



A week later.

In a restaurant with extremely luxurious decoration, two competing voices sounded.

The people eating around looked sideways, but surprisingly no one said anything, at most they whispered.

"That...this...cough hehehehe!"

Caribu looked at Perona and Absalom who were arguing. He didn't know what to say for a moment and just stuck out his tongue and laughed.


Moriah's sharp teeth tore off a piece of meat and swallowed it into his belly. Now he eats a surprisingly large amount. It's no wonder. After all, his strength has been improved recently, and his appetite has naturally increased.

"Are you sure this is Coors Island? Why does this feel like a place controlled by gangs? I haven't seen any gangsters on the streets, and there are very few ships in the port."

"This is right. I came here not long ago to hunt down fugitives."

Lafitte's face was calm but mixed with doubts. He was also a little unsure. He had seen a gang fight when he came here not long ago. Why did it become like this now?

"Eat first, and we'll ask after you're full."

Before Moria finished speaking, two voices rang out.

"Lord Moria, which one do you prefer, dessert or meat?"

Perona and Absalom asked at the same time.

Moria took the ham with only the bones out of his mouth and was stunned when he heard this.

After thinking for a while, he smiled and said: "My favorite two foods are the desserts made by Perona and the meat brought back by Abu from hunting."

Only children make choices, and Moriah secretly admired his wit.

Perona and Absalom immediately burst into laughter and no longer cared about which one was better, meat or dessert.

Caribu looked envious at the side. He could see that Moria paid special attention to the two of them, and could even be said to be pampering.

Suddenly, Caribu remembered his somewhat slow, silly but very obedient brother, so he said:

"Sir, I also have a younger brother and a group of subordinates. If the master agrees, I can call them together, and they will also be able to follow your orders."

It wasn't that Caribu had a conscience and wanted to bring a group of their brothers on board to enjoy themselves, but he found that he had the lowest status on the ship and always felt a little aggrieved.

Moria thought for a moment, and although Caribu's men might not be good at fighting, they might have some insights into life when it comes to digging, so he didn't refuse:

"Actually, your subordinates are not qualified to go to the Grand Route with me... But for your sake, I will make an exception."

Caribu stuck out his tongue and smiled: "The little one just thanked the master right here, hey hey hey!"

"Where are they now?"

"We separated on Kabika Island. They should be near this island."

Caribu was smart enough not to say that I left them there and ran away in the boat.

Lafitte took out a chart and drew a circle on an island with his crutch: "Kabika Island is here. We are here. It is neither too close nor too far from our current location."

"Inquire about the news and go!"

Under the gaze of everyone, Moria and his group got up and left. Before leaving, Moria asked for news about the gang on this island.

The owner of the restaurant doesn't know much. He just knows that there was a navy here some time ago and he must be inseparable from it.

Just after leaving the restaurant, two suspicious people caught Moria's attention.

The two men were dressed in black suits, sunglasses, and black hats. They were sitting at a table at the entrance of a shop. One of them was holding a newspaper in his hand.

But they didn't put their eyes on the newspaper. Instead, they looked around, carefully checking the people coming and going, as if they were looking for something.

Moriah's eyesight was very good and he could clearly see the images on the newspaper, but at the moment it was indeed the other way around.

His arms were also bulging, and he should be carrying a gun.

In Moria's eyes, this was a proper gang member look.

When they accidentally saw Moria's group of people in the crowd, they said something to their arms, then looked at each other and disappeared into the crowd.

They actually came up with the idea of ​​following Moria and the others.

Fortunately, Moria noticed them in advance. If not, with the concealment and tracking methods of these two people, they might not be able to find them.

"Jiheeheehee!" Moria smiled. Unexpectedly, they came to the door themselves before he found them, and then whispered:

"Did you see the two men in black at eleven o'clock and three o'clock in the back? We will do this first, and then this..."

After hearing Moria's words, several people saw two sneaky figures, and they all whispered.

Moria and his group were walking in front, and two people followed cautiously behind.

Pass through the vast sea of ​​​​people and enter the winding alleys.

After turning north, the two men in black, each walking one way, met from the east and west roads. After nodding to each other, they turned into the alley.

Then the man in black was dumbfounded, it was a dead end.

And Moria and Absalom had turned to look at them with a smile.

"No, we've been discovered. Let's go." The two of them realized something instantly and turned around to leave, but three figures appeared behind them.

They were attacked from both sides, and now they couldn't run away even if they wanted to.

"What do you want to do? Why are you blocking our way?"

A man in black actually questioned Moria. Even now, they were still calm, which was inconsistent with their status.

"Hehe, it's already this time, aren't you going to tell the truth?" Moria laughed jokingly, "You have followed us through more than ten alleys. Can this be explained by coincidence?"

The expressions of the two men in black turned red and white, changing constantly.

"In this case, we can only..."

The two of them put their hands deep into their arms, but at this moment.


Several white shadows passed through their bodies directly, making Perona's unique laughter.

"I am not even as good as seaweed. I don't deserve to live in this world!"

"If there is an afterlife, I just want to be a salted fish!"

After being hit by Perona's negative ghost, the two knelt down and reflected on their mistakes, doubting the value of life.

When the two men's emotions returned to normal again, they found themselves tied together and placed in the corner of a dead end.

Four fierce men and a cute little loli were looking at them in front of them, and they couldn't help sweating.

Moria asked without letting them refuse: "Tell me, what is your purpose, where did the people above go?"

The two turned their heads: "You asked the wrong person, we have been strictly trained and won't say anything."

"Well, very good, I like hard bones like you, jihehehe!"

After howling for a while, Moria pulled out the plugs in the mouths of the two men, and they had another face, which looked like a pig head.

"I'll lock you, I'll lock you..."

"My code name is 007, his code name is 008, we belong to the government intelligence agency, our goal is to capture Nico Robin, the "son of the devil" who has recently appeared on the nearby islands, as for the people above, they are contacted through Den Den Mushi, we don't know where they are..."

"As for tracking you, it was purely accidental..."

Moria: "???"

Shouldn't you be members of the Capone gang? How come you are still members of the World Government?


Nicole Robin! ?

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