Everyone looked at the rabbit curiously, but their cheeks were too thick, and they didn't feel at all, and handed a...pirate flag to Roy.

"You still have time to regret. Once you take over my banner, it means that I will be in my territory after Jiuli. If something happens, you can come to me, but relatively, you have to pay some price. The price is very simple. I don't need anything else, I will study swordsmanship in Wano Country for a while.

You are responsible for the wine during the period, and you have to provide me with wine every year."

Roy said.

Hearing Roy's request, the people of the Whitebeard Pirates group looked at each other, completely confused, because Roy's approach is very similar to Bigum's, Bigum's asks for dessert, and Roy's asks for wine, but this The request was not excessive, it was just an ordinary request.The divided Jiuli Territory was as large as a cake island, and the area was not small. If hundreds of thousands of people live on the island, there is no pressure.

Kozuki Oden nodded. This request is not excessive. Even other big names have the idea of ​​seeking shelter. However, it takes an entire island to shelter, that is, once any of their cities hangs the pirate flag. If it does, it means that the island is under the shelter of pirates.

The generals of Wano country would not agree to this matter.If the entire island of Wano country is to accept asylum, then the consent of all the daimyo present is required.


Kozuki Oden just wanted to speak.

The general behind him immediately shouted: "If you accept Kozuki Oden, it will be a betrayal of the country of Kazuki, and you will no longer be the name of Guri, and you will be expelled from the country of Kazuki."

"Isn't Jiuli being rejected by you? In this case, it doesn't matter if you separate. Besides, the current country of Waka is no longer the country of Waka before."

Kozuki Oden glanced at him, then turned to look at Roy.


Roy asked again.

"Accept your asylum, Jiuli will become your territory."

Kozuki Oden took the banner and said.

"it is good."

Roy gave him the banner and drank the reception wine.In the future, Wano Country will be his place.

At this point, Roy once again added an island, and the affairs of the country of Wano also came to an end., the general and the people left the territory of Jiuli, and went back to the country of Wano, those...Daimyo Stay here to congratulate Kozuki Oden.

In fact, they also want to see what changes will happen after the founding of Jiuli.If it can develop, they may be able to do the same in the future.

"Roy, thank you."(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Ace they walked up and talked.

"It's okay, I'm just here to pay a favor, your ship doctor is there, let him come and help me take a look at my body."

Roy said.


At this time, Grace, who was following Rabbit One, stood in front of Crazy Sword Shinnosuke and saluted respectfully.

"you are"

Shinnosuke did not remember Grace's face for a long time, after all, he hadn't recognized the disciple he had taught before.

"It's me, Grace of Saint Gloria."

Grace said.

"Santa Gloria, you are the daughter of Connors. It's great. I didn't expect you to see you here. Is my old friend okay?"

Shinnosuke was surprised at first, and then asked very happily.

"Father is very good, and he has always been: thinking of you, he said that after you go back, he will take out the wine he has brewed with you for more than ten years."

Grace laughed.

"Well, well, I will go to Saint Gloria if I have a chance. I haven't seen my old friends for a long time, and I didn't expect you to have grown up like this."

Shinnosuke was very happy.

Roy stayed in the country of Wano for a while. After he recovered from his injury, he communicated with some masters such as Shinnosuke, but the people in Jiuli have been banned from going to the country of Wano, but Roy ignored these... , I went directly to Wano Country, and visited those...the curators of the Kendo Hall in Wano Country, learning while training.

I stayed in the country for a long time: Roy only decided to go to sea for half a year.This time he brought one more person to the sea.The White Beard Pirates had already left five months ago.

There is a follower beside Roy. It should be a teenager, wearing samurai clothes with a sword on his waist. This guy is a poor kid that Roy met on the way to study. Roy saw his own shadow on him. , I realized that this young man grew up eating Baijiafan and was also raised by wild animals when he was a child.

When he saw Roy, he was beaten by Roy's swordsmanship.

Attracted, so I followed Roy all the way, wanting to worship Roy as a teacher, but Roy did not agree, he has been with Roy, and now Roy goes out to sea, he also followed behind him, Roy really can't help it, let him follow Around.

This young man is called Jianxin, this is his own name, he has no surname, so he always uses the name Jianxin.

Regarding the country of Hezhi, with the founding of Jiuli, many people are curious about that country. Some pirates were afraid to go before. Now that the other party has opened the country and expressed their willingness to receive outsiders, some pirates have decided to go to Jiuli.

However, when they saw the flag on the port of Wano Country, those...pirates became one by one: obediently and smoothly, when they knew that Roy was on the island, Even more afraid to mess around, no one wants to offend him.

"Is Blackbeard's information true?"

Dahai Sea Roy asked Grace next to him.

"Well, this news came from Morgans. Jiuli is now a country. Many samurai have chosen to sail, and news birds dare to come here. We also saw the news some time ago. Morgans is right. Blackbeard is right now. Fighting against the red-haired Shanks."

Grace said.

Roy laughed and said, "That guy doesn't know if it's stupid. He actually went to fight the redhead guy, but I need a period of vacation now. I have learned too much recently. I want to find a place for a vacation. "


As soon as they heard these two words, the other two people on the boat, Yitu, immediately pricked their ears.

"Yes, that's... I'm going on vacation, I've decided where I want to go, let's go, wait: I will let Morgans send me the things I need."

Roy laughed.

After several days of voyage, they went out to sea again after receiving Morgans' things, and it took them half a month to reach their destination.

That is the Golden Ship, the site of the Golden Emperor Tezolo, the site of the world's richest man with 500 billion Baileys.

Speaking of Golden Emperor Tezolo, Roy doesn't feel much about him. This guy is going in the wrong direction, but he is not a simple person to awaken Golden Fruit, and Roy is very curious about the lucky fruit ability beside him. Lucky Fruit should It is something that is invisible, and it can be plundered.He is really curious.

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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