Oh, it looks like a fairy tale book... Big Liar: Wenbrand Rolando"

""Wenbrand Rolando, what a strange name, what does it say?"

Tiantian came over and looked through the contents of the fairy tale book with Luo Luo. Children at this age are easily seduced by fairy tales.

"Gulp Gulp……"

Just as the two were reading the story to the end, the sound of bubbles surging reached the ears of the second little girl.



"It's the sea!"

"It's in the sea!"

The two little girls turned around at the same time and cast their eyes towards the sea.


With the sound of breaking water, a figure nearly two meters tall jumped out of the water and landed on the beach.

"Where did you two come from?"

The broad shoulders, the angular face, the striking chestnut on the top of the head, and the vicissitudes and steady voice of the uncle immediately entered the ears of the second little girl.

"Diamond uncle?"

"Uncle Li Zi?"

Tiantian and Luoluo exclaimed at the same time


PS: Today is the third update! _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Faloo

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