One Piece My Master is Hawkeye

Chapter 139 Planning The fish men island with Four Emperors (3/8)

The current situation of the murlocs is so embarrassing, in fact, part of the reason for them is in it.The murlocs could have been strong and unscrupulous in the sea, after all, they only need to live under the sea.

It just had to go to land, it was a death, and their rarity, so they became a treasured animal in the eyes of mankind, and an expensive slave at the auction.

Roy was about to leave, and Qiufu didn't dare to move.This is on the bottom of the sea.How could they be the opponent of the mermaid, so after hearing Roy's words, he obediently took the driftwood they gave and prepared to leave The fish men island.

Roy took out the coral bubble, added a bubble to himself, and hid in.

"Hey, are you going to New World with them?"

Roy said to Grea.

"I do not want."

After hearing Roy's words, Grea immediately jumped into the bubble, hugged Roy's body, and hugged him tightly.

"You, oh, forget it."

Roy took her out of the boat.As soon as they came out, Shark and some of the mermaids were stunned, but they were even more shocked when they saw Roy.

"Your Excellency is Mr. Roy."

Shark said.

"Oh, it's me, is Jinbei on the island"

Roy asked.

"Jinbei is not in The fish men island, but he should be back soon."

Huang Xing said.

"I have no problem going to the island, right"

Roy asked.

The Sunshine nodded and said, "Mr. Roy is a friend of The fish men island, so naturally there is no problem."

"That's good. I haven't been to The fish men island for a long time. I just happened to pass by here to find Boss Xia Li."

Roy said.


The three brothers nodded and let Roy enter The fish men island.

After seeing this scene, Chu Fu can only look at Roy enviously.This is the function of strength and fame.If they also have such strength and fame, how could a small The fish men island prevent them from entering.

Roy took Greya into The fish men island.The scenery of The fish men island is still beautiful, but the Whitebeard flag that was originally hung in the center has been destroyed, leaving only a corner.

"The former king withered, who can continue to be invincible."

Roy looked at the place where the flag was originally hung.

"What are you looking at"

After Grea landed, she let go of her hand and followed Roy's eyes, but there was only a coral wall and nothing else.

``There used to be a flag hanging here, and it was Whitebeard who stayed here, but Whitebeard died, and The fish men island has no shelter, so this is only the case in The fish men island now.

Forget it, go find something to eat, drink too much alcohol, want to eat something, and find a chance to fight in the future, so that you can digest it, or you will have a big belly."

Roy said.

"nausea."(Read more @

When Grea heard Roy talk about having a big belly, he glanced at Roy and then narrowed his mouth.

I don't know if she is disgusted with Roy, or disgusting with Roy's pregnant belly afterwards, Roy did not quarrel with her, and took her to the Mermaid Cafe.

Entering the coffee shop, today's business is so obvious that there are many mermaids here to help, these...the mermaids are young and beautiful, with graceful figures, and they are still mermaids, go down to Gree Ya looked at Roy's eyes also became weird.

"So you came here for this."

Grea has already turned things crooked.

Roy knew what he heard, so he raised his hand and tapped her on the head with his knuckles.

"Woo, it hurts."

Grea held her head, squatted on the ground, aggrieved, the pain caused her tears to swirl in her eyes.

"Hey, that human being, there is nothing wrong with him."

The mermaid in the coffee shop recognized Roy and started to communicate.

"It's him, Roy, how can he come to The fish men island"

The other murlocs also looked at Roy nervously.

However, they also knew that Roy had no malice towards them. During the war, Roy also rescued Jinbei once and helped the Whitebeard Pirates who had sheltered them to escape. For them, there is also a lot of relationship in it, it should be Will not do anything extraordinary to The fish men island.

"Mr. Roy, it's you."

A mermaid woman with blue hair swam over and said respectfully in front of Roy.

"It's been a long time, is Boss Xia Li here?"

Roy asked.

"Long time no see, Boss Xia Li is inside."

The mermaid woman nodded.

"Trouble show me the way, I have something to find your boss."

Roy laughed.

"Ok, please follow me."

Roy entered the back of the restaurant with an angry Grea, into the cubicle, and they saw Xia Li sitting in a daze in a chair.

"Miss Xia Li."

Roy greeted after entering.

"It's you. I didn't expect to have become such a strong man after only two years of not seeing you."

Xia Li looked at Roy and smiled.

"Please give me something to eat. I haven't eaten anything today. I drank a lot of alcohol. Give me a cup of coral coffee. The best thing to drink at Mermaid Cafe is...Coral coffee."

Roy laughed.

"I want too, I want a cup of coffee, and can you give me a piece of cake, I'm hungry too."

Grea raised his hand to the mermaid woman and said.

"Okay, wait a moment."

The mermaid girl, swimming out, there is a bubble swimming ring on her waist, which can make them swim up on the land. After all, they have to wait until they are 30 to change their legs. Therefore, the age of mermaid marriage is generally before 30. , But the child was born after the age of thirty.

"Your changes are not small. You used to be silent and murderous. Now you have a lot of restrained aura. It's no wonder that your strength will increase so much."

Xia Li said.

"Your eyes are still so venomous. I didn't come to you this time to make you predict it. I want to ask you a piece of news."

Roy said.

Just like Xia Qi, Xia Li also has some sources of intelligence.She runs a coffee shop. There are a lot of people here, and it is easy to know some information that others don't know.

"What do you want to know"

Xia Li asked.

"Is it true that Four Emperors came to the fish men island?"

Roy asked directly.

Hearing Roy's words, Xia Li was stunned for a moment, and soon she returned to her original posture. This news could not be kept for long. She just knew that the three princes had been here before, but she was... ...I got some news from their mouths.

"That's right, Bigumam, the aunt of one of the Four Emperors, looked at The fish men island and wanted to shelter The fish men island. On the other hand, The fish men island also had to provide them with something."

Xia Li nodded.

"That's clear."

Roy nodded, then smiled: "Xia Li, do you think my strength can shelter The fish men island"


Xia Li was stunned for a moment, and she didn't understand the meaning of Roy's words at all.

She has seen Roy's strength through the intelligence and videos transmitted in the world. He can fight against the three Admiral alone.Although he has not reached the level of Four Emperors, he is known as the person closest to the Four Emperors. It is just him. Like a person, there is no power.

"I do not know about this."

Xia Li shook her head.

"It looks like I want to grab a lot, and I also want a few sites. Otherwise, it's hard to spend, and the eagle eye guy will come to me desperately."

Roy said helplessly.

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