"Yes, we understand." The two monster girls on the screen said in unison.

The screen jumped and fast-forwarded to Tang Tian leaving the underwater base, and the robot was responsible for continuing to train the two monster girls. After that, Tang Tian disappeared.

Not long after, the strength of the two monster girls improved by leaps and bounds, reaching Class B and becoming candidates for generals. The robot told them that their strength had reached the standard, and according to the master's instructions, they were sent to the gathering place of monster girls-the Monster Alliance Headquarters.

Finally, the screen was frozen at the moment when the two monster girls set off in an octopus-shaped submarine.

At this time, both the ordinary chat channel and the world chat channel were blown up, and the excitement was like a volcanic eruption.

The ordinary people spoke first.

"Oh my god, what did I see?"

"Someone actually built an underwater base at such a deep seabed? How can those submarines be immune to attacks from sea kings? And there are many such submarines, and there is more than one underwater base."

"Who is this Tang Tian? He looks young, but he is extremely powerful."

"Undoubtedly, this guy is definitely a top scientist, and he knows everything about machines, genes, biology, etc."

"I am more curious about what happened to the two girls."

"Yeah, what happened? Their abilities don't seem to be caused by devil fruits."

"Looking at the numbers, these two girls are obviously not the first to become monster girls."

"Anyway, this should be a genetically modified person."

"Indeed, I heard that some famous scientists in the ocean today have more or less similar experiments, and even have achieved results."

"But anyway, I have learned a lot today."


At the same time, in the world chat channel.

[Tang Tian: Oh, I knew it was like this, I was planning to hide for a while. ]

[Little Thief Cat Nami: As expected, those who can enter the world chat channel, even if they don't have a special title, are extraordinary. ]

[Blackfoot Sanji: Hey, you're a bit too much, you actually used two beautiful girls for experiments, and before, if I see you, I will definitely kick you. ]

[Sniper King Usopp: Sanji, are you crazy? We can't afford to mess with such people. ]

[Tang Tian: What's wrong with me? I have spent so many years of research on them, making them strong and able to survive in this sea. Without me, they would have starved to death in the corners there. ]

[Great Scientist Vegapunk: Boy, how did you build those submarines? Not only can they dive so deep, but they are also so fast, and they are not attacked by sea kings. ]

[Tang Tian: That is my unique design, which is why those submarines are shaped like sea creatures. As for the rest, I won't say it, I don't want certain people to hear it. ]

[Great Scientist Vegapunk: ...Well, everyone has their own problems. ]

[Tang Tian: You are not interested in the monster girl I created. ]

[Great Scientist Vegapunk: This, bloodline factor, genetically modified people, not only me, Quinn, and Judge have done some research. ]

[Judge: So, the so-called monster girls you mentioned are not very rare for us, but we are just a little interested in them. Wait, why don’t I have a title. ]

[Cyborg Franky: What a powerful submarine, it would be great if we could build one too. ]

[Iceberg: Maybe we can give it a try. ]

[Tang Tian: Then I wish you good luck. Anyway, I will not let out my technology and information about submarines. ]

[Akainu Sakaski: Hum, kid, do you really want to be an enemy of our navy? ]

[Tang Tian: What, you just found out now? Didn't you see that among those ants in the video, there are your navy? By the way, to be honest, the quality of your navy soldiers is not bad. They all agree to be used as meat targets by my monster women. 】

[Akainu Sakaski: You... bastard, I must burn you to death with my magma. 】

[Tang Tian: Okay, you come to the sea 20,000 meters first. 】

[Akainu Sakaski: Bastard! ! ! ! 】

[Kizaru Borsalino: Hey, hey, hey, Sakaski, don't lose your temper. This is the headquarters of the navy, do you want to burn it to ashes? 】

[Marshal Sengoku: Aokiji, Garp, Kizaru, quickly suppress Akainu. 】

[Whitebeard Edward Newgate: Gulala, congratulations, Sengoku, your navy is getting lively. By the way, Tang Tian boy, are you interested in being my son? 】

【Phoenix Marco: Dad, don't talk nonsense., they may not agree. 】

【Kaido of the Beasts: Whitebeard, old man, you really have a good plan. If you come, you should come to my North Shanghai. If you come, I will let you be the fourth big boss of my Beasts Pirates, the natural disaster. 】

【Iron Balloon BIG·MOM: Kaido, you kid, get out of here. Whether it is the monster girl or this kid's scientific research ability, I was the first to see it. 】

【Shiki the Golden Lion: You saw it first, and it turned out to be that shameless old woman. It was obviously me who saw it first, okay? 】

【Pirate King Roger: Shiki, you are the real shameless guy. 】

【Iron Fist Garp: I agree. 】

【Marshal Sengoku: Garp, what are you talking about? But Tang Tian, ​​you are so kind to our navy, and it is obvious that you want to stand on the opposite side of us, so we can only issue a bounty to you. ]

[Tang Tian: Whatever. To be honest, if this screen didn't appear, I didn't plan to hide for much longer. It was exposed in advance, so I can start some actions. ]


Many people who heard this, especially those bigwigs, changed their faces. How to say it? Although they didn't know what kind of strength Tang Tian had, it might be a weak chicken.

But the other party is a scientist after all, and he is indeed very capable and powerful. If this guy really wants to make trouble, then all forces should pay attention.

Maybe Tang Tian and his monster alliance are really not simple.

At this time, even the Five Elders and Yimu in Mary Geoise have attracted some attention.

After all, Tang Tian alone has submarines and underwater bases, and can operate 20,000 meters under the sea. They currently have no countermeasures.

Because their world government does not have such deep-sea technology, and it cannot be developed in a short time.


"Although I don't have it now, I will definitely have it after a while." Tang Tian said with a smile while looking at the screen in front of him.

The reason why he is speaking on the screen now, and he is quite passionate, is to make a name for himself and the monster girls.

He is active in the world chat channel, while the monster girls are mainly active in the ring and in their daily actions. After all, the ring duel is not fought every day, and it takes several days to fight.

As for why he received this information? Haha, as an insider, how could he not know?

As for the content in the screen, it is naturally a lie to them. How can he be a scientist? At least not at present.

The monster girls were obtained through the system, not created by him, and as for the purpose of doing so, he has said before that it is just to give them a reasonable explanation for their appearance and fool the people in the pirate world.

Anyway, now the things like the screen ring duel are firmly grasped by him. The rewards after the ring duel, and the monster girls that the system can let him get, may not be ordinary monsters, but if they have the soul of alien monsters, they are monster girls.

Then it would be no problem to build such an underwater base and submarine within a few days. After all, these monster girls inherited the scientific research capabilities from the Ultra World, especially the cosmic technology that is more advanced than the Earth civilization.

And at present, he does not have to worry about being exposed. Although he does not know where exactly the deserted island where he has been stranded for three years is in the Pirate World.

But for a while, even with the intelligence capabilities of the World Government and the Navy, they probably won’t be able to find him.

By the time they can find this place, he will have left long ago.

"Well, is it about to start? The first ring duel." Tang Tian suddenly found that the picture on the screen had changed. Thinking that the introduction was over, it was obvious that the ring duel was about to begin.

"But Kaido, BIG·MOM, and Golden Lion are still the same as described in the anime, greedy, or I have made them interested."

"That's right, Kaido likes animal-type fruit users. There are so many animal-type devil fruits shown in the picture, and my monster girl is actually similar to the animal-type devil fruit user. It would be strange if this guy didn't get tempted."

"BIG·MOM likes to collect various races and likes desserts. I didn't expect that this guy would also like the monster girl."

"As for Golden Lion, this guy is not clear-headed now. He actually wants to rule the world with some rare and precious animals. No wonder he is interested in my monster girl."

"But I have created my own power. How could I rely on others?" Tang Tian shook his head and laughed.

Then he immediately looked back at the screen in the air.

Others also looked over, because they all knew that the duel would beIt started.

But many people now know the strength of the six people.

So there is no doubt that this battle, everyone is looking at the two monster girls.

They know very well that in this ring duel, the monster girls will definitely win, and Tang Tian's monster alliance will definitely win.

But they soon found something wrong, that is, the six people in the infinite grassland in the current duel space seem to be unaware of each other's information.

[Iron Fist Garp: Damn, Luffy will definitely act recklessly if he doesn't know their information]

[Tang Tian: You can rest assured that Golzan and Melba will show mercy to your grandson and your grandson's companions, but it's hard to say about the other two. ]

[Iron Fist Garp: That's good, but what do you mean by this? ]

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