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"Ugh...these guys look weird."

"There is no sense of threat at all. Are they really the guards of this country?"

Robin and Vivi were sweating coldly, and were completely fooled by the confused white beret troops.

Conis stepped back in panic. In this country, the residents of the island all knew what the result would be if they resisted Enel and his troops.

Even though Conis thought that these people did not have the characteristics of villains, she still unconsciously distanced herself from them.




When the white beret troops approached, they stood up from the ground one by one, holding bow-like weapons in their hands and aiming at Jin Yi and the women.

"What a hassle!"



Jin Yi shook his head and stood in front of the girls, clenching his fists and making crackling sounds, ready for battle.

Coming to such a beautiful Angel Island, whether it was children or mothers, they all wanted to have a good time. How could their good mood be disturbed right from the start?

"Humph! You can tell at a glance that you have just arrived on this island. I advise you not to resist and just follow us back."

"We, the White Berets, are the most gentle law enforcers in the Kingdom of God. If the priests do it themselves... Hasso!"

McKinley looked at Jin Yi sharply, and raised his hands high, as if ready to attack at any time.


【System automatically searches for prompts!】

【The eldest daughter is less than 20 nautical miles away from you!】


【System automatically searches for prompts!】

【The second daughter is less than 20 nautical miles away from you! 】

Just as Jin Yi was about to make a move, a prompt message suddenly came out from the system, causing Jin Yi to pause where he was.

At the same time, Qiqi also walked to the edge of the beach in small steps, looking at the ship silhouette appearing on the Yunhai channel, with a puzzled expression on her face.

"The eldest daughter and the second daughter?"

"They actually came to Sky Island together!"

Jin Yi reacted instantly. At this distance, even without opening the Devil Fruit Map, he could clearly see the location of the newcomers.

After entering Sky Island, the interior of Sky Island was very complicated, and Jin Yi's mind was not on the Devil Fruit Map. Who knew that he would meet his eldest daughter and second daughter at this time!


"There is a figure!"

"If you get closer you can see it clearly!"

"This damned stinky man, let me see who he is!"

On the ship twenty miles away, Hancock and Tina stood side by side, trying hard to see the scene in front of the beach clearly.

"hiss hiss……"

"Oh!! I can feel Dad’s scent!"

"Look! Luo Luo is also here, and it seems that there is another sister!"

Tiantian and Luo Luo tried their best to smell the air, and at the same time looked at the other side of the coast.

The two little girls, who were completely unaware of the danger, scanned the Angel Beach with shining eyes, and finally fixed their eyes on a black spot... That was where Jin Yi was!

Tiantian and Luo Luo looked at each other, and without any communication, they made a decision at the same time.

"Luo Luo, quickly jump onto your sister's back!"

Tian Tian bowed slightly, and her aura suddenly rose.

Luo Luo did not hesitate at all, and immediately jumped onto Tian Tian's small back, wrapping her arms around her neck

"Hey, what are you two doing? This is an empty island. If you fall off, you'll die!"

""Lolo, come down quickly, Tina is going to be angry!"

Hancock and Tina shouted to their daughter nervously, and hurriedly ran towards the two girls.

It was very dangerous to rush over at this distance, even with the power of the devil fruit.



The sound of energy compression came from Tiantian's feet, directly acting on the deck of the ship.

At Tiantian's ankles, the pink energy of Tiantian terribly tore the edge of the deck. If it weren't for the petrification reinforcement effect, this step alone could easily penetrate the ship under his feet.


Before the two mothers arrived in front of them, Tiantian jumped into the air and flew towards Angel Beach with Luoluo like a cannonball.

"Dad, Tiantian is here!"

"Dad, here comes Lolo!"

The two little girls simply ignored their mothers' warnings and disappeared from Hancock and Tina's sight in a stream of light.

The shouts from the bottom of their hearts were heard clearly by everyone on Angel Beach.

"Plop plop plop……"

"Two more little devils have appeared!"

Jin Yi's eyes slightly shone, and he looked at the two figures flying over with great excitement.

Being able to meet his two daughters in such a place, his surprise completely overwhelmed his surprise.

"Dad? Could this be another daughter of Jin Yi... No, more than one, daughters!"

"How many daughters did this guy have during his adventures? How abominable!"

Weiwei and Robin looked at the flying light with horrified faces, and could not help but denounce Jin Yi's crimes.


"The same aura as mine... Is she my elder sister or my younger sister?"

Qiqi slapped her little hand on her face, revealing a joyful smile.

""What's that sound?"

McKinley, the captain of the White Berets, turned his head away dumbly after hearing the strange shout.


"Captain McKinley, be careful!"

"There is an unknown object flying towards us!"

When the team members saw the strange pink light about to fall, they were so scared that they ran away.


McKinley's pupils shrank. The situation in front of him did not allow him to react in time.


"Uh ah!"


""Ah... Help!"

The pink stream of light fell heavily on Angel Beach, causing a strong energy shock wave.

Under Jin Yi's protection, his wife and children were not affected at all and stood there safely.

However, the people in the white beret unit were not so lucky. They were blown away more than ten meters without time to escape.



Before the energy completely dissipated, two small figures rushed out from the area where the clouds were flying and stood in front of Jin Yi.

One was elegantly dressed in a fiery red cheongsam, smiling sweetly.

The other was elegantly dressed in a pink shirt, with a confused and slightly shy look.

Two such cute little guys standing in front of Jin Yi together was like a dream!



After looking at each other for a few seconds, the two little girls spoke to Jin Yi at the same time.

……_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Faloo

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