One Piece My Master is Hawkeye

Chapter 159 Identity exposure

Behind the speaker stood a group of pirates.The total number of these people was not large, there were hundreds of people.Everyone was holding a weapon, and the breath of a pirate on his body could not be concealed at all.

"It's a man of eight thieves."

"This is pretty good. This is a site where the Eight Thieves have many places. Fighting is not allowed to destroy them. The rabbit just destroyed too many things. The Eight Thieves will not let them go easily."

Only then did Roy understand that it turned out that the street was damaged too badly by rabbits because of the battle just now, and the owner of the island came out.

But what exactly the Eight Thieves are, Roy doesn't know, nor has he heard of this pirate group.

"According to the rules of Digas Island, fighting is not allowed on the island. Once the fighting destroys everything, the fighting person will be responsible for compensation. You can't leave here. You must pay 100 million Baileys for compensation."

The pirate headed said.

"One hundred million Baileys, you rob, let's talk about it, it was not my uncle who did it first."

The rabbit fry the hair as soon as he heard it, 100 million Baileys, how many carrots can this buy, maybe he eats carrots in his life is enough.

"This is the rules on the island, no one can break the rules, otherwise you can only save your lives."

The other party said.

"So domineering"

Master Rabbit widened his eyes and said.

"What kind of pirate group is the Eight Thieves, why I haven't heard of it."

Roy asked.

"The Eight Pirates are not a pirate group, but an alliance of eight 8-pirate groups. Under the oppression of the Four Emperors, we must be allied together if we want to survive in the New World. Each captain of the eight pirate group is The big pirates with a bounty of more than 300 million Baileys, with Digas as the center, the seven nearby islands are the sites of the eight pirates."

A pirate next to him explained.

"It turned out to be like this, a group of weak people."

Roy said lightly.

"What are you talking about, you actually humiliated our Eight Thieves Alliance."

When the pirate heard Roy's words, he immediately exploded his hair.

Even if they are weak, you can't say it. Besides, who you are, dare to humiliate us.

"Regardless of....

In this way, either leave money or life."

The pirate said loudly.(Read more @

"Money! No, fate! Come and get it if you have the ability."

Roy ignored them and walked over.

"Go on, kill them."

More than a hundred pirates took their weapons to Roy and the three of them.

Roy raised his head slightly under the cloak, but...this time, the entire island seemed to be quiet, and the sound of a wind blowing in everyone's ears.

"How good is it at this time."

Roy smiled faintly and walked over.

Those... all the pirates froze in place, when Roy took a step, these... , The body fell to the ground uncontrollably.

"this is......"

There are countless sharp-eyed people on the street.They know that to kill the opponent without taking a shot, then there is only one possibility, the opponent has a kind of ability.

"Conqueror's Haki, Haki."

A pirate swallows the saliva.

"That person is not an ordinary person."

"Who is Conqueror's Haki? Although there are many in New World, each one is not a simple character."

"It seems that the Eight Thieves can only do nothing this time. They dare not provoke them in the face of powerful opponents."

The two brothers Lao Cai and Abu looked at Roy's back in surprise, their eyes are very complicated, they dare not be fortunate, but fortunately Lao Cai did not choose to kill the killer, otherwise their brothers and their men may not be able to go back to spend Country.

"Conqueror's Haki? According to that ship, he should be right. I didn't expect to see me in person."

In the corner, two people wearing cloaks whispered.

"No matter what you think, we have nothing to do with that person, can't you be quiet, and why you want to leave Jack's boat, even if it is modified, if it is seen by the people of Beasts Pirates, it will definitely recognize it. from."

The man in the cloak next to it was the voice of a girl, shouting to another person.

"I know, but it's worth it to see such a character here. The Jack ship has some functions. The weapons we lack now have been replenished. Let's prepare to do other things."

The man said.


One Conqueror's Haki went down. In fact, most of the crew of the Eight Pirates fainted, but there were two or three who did not faint. The one who spoke to Roy just now... the pirate did not faint.

"The strength is good, but I can still maintain consciousness."

Roy walked past him and said lightly.


The pirate didn't dare to say anything.Now that the eight captains are not here, it is almost impossible for them to do anything to Roy, and they can only watch Roy leave.

Roy and the others walked to the port. When their sails were lowered, some of the people who quietly watched Roy were all scared to death. Although this banner is ordinary, there is a lunatic hidden behind this banner. .

"It's a hand-to-hand Roy."

A pirate said in horror.

"It's actually Roy, he was by my side just now, damn it, this is a big man, not long after killing Jack, he actually appeared here, according to his line of action, yes, it is to go to the world."

The other pirate is obviously a navigator.

Based on the information in the newspaper and the location of the island, he judged Roy's straight trajectory. If it continues to spread, then it will enter another Four Emperors site, and it will be...Pigum Sea Thieves group.

Roy knew that he was recognized, and there was no way.Greia had painted a skull mark on their sails for a few days, saying that this would reduce a lot of trouble, but Roy is now going to all countries. , It must be low-key, but Greya still feels that as a pirate, you should not be low-key.The high-profile should be high-key. The pirate flag that is secretly hidden is a pirate.

Roy was speechless by her and could only follow her method.

After Roy left, his identity was passed on to the island. Everyone on the island knew that... the man in the cloak was... Roy, one by one was scared to death, and the eight thieves left in embarrassment. They were worried about picking up. They will be retaliated by Roy, but they think too much, Roy is not interested in them at all.

Lao Cai raised their hearts again: Abu was too scared to speak, and he was scolded by Lao Cai with his head down.

"Go back to the old man, I hope he won't come to us."

Lao Cai sighed and said that it is not a good thing to offend Roy's end. Everyone knows that Roy is moody. I don't know if he will be angry with the country of flowers because of the injury of his companion, but from the performance just now, it should be It's okay.

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