It was only after I became Admiral that I learned about Admiral's pain.The tea dolphin and Taotu understood it.Before Fujitora and Green Bull entered Marine, the two of them were equivalent to Admiral, but they did not have an official identity.

Originally, they also wanted to become Admiral under the encouragement of Sengoku, and worked hard in the direction of Admiral.If there were tasks, they would be the first to take them, and if there were things, they would be the first.

But after a year of busy surviving, in the end he still didn't get the position of Admiral, and he was tired to death.

Later, they got the point of "Superior" and never...think about that... Admiral's position, and threw the two drudgery to the two new Admiral Fujitora and Green Bull.

The two of them are also happy to be a lieutenant general.As before, just go out to sea and wander around.Don't be so tired, go to receive Celestial Dragons and the like.

Needless to say, this expert already knows who it is, that is...Old Garp, nothing else, Garp and Sengoku, who are now completely letting go, have nothing take over the position of Zephyr. Other things too.

There is no need for the two of them to go out to sea to catch the pirates, eat and eat when there is nothing to do, and then train and train new recruits to be happy.

"Brother Garp, when do you think I can retire?"

Taotu said.

She and He are sisters, and the gray-haired old man named Garp has no problems at all.Although Taotu looks very young, but looking at the wretched tea dolphin next to her, you can see that her age is not less. At the age of forty, it's just that the maintenance technique is a bit unscientific.

"Retire, you two are still early. Even if I die, you probably won't be able to retire. Now if you can be lazy, you will be lazy. You don't know how much the guy Sengoku envied me, hahaha, I didn't know until that guy retired. The job is so good, his guy just... he values ​​his interests too much, and his strength has not changed at all for more than ten years as Marshal Marine."

Garp disdains.

It can be said that among the original batch of old people, Garp's strength is definitely the best preserved.Even Whitebeard's strength has also retreated a lot.This may be because Whitebeard is a little older than them.

However, like the guy in Bondiwald, he was frozen in the sixth floor of the underwater prison, and I don't know how he survived. After being frozen for so many years, he was still alive. I can only say that it is not ordinary. people.


The three of 3 simultaneously turned their heads and looked at the small Chambord Island, something flashed by.


While they were talking, a flash of light emerged on the small Chambord Island, followed by the roar of an explosion.

"Borsalino chased after that guy.(Read more @

Come to me, this old bone may have to do it."

Garp spoke after seeing the flash and hearing the sound.

"Lieutenant General Garp, you have fought with Tony Yi. How about that guy's bottom is really the same as the rumored one. He is a monster who can fight the Four Emperors."

Cha Dolphin asked.

"That little bunny boy is very strong. When he played against me, he hadn't been out for a long time. His character is hard to say. He was kind and evil. At that time, Crane saw him in Naval Headquarters. At that time, Crane saw him at Naval Headquarters. She couldn't make up her mind. She said that the little bastard's heart is very complicated, maybe it has something to do with his childhood."

Garp said solemnly.

"In childhood, I remember that he was born on the island of Krai Kana, and I know a little bit about what happened on that island."

Taotu obviously paid attention to Roy, and Krai Kana Island is not an ordinary island.In addition to...Roy, there is also the world's largest swordsman.

"Yes, that... what happened on the island, Marine has also intervened, but I didn't expect that all the people on the island would be killed by a group of baboons. Only the little bunny survived."

Garp nodded.

In fact, Roy has a memory of contact with humans, but that memory is something Roy does not want to recall, because during that period of time, the people Roy killed, add up to at least... several hundred.

You know, he wasn't much...years old.

When Hawkeye went to the island, he could find the bones, but unlike the original book, when Hawkeye went up, the war on Kraykana Island was over, and he also saw those... just died. People soon.

But because of the appearance of Roy, the battle on the island ended a few years earlier.As a child, Roy almost survived in hell.He can be said to be an executioner.

"The strength can be compared with the Four Emperors, and his fruit ability is developed in the direction of Whitebeard's ability, and he himself is a great swordsman."

Momosa grabbed Jin Piro around her waist and said.

"You want to try"

Garp said.

"Well, I have fought against Eagle Eye. It is only in kendo. When he is serious, it is absolutely impossible for me to survive fifty moves."

Taotu said.

"In that case, let's go over."

Garp grabbed the clothes of Peach Rabbit and Tea Dolphin, the two were startled, and then they screamed loudly when they understood Garp's next move.



"Go you guys, iron bones."

Garp took one hand and threw the two to the small Chambord Island.

The two were thrown out by Garp like a cannonball.After seeing the two flying away quickly, Garp laughed and jumped up on the Moonwalk.It didn't take long for Garp to return to the boat again.

In the eyes of a group of stunned Marines, lying on the deck chair, with his hands on his chest, he said faintly: "This kind of slapstick is better left to young people."

The Marine soldier on the ship raised his hand and said loudly, "You want to be lazy."

Several lieutenants on other warships saw the tea dolphin and peach rabbit being thrown out by Garp.They watched them flying out with a stunned look.They also saw Garp's rogue movements, and they didn't know what to say.

And when Wanjinyou Huoshaoshan saw this scene, he remembered some bad memories.

It can be said that he can have today's status, it seems that he was forced out like this by Garp.

I think he was by Garp's side, every time there was a battle, one or two people would always appear in Garp's hands, either Aokiji or... him, for Garp's iron-bone bullet, he still has it. Fear, how else could someone with his character become a lieutenant general?

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