One Piece My Master is Hawkeye

Chapter 225 Duel Fujitora


The entire restaurant exploded, Roy and Fujitora stood where they were, and Grace and others ran away.The level of fighting made it impossible for anyone to watch nearby.

The people in Mangrove No. 1 knew the news that Roy and Marine were fighting, and quickly packed up and fled.Mangrove No. 2 and Mangrove No. 2 also learned about it.

The small Chambord Island is a gathering of all the major forces of New World, and whenever there is any trouble, it can immediately attract the attention of all aspects of New World.

When they received a fight between Roy and Marine, everyone was worried about the three mangroves on the island.At that level of fighting, it was not easy for the mangroves to keep it.

And Roy's destructive ability is the same as Whitebeard, it is a famous island destroyer, and the situation in the small shampoo is very critical.

Some people with great intelligence even know that Marine is gathering the highest combat power to go to the small Champagne. This time, the Marine high-level can be said to have come out in full force.

They also learned that Roy killed a Celestial Dragons.This is a big deal.Although Morgans is very worried about the situation in the small shampoo land, he is also excited.This is big news.

He immediately arranged for those... desperate reporters to go there, and he desperately wanted to know the battle between Roy and Marine.

On Mangrove No. 1, Roy and Fujitora are standing opposite each other.Both of them are exploding.Fujitora is surrounded by gravity, spreading from his feet to the surroundings, and gradually oppressing Roy.

When gravity fell on Roy, Roy did feel his body sink, but he could still bear the gravity, and Roy also wanted to test how strong gravity he could bear.

Fujitora didn't know Roy's thoughts, and kept increasing gravity on Roy. Roy was feeling his gravity and didn't know how many times it was. Roy felt that this force was indeed a bit beyond his tolerance, and he didn't know if it was Fujitora. The limit.

Anyway... the root of the mangrove under his feet: It has been split, if it continues like this, the No. 1 mangrove will really be destroyed, but this mangrove is Marine, even if it is broken, it will not be with him. The relationship is not about Roy's interests.

"Yes, how many times did you apply gravity"

Roy asked Fujitora.

"Forty times."

Fujitora said lightly.

"It seems that you can increase the gravity, but that's it. If you drag it down, maybe Marine's main force will arrive. Although you don't have to counsel you, who told me that I don't want to do it with you now, so..."

Roy squatted down slightly under Fujitora's gravity.

"call out...!."

Roy's body disappeared, and Fujitora immediately pulled out...the sword and stood in front of him.(Read more @


A flash of fire burst out, and Fujitora's blade was covered with Armament Haki.He felt that his injured staff was almost cut off, and Roy's strength and ability made the enemy he himself faced.

How Fujitora doesn't doubt that if the fight continues, he will be killed by Roy.


Roy snorted, the atmosphere on his sword suddenly burst, Fujitora suffered a shock, and he quickly activated his ability to press gravity on Roy's body.

This time, Fujitora directly maximized his abilities, instead of the gradual increase in gravity.

Fujitora's strength is very terrifying, because his fruit ability must be awakened. It can launch gravity and launch into space, pulling down meteorites from the sky. The development of this ability is no longer an ordinary ability. Those who can do it.

Moreover, there is not such a huge Observation Haki.It can be known that there will be a meteorite at the top of his head.Therefore, Fujitora's Observation Haki is definitely one of the strongest Observation Haki on the sea, and it is not lost to Kata Kuri.

It can only be said that the two have their own advantages.One is that they can foresee the future, and the other is that they can find meteorites in space, and they can accurately pull the meteorite down and land where he wants to fall.

Suddenly bearing all the gravity, Roy is also a little uncomfortable, his chest is tight, there is a kind of: the urge to vomit.


Fujitora was slashed out by Roy, and Roy also left his position, rushed out quickly, and punched Fujitora.


Roy punched the atmosphere, and an invisible impact rushed directly.

Fujitora lifted the sword and attached the fruit power to the blade.A purple wave spread on the blade, and then he slammed it out.

"Gravity sword."


There was a loud noise, and the entire island was bearing the impact.Everyone on the island looked at the place where the sound appeared in horror.At this moment, the little shampoo shook.

"Too, too, too strong."

A reporter hiding by the side was so scared to speak when he saw this scene, he could only sigh in his heart that this is the monster, and then quickly took a photo of it with the camera hung on his chest.

The roots of the mangroves at the feet of the two: originally very tough, but in the two attacks, they were still torn apart.Fujitora was the first time someone could block his gravity sword. He knew that this time the enemy Very tricky.

"You are also a swordsman, although you haven't reached the point of a great swordsman, but swordsmanship.

It should be good too."

Roy said lightly.

Fujitora understood what Roy was going to do next. He opened his white eyes and looked at Roy's position and said, "Then please enlighten me."

"Earth Dragon Wave."

Roy lifted the white sword to the ground, and a slash rushed along the ground, cutting the entire mangrove roots: they were all cut apart, the slashing was dormant on the ground, and in an instant, he rushed from the ground and turned into one. The purple dragon slashed towards Fujitora.

"Gravity sword."

Fujitora took a pose again, attached his ability to the blade, and slammed it out forcefully, colliding with the purple dragon-shaped slash.

"Using gravity to offset the ability, isn't it? Such a slash is not sharp at all."

Roy saw Fujitora's gravity sword.This guy's fruit ability was indeed developed to the extreme, but the sword in his hand became a foil, just a tool he used to launch gravity.

Although it is very powerful, compared with slashing, it is not like a sword trick, but like a cannon.

"You can block this trick, Moonlight Slash."

The half-moon Moonlight Slash was very fast, and it flew in front of Fujitora almost in the blink of an eye.Fujitora had no time to react this time, so he could only pull out his rod and sword, holding the handle of the sword in one hand and intercepting Roy's slashing with the blade. .

In their hands, it is difficult for ordinary people to see their movements, because their speed is too fast.When Roy just sent the moonlight slash, the speed was almost completed in one second, and the slash was in one second. Zhongnei arrived in front of Fujitora.

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