One Piece My Master is Hawkeye

Chapter 189 Information on New World

In fact, they don't know where Wano Country is.New World is very large and the transportation is very inconvenient.Everyone knows this.

The weather in New World is full of weirdness.Roy's ship is a small boat.If he wants to sail on this sea, he must not be as fast as he can.He can only do it step by step, but he has Ace's life paper.

Roy found an island with a city and entered the news agency on the island. He needed intelligence, and the intelligence merchant who wanted to find the best intelligence in New World was... Morgans.

Found the news agency, Roy took off the cloak after entering.

"Excuse me, what do you want to do"

A man received them.

When Roy took off the cap on the cloak, the man sat on the ground in fright, and the others looked over curiously, and was also frightened to death.

"White, Roy."

The man was so frightened that he couldn't speak fluently.

"I'm looking for Morgans for something. You should have a phone worm that can reach your headquarters."

Roy said lightly.

"Yes, yes."

The man nodded immediately.

Soon a big phone bug was placed in front of Roy.

"Hey, is it the headquarters? Is Mr. Morgans here? We have a very important customer who needs to contact Mr. Morgans. Please quickly ask Mr. Morgans to come over and answer the call."

The man picked up the phone worm and said.

"You want to talk to Mr. Morgans on the phone. You are nothing but a branch news agency. Mr. Morgans is very busy now and doesn't have time to answer your call."

The other party responded, arrogantly indescribable, and as you can tell from the phone worm's expression, this guy must also be a birdman.

"But, this guest is really important, please inform Mr. Morgans quickly."

The man said excitedly.

"I said, Mr. Morgans is not available now."

The other party said impatiently.

"let me."

Roy hooked the man...hand and motioned to give him the microphone.

The man was startled, and finally handed the phone worm's microphone to Roy.

"Hey, you tell Morgans that old bird, if it doesn't show up within three minutes, I will destroy his nest and hang his bird's head on the island of Chambord."

Roy said lightly.

"Who do you think you are, Mr. Morgans is what you can see if you want to, crazy."

The other party hung up after speaking.(Read more @

When the phone closed his eyes, Roy knew that the other party had indeed hung up the phone.At this moment, Roy's body was extremely angry.Seeing the green veins on Roy's forehead, everyone in the newspaper was scared to death.

"It seems that the old bird wants to die."


"No, no, Mr. Roy, give me some time, I'll contact the manager right away."

The man was scared to death, he was just a point director, the presence on his upper face.

The man quickly took out a relatively small phone bug, Roy was invited by them again, and they arranged afternoon tea and snacks for them.

"what did you say"

Roy heard a loud voice ringing from the phone worm, and then the phone worm hung up. Within a few minutes, the... huge phone worm rang.

"Hey, this is Morgans, Luo, is Mr. Roy still there?"

Morgans' voice came from the phone worm, and he said cautiously.

"Come here."

Roy motioned to them to bring the phone bug over, and didn't even want to move.

"Is it Morgans."

Roy took the microphone and said.

"Yes, yes, it's me Morgans, I didn't expect Mr. Roy to contact me."

Morgans nervously.

"The one just yours, has it been handled?"

Roy asked.

On an island in New World, Morgans stood on the ground with a phone worm, and looked back at the... the birdman who was sitting on the ground, and then restored his previous stern expression, staring at the birdman: "Come on. , Drag him down, kill him, and then send his head to me to the shampoo place, and find a red branch to hang up."

"No, President, I, I don't know that... the man is Roy, don't kill me."

The birdman fainted in fright, and was finally dragged away.It is estimated that a little news about a bird's head hanging in the shampoo will soon be heard.

"Take care of Mr. Roy."

Morgans said.

"Well, I need to ask you something. The reason why you left your life on Cake Island was for your intelligence ability. Nothing in New World can escape your eyes."

Roy said.

"Thank you Mr. Roy for the compliment."

As soon as Morgans talked about intelligence, he immediately became: energetic, this is the biggest compliment to him.

"Is there any information about the Blackbeard Pirates and the Whitebeard Pirates"

Roy asked.

"Yes, yes, there has been a lot of intelligence in the last few days. Blackbeard has obtained the ability of the world destroyer Bondiwald, and then launched an attack on the Whitebeard Pirates. Originally, they cooperated with Edward Weibull, one of the Shichibukai, and thought they could do it in one fell swoop. The Whitebeard Pirates were wiped out.

But suddenly the original Marine Admiral Aokiji was killed and helped the Whitebeard Pirates to repel Edward Weibull.Later, the Blackbeard Pirates did not continue to hunt down the Whitebeard Pirates because of Aokiji's participation, but the Whitebeard Pirates were no longer theirs. The opponents of the Whitebeard Pirates finally hid in the country of Wano, and now there is a special chaos in Wano."

Morgans said in one breath what happened to the Whitebeard Pirates and Blackbeard Pirates.

Roy was stunned for a while after listening.He didn't expect Aokiji to appear on the battlefield, but it's not surprising to think that he appeared to deal with Edward Weibull.

Aokiji's teacher is also the original Admiral Zephyr of Marine.As a student of Zephyr, he knew that Zephyr's arm was cut off by Edward Weibull. Since he found the whereabouts of the fool, he would not sit back and watch...

, It's just that Roy doesn't know why Aokiji helped the Whitebeard Pirates defeat the Blackbeard Pirates.

"Any other information, how about Bigumam and Kaido?"

Roy continued to ask.

``The situation on Begummah's side has stabilized, but in recent days their islands have been hit by other pirate groups, and their star generals have been dispatched and killed many people.

Kaido’s territorial loss is relatively large. Their main force is in the country of Wano, and there is no time to take care of their islands. After Cake Island was destroyed by you, they chose another island as their headquarters."

Morgans said, sighing in his heart, he has witnessed how Roy destroyed the Cake Island.Now the Cake Island should be called the Cake Islands.A large island split and split into hundreds of small islands and reefs.

"On Kaido's side... there is no news. It is difficult for our intelligence personnel to enter the country of Wano Country. It is very difficult to enter the sea area originally, and we can't know the details. intelligence."

Morgans said honestly.

"Ok, thank you."

Roy hung up the phone worm and sat on the sofa with his eyes closed and thought quietly.Grace next to him looked at him with a pair of beautiful eyes, showing a strange look.

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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