One Piece My Master is Hawkeye

Chapter 234 Arrive at The fish men island

In fact, anyone who has known thunder and lightning knows that electricity has positive and negative poles.It starts from the positive pole, and then the negative pole receives it.This is alternating current.

In Tesla's AC performance, thunder and lightning can often be seen passing through his body, but he himself did not suffer much damage.

Someone once did an experiment. He put a metal copper chain on the outside of his body, wearing a thin layer of insulating clothing, and then to withstand a high-voltage current stronger than thunder and lightning.Under the high-voltage current, he stood on the ground. It is itself but has not been affected by thunder and lightning.

The outer layer of Armament Haki can help Roy protect the organs in the body, and it can also play a protective role.Roy put his other hand through the bubble to guide the lightning on the white sword out.

Although Roy was still damaged by lightning, it was not too serious.His strength was still no problem with the lightning resistance of the electric eel.

The lightning came and went fast.When the lightning ended, the electric eel had completely lost its breath, and the entire head was chopped in half by Roy.

However, the thunder and lightning that just broke out is still extremely terrifying.This is the horror of the capable people among Sea Kings.This guy has his own lightning fruit ability and is domineering on the sea.

Even the powerful Sea Kings must be afraid of it.The horror of the electric eel is definitely at the top of the New World Sea Kings.

After killing the electric eel, they could go a little further, after all, the biggest threat was gone. When Roy returned to the ship, the three of Odin and the others looked at Roy dumbfounded, and they didn't dare to laugh. The expression was revealed.

Roy touched his hair, and his hair stood up just now in the midst of thunder and lightning, so it looked like a broom head.

"I'll just go and wash it."

Roy walked into the cabin and washed his hair, finally returning to the original appearance.

Their boat began to dive. Although the power of the ocean current is not that strong, they need to dive slowly. Moreover, this is not like the entrance on the other side. When swept by the powerful ocean current, they will soon reach The fish men. island.

And here, because the current comes out of The fish men island, they need to dive a little bit.The process is very long, three kilometers.

"In the future, it will be much easier to go back and forth to the Grand Line. Every year countless people die in this guy's mouth. Without him, it will be easier to go back and forth."

Odin exclaimed.

Death in the deep sea has always been a disaster for the New World. Odin's words are not wrong. If the people in the merchant ship knew that this monster had died, then I don't know how happy they would be.

The boat is continuing to dive, and there is a light shining at the bottom. Binks and Grace are curiously lying on the side of the boat and watching it. Although there is still a long distance, they know that the bottom is... The fish men island.

Although they saw it in New World.(Read more @

It is that they have never seen a beautiful mermaid. Both of them are full of curiosity and want to see how beautiful The fish men island is.

Another point is...The fish men island is the territory of the genus.It can be said that this is the territory of their pirate group, and they can't help but make them all curious.

"Boss, The fish men island is...Gumam's grabbed it, isn't it? Why do you want to grab The fish men island"

Binks asked curiously.

"I don't know, maybe it's because they are pitiful."

Roy ambiguously said that it actually stems from the kindness deep in his heart.If he is replaced by him, then he will destroy The fish men island without hesitation.


Binks did not continue to say anything.

Roy watched the falling ship while drinking and cleaning the white sword.The sword needs to be maintained frequently.If it is not maintained, the blade will become dull and the sword will not take advantage of it.

When they arrived at The fish men island, they went straight in.When the murlocs at the door saw the flag on their boat, they directly brought their boat in.

"Master Roy."

The murloc guard at the head saw Roy respectfully.

"Nothing happened recently, right"

Roy asked.

"No, with the deterrence of Lord Roy, no one dares to be presumptuous on The fish men island."

The Murloc was happy when he heard Roy's question.

Since Roy's declaration, those who were captured by slaves dare not come to The fish men island to make trouble.The fish men island has definitely restored the time when Whitebeard sheltered.

"That's fine. I'll go to King Neptune. By the way, is Jinbei here? Then take my boat to the coral forest. Give Dan. I need his help to build a bigger boat. Now I have more companions and need to change a ship."

Roy said.

He also wants his own ship to train a ship elves, but ship elves don't want to have them, and there is no real use for more ship elves, especially for Roy and the others.

The arrival of Roy immediately made The fish men island happy, and those who are staying on the island now...The pirates are all panicked, and all of them go out to sea in a short time, and they don't dare to stay. On The fish men island.

After talking with Neptune, Roy knew that because of his shelter, coupled with the clown Buggy, and the dark world behind Buggy, the fish men island became a key turning point.

Many commercial ships are happy to come here, which has brought a lot of wealth to The fish men island.Nipton has been very happy recently because the fish men island has more contacts with the outside world.

The fish men island's current situation is very good, and there is nothing wrong with it, but Roy knows that as long as that... is called Hodie.

Jones' guys are still there: Something will definitely break out in The fish men island.

But this is not within Roy's jurisdiction.He promised to shelter The fish men island, not the royal family.For him, this belongs to the internal strife of The fish men island.

Moreover, it is already a must-win ending, Roy does not need to worry too much, people who eat too much will overdraw their vitality, and there is no hope of victory.

Roy is very curious, after a while, Luffy will come to The fish men island and see his flag on the island, making hostile actions against him.

Jinbei is not in The fish men island. Roy can only go to Dan. Dan is already improving their boats. The main reason is that Roy's current boat is too small. It is smaller than the Meili and needs to be enlarged. Dan can only change the hull. Take it apart, and then assemble it.

"The fish men island is really beautiful."

Grace and Rabbit are shopping.

Roy was also happy, wandering around the island.He did not deliberately go to the Murloc Cafe this time, mainly because he felt that even if he knew the future, there was nothing good.

There is a kind of unknown in life, Roy doesn't know whether he will die suddenly in the next second, so don't watch this kind of thing foreseeing, and what Xia Li predicts is not a good thing.

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