One Piece My Master is Hawkeye

Chapter 242 The hidden eagle eye

Roy's main purpose of coming back this time was...In addition to Buggy's invitation, he wanted to find Hawkeye.After spending more than half a year in Wano Country, Roy felt his own swordsmanship.

Has improved.

He wants to see how far he is from Hawkeye now.Of course, he can't see it in normal times, and he can only distinguish the high ground by playing against him.

As for the true strength of Hawkeye, Roy has no foundation at all, mainly because Hawkeye is like red hair.Except for those eyes, he has almost no characteristics on his body.

It's not like Kaido's...muscle metamorphosis. It's not easy to provoke, and it won't be like Bigumam. Haki will be exposed at every turn. It is precisely because of this ordinary appearance that the eagle eye will appear even more. It's daunting.

The two walked out of the castle and headed towards the sea. The baboons in the morning spotted them both.Some baboons greeted Roy, and Roy called them twice.

The baboons who heard Roy's call followed them one by one, because they knew that Roy was going to fight the...terrible person in their hearts, so they wanted to see the result of Roy and Hawkeye.

The two have been walking for a long time, but neither of them spoke, just rushed.

Finally they reached the sea, which was relatively flat and would not affect the island. Roy and Hawkeye pulled out the blades behind them one after another.

At this moment, both of them exploded with a strong aura, facing the eagle eye Roy without the slightest care, and eagle eye did not hesitate to explode their aura.

However, what Roy didn't expect was that Hawkeye actually has Conqueror's Haki on his body. I am afraid that except for a few people, perhaps no one knows that Hawkeye actually has Conqueror's Haki.

Even Roy, who has known him for so long, didn't expect Hawkeye to have Conqueror's Haki, which shows how deep this guy is hiding.

But I think it's true.Although Hawkeye has very little record of shooting, he also has the heart of a strong, and he is also a person who has come from the weak all the way.His Haki is not weak.

As the world's top swordsman, how could he have not awakened Conqueror's Haki.

The Conqueror's Haki conflict between the two suddenly broke out on Krai Kana Island. Countless birds and beasts were shocked and fainted. Many of the baboons who followed them fainted under the conflict of Conqueror's Haki. .

Before the two officially started fighting, they had already stunned the nearby creatures by a large amount, and the sky had also changed at this moment: clouds rose and clouds rose.

"this is"

Inside the castle, Zoro and others raised their heads and looked at Roy in the direction they were.

"It's the boss, Haki, who owns the other one"

Binks was surprised.

"It's Hawkeye, isn't it?"

Zoro was surprised, and then he directly picked up his own sword, and then desperately rushed over.

Others followed curiously.

Want to know what happened.

As the conflict between Conqueror's Haki became more and more distant, an invisible impact was formed between the two, and when they collided with each other, Roy's Conqueror's Haki was full of blood.(Read more @

On the other hand, Conqueror's Haki of Hawkeye is very impressive and has an indomitable momentum.

"I didn't expect you to be colored Haki."

Roy opened his mouth.

"The direction of the sword, everything is nothing."

Hawkeye said.

This sentence summarizes the characteristic of his Conqueror's Haki, that is, sharpness.In the confrontation of Haki, although the two are similar, the Haki of Hawkeye is still different.

"One sword."

Roy said.

"One sword."

Hawkeye also raised the black sword in his hand.

The two assumed the same posture, constantly condensing their own aura, their aura continued to rise, and where their aura Conqueror's Haki collided, an impact continued to spread to the surroundings.

"It's terrible."

Odin looked up at the sky and said.

Others also noticed the sky, the clouds in the sky broke in half, and the sky was cut open by a huge gully, which looked like the sky was split.

They also felt the aura that suffocated them with fear, and when they thought of the two who were going to fight, they were both excited and eager.

Zoro glanced at the sky and continued to dare to go over there.Other people would naturally not miss this wonderful situation, and rushed towards the sea.

Roy and Hawkeye's aura is not shortly rising, this is not their limit, because this is a kendo confrontation, so Roy does not intend to use abilities to deal with Hawkeye, just pure kendo.

"It seems that you learned a lot in Wano Country."

Hawkeye said.

"You should have also been to the country of Wano, yes, after spending more than half a year in the country of Wano, you have indeed learned a lot, so I want to come to you again."

Roy said.

"Let me see how far you have grown."

After Hawkeye finished speaking, the sword fell.

Roy also slashed down.

A black and white sky formed in the sky, Zoro and the others lost their sight at this time, only seeing two things, black and white, appearing in their sky.

Just like a door, one side is a white door, and the other side is black.The situation in front of them has changed, and they can't see everything in front of them.

Soon, the vision in front of them disappeared, and the world recovered again, as if it hadn't happened just now, just what happened in a moment.

The sky was also quiet at this moment, and they did not feel Roy and Hawkeye's Haki.When they finally rushed to the beach, the scene before them opened their mouths and looked at everything in horror.

Roy and Hawkeye were standing opposite each other.The distance between the two was about 20 meters. When the sea breeze blew, the two stood still on the spot, holding two very similar big sword in their hands.

The eyes of the two people looked at each other, there was no movement or a word, but the atmosphere was extremely frozen.

Although Zoro saw the two first, he was still attracted by the scene behind them.

Behind each of them, there is a bottomless gully. Because it is on the seashore, the gully behind them extends to the sea. In Zoro's field of vision, this gully separates the sea and forms two waterfalls. , The sea seems to be constantly pouring into the waterfall.

"The sea was cut open."

Grace said in horror that she was also a swordsman, but it was the first time she saw the situation caused by such a slash.


Odin took a sip of water.

"Who, who won"

Binks glanced at the sea and fixed his gaze on Roy and Hawkeye.

Roy and Hawkeye looked at each other tightly, without speaking.

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