One Piece My Master is Hawkeye

Chapter 296 Undercurrent surging (thanks for the reward)


Inside a giant tree, a sound alarmed the entire giant tree, and everyone couldn't help but raise their heads to look at a room above them.

"Deputy president, we can't contact the president at all, even if the phone bug is contacted, we can't be reached, probably..."

Said a birdman like Morgans.

"I see, let's arrange news layout. Even if the president is not there, we must follow the president's will to publish the news, arrange urgent news immediately, call all the news birds back, and equip all the points in the world. Good print."

Another birdman said.

"It's the vice president."

The birdman left only a birdman who was wearing a suit and was about the same length as Morgans.

"Finally dead, you finally dead, Morgans, ha ha ha, now the World Economic News Service is our World government."

The vice president of the World Economic News Agency smiled.

There is still a while to typesetting, but the dark world of New World already knows this news, and there are few secrets in New World.

Because the dark world connects the New World together, if you want to develop in the New World, you will never be able to leave the dark world, whether it is money transactions or materials, etc..., the dark world is definitely a huge machine.

"Bigumam is dead"

Kaido was a little surprised after seeing the information.

"Well, it was White Blade Roy who killed her, and now White Blade Roy is on the new cake island of IWC."

Quinn said.

"Where's that bastard clown"

Kaido thought of Doflamingo, who also went to the tea party.If that guy died, it would be useless for him to save people.

"The Joker just got in touch. He escaped from Roy's hands and is now on the ship of Capone Bege in the Supernova Eleven."

Quinn said.

"That's good, that guy can't die. Our business in the dark world still needs him. He must collect Zoan Devil Fruit for me."

Kaido gritted his teeth and said.

"Should we do something to the hand-to-hand Roy now"

Shen Sheng on the side asked.

"No, now the red-haired guy is staring at us. He suspects that Jabba's disappearance has something to do with us. Once we do something, the red-haired guy will never sit back and watch...(Read more @


Quinn shook his head.

Because I didn't see Jabba appear in the two incidents of Wano Country, the red hair was also wondering if Jabba had an accident.Now the red hair is staring at Beasts Pirates.

The World government has already convened an urgent meeting. Five 55-year-old Five Elders gathered in the meeting hall.They are all people who will not die. There is nothing to stay in there, even though it is late in the night. However, they are still full of energy.Compared with Akainu who is yawning and relying on a cigar, perhaps the five of them are young people.

"Bigumum is dead, and the fellow Whitebeard killed her, and then the fellow Freedom Roy will definitely swallow Bigumam's territory. He also plans to take action on Whitebeard's territory and must contain him."

Akainu said.

"Containment is necessary, but Marine has not achieved any results now. Although you have caught a lot of pirates after moving to New World, you haven't explained the Fujitora thing clearly. Why did the guy Fujitora do that kind of thing? , Is he still worthy of Admiral?"

Said the bald bearded in Five Elders.

"I've dealt with that bastard. He has to catch the Straw Hat Pirates to return to the Marine base. In the last Beasts Pirates' sudden attack, Fujitora was also injured and is now recuperating, but I have let him go. The nations are now."

Akainu said.

"Let him go and die"

Master Jian looked up at Akainu dissatisfied.

"He is not a fool, and he will not do that...stupid thing, I just let him monitor it."

Akainu said.

"He's aside, let's talk about how to deal with Roy, he must be contained. Shichibukai can't count on it anymore. Damn, maybe Shichibukai really doesn't need to exist anymore."

Said Five Elders wearing a hat.

"That... system should have been banned long ago."

Akainu said.

"Kuzan can't wait anymore."

Said Five Elders with a yellow short position.

"How can I care about that bastard? He joined the revolutionary army himself, what else can I do?"

Akainu said angrily.

"That kind of... a powerful combat force would actually join the revolutionary army. You are also responsible for Sakazuki. Now Marine has to do something. You can't continue to delay. You can leave it alone on Roy's side, but the clown Buggy. The guy can't let it: he continues to be at ease, and he must cut off his commercial channels."

Five Elders with a long white beard continued.


The other Five Elders agreed to this decision.

"Cut, it's useless to cut off the clown Buggy's passage, they still have The fish men island, and the passage in the sea has no effect on him, unless it can kill him."

Akainu said.

"Then kill him."

Old Jian said.

The World government’s discussions are underway. The clown Buggy has become their must-kill target, because his relationship with Roy is too close. If you want to cut off Roy's development, you must cut off Buggy. Commercial supply is good.

On the New World side, countless pirate groups are ready to move, just like when Whitebeard died, a large group of pirates who had benefited a lot from the death of Whitebeard were moved.

Each Four Emperors represents a huge amount of wealth, and if they can get some, it will be enough for them to live for a long time.

Of course, there are also more sensible ones.For example, the Hawkins Alliance Trio 3, because the previous Kaido was pinned in the country of Wano, and their goal is the relationship of red hair, the Trio 3 alliance still exists.

"If you can't go, the probability of death is 70%%. That is to say, 70%% of people who go will be killed."

Hawkins looked at the Carlo card in front of him and said.

"It's really scary. I don't know how many people will die. He is really strong."

Apu said.

He once met Roy in the Champagne field, and he and Hawkins as well as Seng Zheng and De Krei were rescued by Roy in Kizaru's hands.


Kidd was almost killed by Roy. If it weren't for Luo to save him, he might have died long ago. For... Roy, he has a grudge. After Si's words, he closed his mouth rationally.This kind of thing is too dangerous, so it's better not to go.

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