One Piece My Master is Hawkeye

Chapter 19 Treasure chest (seeking flowers)

Even Roy didn't know how strong Roy was. He knew a little anyway. Even Hawkeye had said that his strength was beyond imagination.

Roy doesn't know why his strength is so great, but he has been with baboons since he was a child. The training of baboons has started since he could stand up, and he has a lot of energy in everything he eats and drinks.

Roy's strength gradually increased, and he hit the Jaeger with a punch. Even if this guy’s bounty was 60 million Baileys, he couldn’t bear Roy’s punch at all. He punched him on the chin. A mouthful of blood spurted from his mouth, and all his teeth burst out, and then he flew out, smashing into the sea from a distance.

"It's done." Roy took the white sword back, carrying it around his waist.

"Run quickly, the treasure is already in your hands." Ace exclaimed to Roy, looking like a thief, full of excitement.

"Here." Roy nodded and ran behind them to the beach.

"Don't let them run away, you will save the captain, and the others will take out their weapons and blow up their boats for me." The counselor ran out of the tunnel with a sullen face.

Hearing what he said, Roy stopped, and he reached out and took the white sword off his back.

"Roy, what are you doing?" Joseph asked curiously when he saw Roy's behavior.

"Thang Long Strike."

Roy raised his white sword and waved it in the direction where the counselor was.

Everyone was attracted by Roy's actions. The moment Roy swung the sword, they felt like they were being chopped, as if they were chopped by Roy at this moment and would die.

"End." Roy exhaled slightly.


With a loud noise, a huge crack spread out from Roy's feet. This slash slashed across the island, reached the mountain on the island, and shot out in a straight line.

"What?" The counselor was sweating, and the slash he had just flew past his body. Looking at the mountain that had been split in half, he didn't dare to say anything anymore.

"Big, big, great swordsman." The counselor said in horror.(Read more @

"Wow, Roy, you are so amazing. Your swordsmanship is the strongest one I have ever seen." Ace said excitedly. He didn't expect Roy to be so strong.

If he knew that Roy still had the Devil Fruit ability, then he would definitely be stunned, even Roy himself didn't know that his strength was at that level now.

If divided according to the strength level of the pirates, they are generally based on the rank of Marine, such as colonel, lieutenant colonel, etc., and the pirates also rely on this method. For example, people of Shichibukai level are stronger than lieutenant generals, and Shichibukai It is weaker than Marine Admiral, and Four Emperors is above Admiral and so on.

Roy and Hawkeye have fought countless times, knowing the horror of Hawkeye, and now with Hawkeye’s strength, if he does not use the ability to smash fruits, in Hawkeye’s hands, he can probably withstand hundreds of swordsmanship collisions. In the end, he will still lose to Hawkeye. You can see from his slash. If it was just replaced by Hawkeye, then this one should cut the entire island apart, not like Roy, who only cut half of it. .

"Hurry up." Roy turned his head and ran ahead.

His friends, looking at Roy's back, were stunned for a moment, then smiled one by one, and ran behind Roy's back.

If this powerful person is their enemy, it would be a desperate thing, but standing this person is their partner. With such a strong partner by his side, future voyages will be much simpler.

Back on the ship and drove the ship away. Everyone was on the deck. There were two metal boxes in front of them, which Ace had stolen from the mine.

"Open it." Ace said.

"En." Roy nodded.

"Who will open it?" Ace asked.

Everyone: "You."

"Then I will come, you stand back a bit, I am afraid it will flash in your eyes later." Ace smiled.

"Don't worry, we have already prepared." Roy and the others took out a pair of sunglasses and stayed on their eyes.

Ace: "..."

"Go on, we are ready." Joseph smiled, holding his hands on his chest.

Ace reached out to grab the lock, pulled it hard, and pulled the lock off, then slowly opened the box, a golden flash appeared in front of them, and Ace smiled.


When the box was completely opened, everyone cheered, because it was indeed a box of gold that was not wrong, and they were all gold coins, worth at least hundreds of millions of Baileys.

"Is there another one?" A calm person like Joseph couldn't calm down, he said to Ace excitedly.

"I'll open it now." Ace was very happy and opened another box, but the contents of the box made everyone stunned.

"What's this?" Ace tilted his head while looking at the contents of the box.

"It should be money, but after being buried in the ground for too long, the money has rotted." The mouse took off his sunglasses and glanced at it.

"It's a pity. If a box is full of money, it is estimated that there are 500 million Baileys." Joseph said regretfully.

"Hahaha, is that interesting? Shall we go back and take out the other treasures?" Ace asked.

"Forget it." Joseph shook his head and said, "Those treasures have been buried in the ground. It will take years to find out with our words. Are you willing to spend so long in them?"

"No." Ace shook his head.

"Just treat it as our treasure spot. If we don't have any money in the future, maybe we can come back here to look for it. If we don't need it, we can make a treasure map. Isn't it more interesting?" Roy smiled. .

"Yes." The others nodded. *

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