One Piece My Master is Hawkeye

Chapter 221 Status change

On the No. 3 mangrove tree, after Roy went up, Kaido and Bigumam's men held weapons against them. Roy also showed enthusiasm for these people's polite ways and directly gave them all. killed.

"Sure enough, it's as rumored. If you don't agree, you will do it. No, you won't even say anything."

The redhead sighed.

Those...the people who were facing Roy with weapons just now are dead. Roy believes that red-haired men will not do such stupid things, so among the people he just killed , It should be someone with no red hair.

"Those who live and die."

Roy said lightly.

One of the pirates fell off a phone worm after he was killed. Roy was stunned. When he saw the face on the phone worm, Roy said softly: "This phone worm's expression is a bit like Bi. Gu Mamu...old pig demon."

"Old pig woman..."

Everyone who heard Roy was stunned.

Immediately afterwards, they covered their mouths and didn't dare to laugh.You must know that on the other end of the phone is Bigum, one of the Four Emperors.Unless their boss takes the action, otherwise everyone present will be easily killed.

However, Roy's words still made everyone present laugh. Grace covered her mouth and struggled to suppress her laughter, but looking at her uncomfortable holding her stomach, and Binks' laughter, Roy I don't know what is funny.

In fact, Roy didn't know that there is another nickname in New World Begummah, which is...big sow, why do you say that.

This is all because Begummah has too many husbands and sons and daughters.She herself is like a...sow. She has given birth to sons more than 40 years ago and has been born to the present.

In the eyes of everyone, he is...a...sow, who only gives birth to children, and does not know how to get pregnant. That body is different from ordinary people. The so-called October pregnancy is not necessary to give birth to children, even this Just after giving birth, the next one is actually pregnant in the belly.

"White Blade Roy."

On the other side of the phone worm, Bigum has picked up the phone worm's microphone and yelled at the phone worm.

"Don't be so loud, I just came here to coat a film. It's just that your subordinates are holding weapons against me. You don't want to find faults on purpose. Even if you find faults, I will not be so tasteless. Come here to find these little guys, at have to destroy one of your islands in the world."

Roy said.


Hearing Roy's words about destroying the island, Bigum trembles with anger.She still remembers the tragedy of Cake Island a year ago.If it happened again, she would be angry all over the world to find Roy desperately.


Roy directly hung up the phone worm, and there was nothing to say to the old witch, and what he said was just to anger her.

"Which one of you is a red-haired man"(Read more @

Said the person who was still alive.

"We are..."

A middle-aged man wearing a cowboy hat walked.

"My name is Syrom, a member of the Red Hair Pirates garrison in Little Chambord, and I welcome Luo Sheng to Little Chambord."

"Very good, at least...I am comfortable with your words. I want to coat the boat. The other two mangrove areas have no resin. You should still have them here."

Roy Silom said, there is a stance that you will kill them if you dare to say nothing.

Sirome and the pirates behind him were scared to death. Sirome immediately said: "Yes, yes, I have saved a lot of mangrove resin. Mr. Roy has absolutely no problem with coating."

"That's good. Morgans' subordinates should come here later. You give them the resin and let them coat the film. My boat is not big. You estimate how long it will take."

Roy asked.

"I don't know about this, but we also have coating artisans, do you need our help?"

Sirom said that this is the place for coating, and naturally there will be no shortage of coating craftsmen. Every force is here except for...the guarded personnel, that is... the coating craftsman, and unloading. Workers and so on...

"Mr. Roy, Mr. Roy."

At this moment, a group of people with tools in a suit, a camera hung on their chest, led them hurriedly to this side, they actually came here in a powered car.

The so-called power car is actually...the car they use to transport containers. Because there are too many ports here, there are more people coming in and out every day, so there is a peculiar means of transportation here, which is... .

However, the power car used to pull goods was actually used by them to pull people.It has to be said that Morgans cares about the small Chambord Island so much that he has just arrived, and Morgans's men have already arrived.

"You are"

Roy didn't know who these people were, and asked curiously.

"Mr. Roy, we were called by Mr. Morgans to help Mr. Roy's boat coating. These are all the best coating artisans on the No. 2 Mangrove. If they work together, it will take half a day to finish coating your boat. Up."

The man in a suit with a camera on his chest said.

"That's right, leave it to you and say thank you to Morgans for me."

Roy nodded.

"Yes, yes, it is our blessing to be able to help Mr. Roy."

The man in the suit nodded and smiled.

"Then stop talking nonsense, the ship will be handed over to you, and the resin will be requested by them."

Roy pointed to Syrom and said.

"There is no problem with this."

Sirom nodded.

Roy glanced at Kaido and Bigumam's subordinates... who were still alive, stared at them, and scared them to death, but Roy finally did not choose to kill them, Roy Now they still need to buy some things.After all, they don't have much on board.Even if they don't buy things, they still have to fill their stomachs.

"By the way, are there any...restaurants on Syrom Island"

Roy asked Sirome.

"Yes, there is a restaurant, but it's in..."

Sirome hesitated.

"Where is it"

Roy frowned and asked.

Roy’s status and status are different now. These people may be scared to death when they see Roy's unhappy expression. Seeing Roy frowning, Syrom quickly said: "The restaurant is mostly the No. Mangrove No. 2 is mainly a port, and there are factories over there, so most people eat and live on No. 1."

"That's right, what's your embarrassment, but it's just a point of Marine, they can still eat me."

Roy said lightly, and left here with Grace and Rabbit.

Shortly after they left, a warship appeared on the sea.This warship did not choose to land on Mangrove No.1, but went directly to Mangrove No.3.

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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