One Piece My Master is Hawkeye

Chapter 168 Was found

The bounty of Dandan Baron is more than 400 million Baileys, but if he weren't because of Begummam, his bounty would be at most 300 million Baileys.

The fruit ability is also a bit tasteless, you must be beaten out of the egg yolk to incubate again, and then continue to strengthen, and finally awakening, I don't know what it will become.

Roy had the ability to kill him and Bokmus when he first went out to sea.In comparison, Baron Dandan was more important than Bokmus in the eyes of Begummah.

After killing him, Roy didn't feel what would happen.He continued to run towards the prison, and there was a constant roar below.As the battle between Kaido and Bigumam became fierce, the two people's movements became more and more intense.

Kaido has turned into an undead monster.He is not afraid of lightning and flames at all in battle.His body is absolutely human.If ordinary people, even Roy, come into contact with Zeus's lightning, they may be injured.

However, Kaido is different.Thunder and fire have no effect on him at all.Bigumah's arm is covered with Armament Haki, and he hit Kaido's face with a punch, and Kaido just takes a step back.

At the same time, Bigumam's huge body was also hit by Kaido with a mace, but instead he was blown out and hit the wall.

"Wedding cake."

Bigumum didn't suffer any harm at all, and after standing up, he continued to roar, and took Napoleon the two-corner hat off his head.

Napoleon is the strongest of the three 3 strongest Homitz around her, because he is a sword, when he fell into the hands of Bigumam, a big sword and a sword handle were immediately ejected from the hat.

"Mom is serious, Napoleon has done everything."

Perrospero watched this scene worryingly.

"Isn't there any news about Chiffon? Damn it, can't wait, Brother Perrospero, you go and inform the chief chef and let him make a cake that hasn't been made before. As long as the taste is different, it should be difficult for mom. If we eat it, then as long as we say it's a wedding cake, mom will wake up."

Kata Kuri said.

"Well, I'm going to find the chief chef now."

Perrospero hurried in. He was going to the cake castle to find the chief chef ‘Long Bread’.

The status of Long Bread is very high. He is the first companion of Begummam and one of the founders of the Begummam Pirate Group. He has a very good relationship with Begummam, and he is also a capable person. , Is to eat people who have the ability to eat fruits.

As long as he touches things, he can turn them into food, a bit similar to Perrospero's licking of fruits, and everything he touches becomes candy.

In the Begummah Pirates, the position of Long Bread is even higher than that of the three-star general.Even he is the one who watched Begummum grow up, and he also witnessed the key personnel of the nuns and children who disappeared 63 years ago. .

Roy would not have imagined that Perrospero also ran to the cake castle, because the kitchen is inside the cake castle. After he found the location of the prison, Homiz, who was guarding the door, was already in Haki in Bigumam and Kaido. Falling to the ground, with the door closed, Roy kicked it over and kicked one side of it open.

Roy walked in and found that the people in those cages were fainted, and it was not very good to be able to stay awake.After Roy came in, the prisoners looked at him, but Roy did not go, he walked straight to him and watched not long ago. The one that arrived...the blond-haired woman, in front of you.(Read more @

Roy grasped the cage with his hand and felt the power of Devil Fruit in his body receding, which means that...the cage was mixed with seastone.

Without a white sword by his side, Roy had no other way. He kicked heavily on the cage, and a loud roar sounded. It happened that Perros Perro heard this sound, and it came from the direction of the cage, making Perros Pedro Luo was stunned for a moment, then turned his head and approached quietly.

One step down the cage has been completely kicked to pieces by Roy, revealing a large hole, Roy opened the hole a bit bigger, and then walked in.

The woman also woke up and looked up at Roy, with a puzzled expression on her face.

Seeing her face, Roy can be sure that this woman is... the person he is looking for, except for... the hair color is different, and her appearance is almost exactly the same as Grea.

Roy removed the handcuffs from her hand and picked her up.

"who are you"

Grace said weakly, her body was hurt very badly, and she was weak in speaking.Compared with Grea, her voice was somewhat of a man's tone.

"Someone asked me to save you."

Roy said.

"Is it the father? No, I can't go, they will definitely take revenge on Saint Gloria if I go."

Grace shook his head and struggled.

"Santa Gloria has been destroyed. A fire has been burning for more than a day. Now Santa Gloria is in ruins."

Roy said lightly.

Upon hearing this news, Gladstone's eyes widened, and he looked at Roy in disbelief and asked, "This, is this true?"

"I saw it with my own eyes."

Roy said faintly, bending over to lift Grace out of the cage, but this holding is not conducive to his actions.Roy must take her away now, so Roy carried her behind her back and used a rope. tie.

Under normal circumstances, carrying a beautiful woman is a thing of enjoyment, but if this woman is wearing a armor, it will be uncomfortable.

In order to conceal people's eyes, Roy released the people in the other cages and wrapped Grace's body in the cloak he brought.

"Come out."

After doing all this, Roy said lightly to the door.

Those...the people who were just rescued by Roy were stunned. Although they didn't know who Roy was or why Homitz saved them, this is a good thing. They are dead if they stay here, so it's better to kill them out.

A person walked out from the door, it was Perrospero who had just come by looking for the sound. He just came over, and did not see other pictures, only saw a Homiz actually released the prisoners in the prison. .

These prisoners are all a group of people who oppose the Bigum Pirates.They were all recently arrested.Many previous enemies were held by Bigumum in Charlotte, the nineteenth son.

In Mondor's book, these...the people who have just been arrested have not yet proceeded. After the tea party is over, Bigumm will spare time to spare their lifespan, and then leave it to For a little bit of time, they sealed them into the world of books and kept them forever.

"You are not Homitz."

Perrospero stared at Roy sternly.

"I was found, but Perrospero let you escape alive last time. This time you are not so lucky. Jinbei is no longer here. Who can save you a second time."

Roy smiled faintly, discarding Homitz's disguise from his body.

"you you......"

Perrospero was trembling with fright, his face turned pale, and those... who were rescued by Roy also recognized Roy.

"White, Roy."

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