[Sea Overlord Rocks: Hmm!!!]

[Pirate King Roger: That does seem to be the case.]

[Sea Overlord Rocks: ??? Did I seek your advice?]

[Pirate King Roger: ………Haha, I won’t talk, I won’t talk, just be happy.]

[Iron Fist Garp: Humph, Roger, this lunatic doesn’t need to be given a bit of face, let him find a place to stink.]

[Sea Overlord Rocks: Garp——, and the rest of you bastards, I won’t let you go.]

[Marine Marshal Sengoku: Come on, the dead should just stay in the world of death, don’t think about going crazy.]

[Tang Tian: What if he really has the chance to go crazy?]

[Marine Marshal Sengoku: ??? ?]

[Iron Fist Garp: ??? ?]

[Marine Chief of Staff Tsuru: ? ? ? 】

[Akainu Sakaski: ? ? ? 】

[Aokiji Kuzan: ? ? ? 】

[Kizaru Borsalino: ? ? ? 】

[Pirate King Roger: ? ? ? 】

[Whitebeard Edward Newgate: ? ? ? 】

[Kaido the Beast: ? ? ? 】

[Iron Balloon BIG·MOM: ? ? ? 】

[Golden Lion Shiki: ? ? ? 】

[Red-haired Shanks: ? ? ? 】

[Sea Overlord Rocks: What? 】

Now, let alone these big names and strong men in the pirate world, many people are confused.

No, what is this kid talking about, what is Rocks still having a chance to go crazy, Rocks is already dead, how could he go crazy in the world of death?

[Marshal Zhan Guo: Humph, I think the real fool is you, right? Tell me, how can a dead man like Rocks reappear in this sea to cause trouble. ]

Others did not speak, but waited for Tang Tian's answer. They knew very well that those who could enter the world chat channel were definitely not ordinary people.

But now they want to know whether Tang Tian is really a fool or has a reason.

The most excited one is Rocks. It's a joke. He has the opportunity to return to the sea to deal with those bastards, especially the traitors back then. He must seize this opportunity no matter what the price.

Tang Tian, ​​who was still on the deserted island at this time, snorted disdainfully, his tone full of contempt. But he said immediately.

[Tang Tian: I'm a fool? ! Please, it's clearly written in the rules? People from the world of death can also participate in the ring duel. Now, Roger, Rocks and other dead people can speak in the world chat channel, which is the best proof that the world of death has been connected. ]

[Tang Tian: Such a magical thing has already happened. You navy had better think of a way to deal with it? If the person who goes up to the ring is Roger or Rocks, once they win in the ring, the rewards they get are like resurrection or return to the pirate world. What should you do? ]

[Tang Tian: For example, Whitebeard can get a reward that can make him return to youth and heal his injuries, and Red Hair can be reborn after a broken arm. The power of the pirates has been strengthened so much. I wonder what you navy should do? ]

[Marshal Sengoku: You——]

[Iron Fist Garp: This, is it? ]


Tang Tian's words immediately made all the bigwigs in the pirate world uneasy.

Especially on the navy side, Sengoku Garp and the other three plus the three admirals of the navy all showed a look of horror.

Because they thought about it carefully, Tang Tian's words had no problem with thinking and logic, and it was possible, but at the same time, they were a little panicked. After all, if they really did what Tang Tian said, then their navy would be in big trouble.

On the contrary, the pirates were ecstatic.

Especially the four people who were named by Tang Tian before.

At this time, Roger and Rocks in the world of death, of course, they would not be together.

But the passion that had long been simmering was finally aroused. After all, the opportunity to return to the sea may really be right in front of them.

How could the former overlord of the sea and the Pirate King be willing to stay here if he had the chance.

On the Moby Dick in the New World.

"Dad, what are you doing? Don't pull out the potion bottle."

"Ah, Dad, why are you drinking again?"

"Dad, what do you want to do?"

At this time, looking at Whitebeard who pulled out the potion bottle line on his body, drank a large bowl of wine in his hand, and stood up with a knife.

The good sons beside him were naturally worried and uneasy.

"Gulala, sons, don't worry, if it's really as that kid said, this time it's youDad's chance, if I can get a reward once I win, maybe I really have a chance to cure all the damn hidden diseases in my body, and even have a chance to return to youth, gulala. "

Whitebeard couldn't help laughing when he said this.

In his eyes, the anger representing expectation and fighting spirit was burning.

Because he knew that his own worries would dissipate, as long as he returned to youth or the hidden disease was cured, he could spend more time with his sons and protect them.

Whitebeard would naturally not let go of such an opportunity, and it was just a battle, wasn't it? He, Whitebeard, was afraid of no one, he was the strongest man in the world.

On the Red Foss.

"Boss!!! "All the cadres of the Red Hair Pirates looked at their captain, Red Hair Shanks, with a hint of expectation in their eyes, and they all became excited.

Because they knew very well that if the boss's other arm could really recover, his strength would definitely increase greatly.

This is a great benefit to their Red Hair Pirates.

"Hahaha, let's wait and see when I can go up and fight."

Shanks said with a nonchalant look, perhaps because he had been one-armed for too long.

However, the fire of fighting in his eyes would not lie, and it was obvious that Red Hair Shanks had been aroused.


"Please look at the big screen, the ring battle is about to begin, and the ring venue this time is Infinite Grassland. "

Soon, everyone saw that the screen had turned into a vast green prairie.

The ground was covered with lush green grass, which looked very fertile, and there were some small flowers dotted in it.

[Wow, so beautiful.]

[Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be such a large prairie in our world.]

[This prairie is too big. If we develop animal husbandry, how many cattle and sheep can we raise?]

Seeing the prairie on the other side of the screen, ordinary people were so envious and yearning.

And the bigwigs in the world chat channel were also very surprised. After all, there really was no such prairie in their pirate world. A similar prairie environment.

The prairie over there was just a small space specially created by the world consciousness for this arena duel.

Knowing this, they once again felt a little awe for the world consciousness, or the so-called screen.

Soon, the screen changed again, and two beams of light came down from three directions, a total of six beams of light hit the prairie.

"The type of this battle is a melee. The six people on the field are divided into three groups in pairs. Some of them are temporary teams, and some are from the same force. The team that eliminates the other two pairs first will win. "

After the world consciousness finished speaking, the beam of light also dissipated. In front of all the audience and those bigwigs.

Six figures also appeared.

A young boy wearing a straw hat, a red vest and blue shorts, and a pair of slippers on his feet.

A green-haired swordsman, wearing black clothes and a green belt, carrying three swords on his back.

These two people are a combination.

Then there is a red-haired woman and a brown-haired woman, who look very young, and are also a combination.

But the last combination is a bit funny,

A huge , a fishman with strong muscles and sharp teeth. He has a pair of horns on his head, is covered with blue scales, and has a huge tail. He usually wears simple clothes to show off his strong body.

But his partner is a mouse-like, once wretched man, very short, but he is wearing the uniform of a navy branch captain, and his identity is obvious, he is a navy.

Many people were quickly confused, because they didn't know the six people on the field.

But someone saw the figure of the first one and couldn't help it.

Navy headquarters.

"Puff———." Seeing the figure on the screen, Garp couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of tea.

"Garp!! You bastard, pay attention to your image." Sengoku couldn't help but roared, because the tea that Garp spit out just hit his newly bought carpet.

"Luffy!! "But Garp doesn't care about this. He can't help but stare at the screen with wide eyes. He can't understand why Luffy is the first to go up in the first game.

"What? That's your grandson." Sengoku was stunned at first, and then said with a surprised tone.

On the other side.

"Hey, boss, look, it's Luffy."

"Oh my God, it's this kid who's on the field."

All the cadres of the Red Hair Sea Group areI was surprised that Luffy would be the first to appear.

"Haha, great, isn't this great? Let's see how far Luffy has grown." Shanks said with a gratified tone and eyes, looking at Luffy on the screen.

But he soon frowned again and looked at the girl group on the other side.

For some reason, this girl group gave him a sense of something wrong, as if something bad was about to happen.

"Along, why is he mixed with the navy?" Jinbei, the fishman who was heading to the Whitebeard Pirates, saw that Arlong on the screen was in the same group with the navy, and couldn't help frowning and said.

Shimotsuki Village.


Shimotsuki Koshiro, who had already walked out of his gym, saw his apprentice on the screen, and didn't know what he was thinking.

Also looking at Zoro was a girl who was already in the world of death.


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