I can't afford to offend him, I really can't afford to offend him.

So Sanji quickly scolded his stupid son.

Tell him not to talk nonsense.

But at the same time, the content in the world chat channel continued.

[Yamato: Speaking of which, this time there is finally no Monster League and Navy, eh, why don't I have a title. ]

[Monster Lady Lord Tang Tian: You were locked up in a small dark room by your brother, and you don't even have a bounty, so don't even think about having a title. My Monster League doesn't have any decent chefs now, so I didn't play this time. ]

[Monster Lady Lord Tang Tian: Besides, it can't always be us, we have to give others some opportunities. ]

[Phoenix Marco: That's right, it's finally our turn for the second time for the Whitebeard Pirates. ]

[Ben Beckman: Haha, we have a chance too, but why don't I have a title either. ]

[Red-haired Shanks: It may be because your title is the same as Sengoku, and the title of wise general is more recognized by Sengoku on the sea. 】

【Ben Beckman: ………】


At this point in the conversation, the six people in the duel venue are already very clear.

Venue No. 1, Sanji and Usopp from the Straw Hat Pirates, Venue No. 2, Captain Thatch of the Fourth Division and Captain Izo of the Sixteenth Division from the Whitebeard Pirates.

And finally Venue No. 3, Chef Lakilu and Sniper Jesus from the Red Hair Pirates.

The three groups of people also sighed at the duel venue this time, and then when they saw each other, they were stunned.

"Izo? Thatch? Hahaha, I didn't expect the opponent would be you." Lakilu looked at the two people from the Whitebeard Pirates in the No. 2 position. Seeing that the opponent was these two people, he couldn't help laughing.

Moreover, seeing the open-air kitchen in front of him, he also knew that this was a cooking competition. He had long wanted to compete with Thatch.

This time he finally had the opportunity, and he was immediately happy.

"Haha, it's an honor to compete with the last game." Sachi actually wanted to compete with Lagilu for a long time, and laughed loudly.

Because he could also see that this was a cooking competition.

"I didn't expect it to be your Red Hair Pirates." Izo said after taking a look at them.

However, he was looking more at Jesus Bu, after all, the other party's title of the No. 1 sniper in the ocean today is not for nothing.

But he found that Jesus Bu did not look at them, but at another venue.

"Usopp, that's your dad." Sanji looked at Jesus Bu who was looking at them, turned his head and looked at Usopp next to him and asked.

Because he had heard that Usopp's father was Jesus Bu, a cadre of the Four Emperors Red Hair Pirates.

And this should be the first time they met between father and son, he was still very curious about how it would develop next.

"Well, dad, I finally see you." Usopp on the side nodded first, and then shouted loudly at his father.

"Hahaha, yes." Jesus laughed.

"Huh? Jesus, it turns out that's your son over there, which means that's Luffy's crew, right?" Lakiru said with a surprised look.

"Ace's crew?" Hearing this, Izo and Thatch also looked at Sanji and Usopp.

It seems that the people in this venue are not small figures.

They are a little famous in the whole sea.

"Now let's introduce the six main participants in this ring match to the audience."

World consciousness said again.

Then he started to introduce them. Thatch and Lakiru were mediocre and did not attract many people's interest.

Izo was similar. The only highlight was that he came from the mysterious closed kingdom of Wano Country, which was full of colors.

And he was obviously a man, but he dressed like a woman, which made the audience couldn't help but complain.

Jesus Bu is actually similar, but when it comes to Usopp, they are linked together. After all, they are father and son. Many viewers directly commented on Jesus Bu, saying that he is a scumbag father.

Then there is Sanji's matter. We saw Judge's evil deeds to Sanji, imprisoning him and abandoning him in the end. Everyone cursed him as a rotten father.

On the contrary, Zeff, who really raised Sanji, was more like a father, allowing Sanji to spend a happy time in the sea restaurant Barati.

All the things have been broadcast.

The world chat channel has become lively again.

[Epidemic Queen: Old Ga, I admire you for being a father, hahaha. ]

[Judge: This guy is a failure. I don't want to waste resources. Is it wrong to abandon him? ]

[Straw Hat Boy Luffy: Sanji is very good, don't talk nonsense, but Uncle Jesus Bu is really, he never repliedLet's take a look at Usopp and the others. ]

[Little Thief Cat Nami: I would say these two guys are not that good. ]

[Devil's Child Nico Robin: A scumbag father, a rotten father, how good can they be? ]

[Momoto Uzumaki: Humph, they are all a bunch of stinky men. ]

[Navy Chief of Staff Tsuru: Even more shameful than Sengoku and Garp. ]

[Marshal Sengoku: ? ? ? ]

[Iron Fist Garp: ? ? ? ]


Tang Tian did not speak this time, because there was no need, there was nothing he could complain about.

At the same time, Judge in the Vinsmoke family saw that some people were still criticizing and blaming him in the chat channel, and he punched the table directly, his face was extremely ugly.

At this time, Jesus Bu on the platform did not look very good, because he knew very well that he was indeed sorry for his wife and children.

Lakilu did not comfort him on the side, because he did not know what to say.

On the contrary, the eyes of Izo and Thatch looking at Jesus have changed. So you are this kind of person.

But soon, Thatch looked at Izo.

"Well, what's wrong? Brother Thatch." Izo asked puzzledly.

"No, I just thought that you should dress more masculine when you go back." Thatch said with a strange look on his face.

"………, is my dress really weird?" Izo said with a wry smile.

"Now let's announce the rules of this fun game."

The voice of the world consciousness sounded again, which immediately attracted the attention of Usopp and the others, as well as all the audience, and they looked over again.

"Snipers stand on a high platform and shoot. As long as they hit the food boxes that suddenly appear in the sky or float down from the white clouds, a corresponding amount of food including seasonings will appear on the platform."

"Chefs should use these ingredients and seasonings to make delicious food in the open-air kitchen on the field. The prepared food will automatically disappear, and the world consciousness will personally score and report the scores, which will be accumulated."

"All three participants in this battle can get rewards, but the higher the score, the better the reward for the participating team."

"Here, the participants are given three minutes to prepare. After three minutes, the three-hour competition officially begins."

After listening to this, all the audience immediately cast their excited and excited eyes over, because this competition is so interesting.

The three chefs on the field, Sanji, Lagilu, and Thatch, are still a little worried about the judges who tasted their dishes, but now they hear that the world consciousness personally scored that time, they are immediately satisfied, because this is fair.

"By the way, the three snipers participating in this battle have unlimited ammunition here."

What? Usopp and the others were immediately surprised, with disbelief on their faces, but they immediately checked their own situation and found that it was indeed the case, which made them marvel at the power of world consciousness again.

Soon Sanji and the other chefs came to the kitchen table to prepare, wash their hands, sharpen their knives, and arrange the dishes.

Usopp and the other three also came to the high platform and checked their gunpowder guns and slingshots to see if they were in good condition.

Three minutes passed quickly.

"Okay, I declare this fun game officially open."

As soon as he announced, square boxes of different colors floated out from the clouds, and some suddenly appeared in the air.

The names of the ingredients were written on them, including vegetables, fruits, soy products, dairy products, birds and beasts, sea fish, and even meat of sea kings, eggs, and various seasonings.

Sanji and the other three looked at the words on some boxes, and their eyes suddenly lit up, because there were some very rare and even almost impossible to find ingredients in them.

Now, they can use these ingredients that are difficult for them to find to cook delicious food, which is also a kind of happiness for chefs.

"Usopp, attack the one over there."

"Izo, hit the red box on your right."

"Jesus, the box with the devil sea snake eggs written on it in the upper left corner."

They told their snipers what ingredients they wanted.

Usopp pulled out a small slingshot and immediately shot at those boxes.

The corresponding ingredients soon appeared in front of Sanji.

Obviously, even if Wuwubu, who is usually timid, wants to perform well in front of all the audience and his father this time, he is not fighting, so he is particularly serious now.

Moreover, he inherited the talent from his father. Even if he does not use a sniper rifle but a slingshot, he is also very good. He performed well in just one minute.

Let manyThe strong men who knew Jesus Bu and had experienced his power immediately sighed that a tiger father has no dog son.

But he was still too young and could not compare with Jesus Bu and Izo, the two old gunmen.

They were faster in both reaction and speed.

After all, Usopp had not yet awakened his observation Haki, while the observation Haki of these two was already very high, especially Jesus Bu.

The food materials that appeared in front of Lagi Road were definitely more than that of Thatch.

After all, a pistol could not compare with a sniper rifle. Although they were both flintlock rifles, pistols were not as good as sniper rifles in terms of range and explosive power.

There were even a few times when Jesus Bu directly snatched Izo's target, and it was precisely because of this, plus there was a little gap between the two.

After all, Izo was just the captain at the end of the line, while Jesus Bu was a cadre of the Red Hair Pirates, and he would be one of the top five captains in the Whitebeard Pirates.

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