The origins of the two, introduced by the world consciousness, were like a thunder, shocking everyone on this sea again.

Although one was true and the other was false.

At the same time, Charlotte Lingling herself and Oubuniang could also see it.

The first thing played was some of Charlotte Lingling's deeds.

At this time, even Charlotte Lingling looked curiously, as if she was looking forward to some truths hidden in her heart, those truths that she didn't know back then to be played through the screen.

How to say it? She believed that this picture would definitely reveal some truths hidden in her heart.

But soon, her eyes opened wider and wider, and her mouth opened wide, revealing an incredible and unbelievable look.

"No... Impossible, how could it be like this?" She couldn't help but tremble and said, even her domineering aura almost lost control and released.

What did she see? Even Oubuniang and all the audience outside were shocked, of course, except Xue Yueer and Tang Tian who had known it in advance.

But at this time, many viewers saw Charlotte Lingling's miserable life.

Because of her huge and fat body, coupled with her innate special abilities, she was abandoned by her parents. Although she was later accepted by the "Lamb's House" founded by Sister Carmelo, this place accepts children of any race and identity.

However, this so-called "Lamb's House" is actually a den of human traffickers, and Charlotte Linlin was almost sold to the Navy or the World Government by this guy. Before that day, Charlotte Linlin's bulimia broke out, and she ate those human traffickers disguised as nuns, as well as those children of other races who were eaten by her when she was young.

Although by mistake, she got the Soul Soul Fruit. After all, in this sea, if you eat the devil fruit ability user, it seems that there is a certain chance to get the devil fruit ability.

But seeing this, Charlotte Linlin couldn't stand it anymore. If it weren't for the long bread who took her in and formed a pirate group with her, she would have been drowning in the abyss of pain.

Later, she joined the Rocks Pirates, betrayed Rocks, and then formed her own pirate group. Only then did she feel better, but she still couldn't stand it.

Especially being abandoned by her parents, eating her best friends when she was young, and the nun turned out to be a big liar.

"How could this happen? How could this happen?" At this time, Charlotte Linlin knelt on the big strawberry with her hands on it, her eyes were full of emptiness, and the whole person seemed to have lost her soul and suffered a great blow. Sometimes, knowing the truth is really more painful than never knowing it.

At this time, even the opposite Ouba was silent. She didn't know whether she should sympathize with this guy. Sympathize with her because her childhood was indeed very tragic; don't sympathize with her because this crazy woman just treats her children as tools, and the race living in her Ten Thousand Kingdoms will also be deprived of their lifespans.

At this time, the chat channel in the outside world became lively again.

[Kaido of the Beasts: Now I understand a little bit why Linlin took me in back then. ]

[John: If you put it that way, I remember that Kaido and you had similar experiences. ]

[Wang Zhi: Newgate, I remember that you had some painful memories, too. You told us about it when we were still on the ship, when we were drinking and holding a party again. ]

[Whitebeard Edward Newgate: Indeed, the past is hard to recall, but it is still not as bad as Linlin and Kaido, I have to admit that. ]

[Golden Lion Shiki: In fact, we all have, and don’t forget, who rules this world now, how many people can live a good life? ]

[Marshal Sengoku: Shiki, you bastard, stop pointing fingers. ]

[Navy Chief of Staff Crane: It’s because you pirates are killing each other, and there are also shameful human traffickers. ]

[Xue Yue’er: Old witch, don’t you know that all the human traffickers in this world basically serve the Celestial Dragons, otherwise where do you think their slaves come from? ]

[Navy Chief of Staff Tsuru: You————(fuming)]

[Momotogi Jien: Even if we don’t talk about the human traffickers, it’s you pirates killing each other. ]

[Monster Lady Lord Tang Tian: The fights between pirates are indeed beyond words, but before becoming pirates, weren’t they also civilians who suffered under the dirty rule of the current world government? The story of Charlotte Linlin is the best proof. Don’t forget that she was almost sold to your navy by that human trafficker in the video. ]

[Marshal Sengoku: That was the navy’s way of eliminating unstable factors. Our navy is just and protects the world.Peace in the world]

[Monster Girl Lord Tang Tian: Eliminate unstable factors? Your navy also represents justice! Very good, I want to see how you represent justice and maintain peace next. ]

[Iron Fist Garp: What do you want to do? ]

[Chaton Kaji: Could it be...]

[Monster Girl Lord Tang Tian: Yes, that's what you think, Pigmon, you go and arrange some A-level monster girls and B-level monster girls to go out and attack all the naval branches in the first half of the Great Navigation, and the same goes for the allied countries. ]

[Pigumon: Yes, I will arrange it right away. ]

[Marshal Sengoku: Tang Tian!!! (Roar)]

At the end of this world chat channel, Sengoku's angry roar was heard.

At this time, everyone on the sea was shocked again, because they all knew that the sea was in chaos again.

Tang Tian was really angered by the shamelessness of the navy this time. In this case, he didn't mind giving the navy another hard lesson.

Since you like to be dogs so much, then beat them up.

Soon, all the A-level and B-level monster girls in Tang Tian's hands, no matter what they were doing, had appeared in the first half of the Great Voyage.

Some of them acted alone, some in groups of two, and some in groups of multiple people. In short, now the navy branches and some member countries in the first half of the Great Voyage have been attacked. This is the revenge of the Monster Alliance and Tang Tian on the navy.

For a while, these navy branches and member countries suffered a devastating blow, and were even directly destroyed.

Zhan Guo's scalp suddenly numbed. He just said a few words in the chat channel, and he didn't expect Tang Tian's revenge to come so quickly.

He could only immediately order all the navy strongmen to go out and meet this revenge from the Monster Alliance.

The four emperors of the New World did not take action, after all, they were still a red earth continent away from the first half of the Great Voyage, but they were also paying attention to this matter.

The Revolutionary Army also took action. They had already investigated that although the Monster Alliance destroyed the member countries last time, they rescued all the civilians.

Under the command of Dragon, the Revolutionary Army also took action, mainly targeting those member countries, rescuing those people, and promoting their revolutionary spirit.

In this regard, Tang Tian had received a private message from Monkey D. Dragon.

The two quickly reached a series of cooperation.

At this time, the sea was in chaos, and even the world of death became lively. Roger, Rocks and others also learned about this matter through old friends who survived in the old era.

At the same time, another thing happened on the sea, that is, the Straw Hat Group is almost about to start the ultimate battle with Crocodile.


These things happened in a flash, but at the same time, the introduction of Orb-niang also quickly unfolded.

The real shocking thing is here!

"Now start playing the relevant images about Orb."

Hearing this, many people, especially those strong people, and those who attended the auction yesterday and saw Xue Yue'er's courage and wealth, all cast their eyes over. Because they also want to know who Xue Yue'er, who can be regarded as an opponent by Tang Tian, ​​and Orb, who can fight with Maga Yamata no Orochi, who is now stronger than the four emperors, is.

This also includes Charlotte Lingling, who has cheered up a little and is also full of curiosity. She also cast her eyes over.

And the first thing they saw on the screen was a shocking battle, which was so shocking that she couldn't help but stand up from the throne of the void.

First, a line of words appeared at the top of the screen: 30 million years ago or even longer.

At this time, on both sides of the border between the barren land and the endless ocean, stood various huge creatures.

Shrouded in endless darkness, the ocean is dark, the sky is dark, and countless ferocious monsters stand there. They have different shapes, some look like dinosaurs, some look like monsters, and there are all kinds of creatures, some can fly, some can walk on four legs. But there is no doubt that they are all very huge and ferocious, as if they were born to fight.

On the other side of the land, under the shining of golden light, the sky and the earth are also bright. There stands a large group of giants, which are completely different from the current sea. Their whole body is like a whole, with different stripes on their bodies, most of their eyes are like light bulbs, and there is a light on the chest.

The two sides just stared at each other, and I don’t know how long it took.

As the monsters roared, the Ultramen also made a signature sound and posed for battle.posture.

The two sides immediately rushed towards each other.

They collided with each other and fought each other.

Some Ultramen killed monsters directly with light, and some monsters killed Ultramen directly.

The two sides fought on the entire planet, whether on land, in the deep sea, or in the sky. They seemed to have only one thought in their minds, that is, to completely destroy each other.

At the same time, many viewers also saw how terrible the fighting power of these two races was.

Even Yimu doubted whether she could fight against the strong ones among these monsters and giants.

The following scene shocked her even more, because she had to admit that she seemed to be unable to participate in such a battle.

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