One Piece: My Shadow Can Hang Up

Chapter 110: The whole army was annihilated, the fishmen on the warship

As figures appeared one after another, Judge felt chilled.

They were still surrounded. They wanted to retreat, but their escape route was blocked. The piles of zombies on the wall looked very creepy.

"Moonlight Moria, this is a misunderstanding." Seeing that the situation was not right, Judge immediately admitted his mistake.

But now Moria was arrogant. He smiled disdainfully and said lightly:

"Misunderstanding? What misunderstanding? I just want to get rid of the Germa Kingdom. What's the misunderstanding?"

"You" Judge was speechless for a moment, and didn't know how to answer.

Before he could think too much, more than a dozen giant zombies had rushed to the battlefield from a distance and smashed the ground. Suddenly, some ghouls and clones were smashed into meat paste.

Seeing this scene, Judge was stunned. Today he saw a soldier who was more brave than his clone.

Today he kicked the iron plate.

Moriah waved his hand behind him: "Zombie generals, it's time for you to come out, show your best."

As the voice fell, four figures slowly moved forward at the same time.

They were Oz, the luck country of the demon clan, Ryoma Shimotsuki, the sword god of Wano country, Captain John, the legendary pirate, and the recently acquired corpse of Crocodile, which was used to create zombie generals.

Each zombie general is a good player who can fight one against a hundred or even more. After joining the battle, the advantage that Germa relied on high technology just now disappeared instantly.

"Go and open a gap, let's fight out."

If this continues, the soldiers will surely suffer heavy casualties. Judge directly intends to force the encirclement behind to minimize casualties.

Moriah glanced at several cadres, looking like which general can take down this thief for me.

"Lord Moriah, let me go." Absalom was eager to try. Since he got the Imperial Noble Chariot, he has not found anyone to try his skills.

Although it seemed a bit difficult for Absalom to catch Judge, Moria still nodded. It was important to participate, and he couldn't let him do something he wanted.

As soon as Absalom left, Moria nudged Hosman with his elbow: "You'll find the right time to catch the other party's leader later."

"My attack fee is very expensive, and there are different prices for close combat and long-range attack." Hosman saw that the business was coming, and he didn't think about accepting the order immediately, pretending to be reserved.

"Susano will borrow you for a long time!"

"It's a deal!"

Hesitation for one more second is disrespect for Susano's cooking skills.

"What about me, what about me?" The five-millimeter Lili poked her head out, and her body became thirty centimeters, sitting on the firm balloon.

The mini fruit can transform the eater into a normal form, thirty centimeters, and five millimeters.

What Lili likes most when attacking the enemy is to enter the opponent's body and then suddenly change back to the giant form, and the enemy will be instantly blown up.

"Why are you everywhere?" Hosman was indignant, grabbing Lili and stuffing her into his arms: "Go back to sleep, don't interrupt the adults."

Lili didn't like what he said, and she went straight to the foot of the mountain, and then slowly climbed to the top.

Horsman's body was instantly like an electric shock, and his hair stood up.

Horsman, who was caught in the female... weakness, suddenly lost his temper. In the end, it was agreed that each of them would have half, perhaps the two foodies wanted to change their taste.

At the same time as Hosman's death, other cadres also began to eliminate clone soldiers one by one.

It must be said that Judge's combat suit is also very good, and Absalom, wearing a noble chariot, fought him hard for a while.

The special ability attached to the Germa combat suit is also a headache.

But the transparent Absalom is also tricky.

"Human wall!"

On the battlefield, Absalom was invisible again. Judge had suffered a loss in this regard just now, so he ordered the clone soldiers to surround him.

"Here!" When a gap appeared in the formation, it immediately attracted Judge's attention.

"Electromagnetic stab!"

The high-tech spear in Judge's hand accumulated high-voltage current and instantly shot out in that direction.

The high-voltage current shot through the chest of a clone soldier, and then the power did not decrease at all, and shot directly at the invisible Absalom.

Absalom's pupils suddenly contracted. He didn't know that the opponent had long-range attacks. He wanted to dodge but was held tightly by a clone soldier.

It seemed that even if he died, he would drag someone down with him.

Absalom couldn't break free for a while, and the high-voltage current had reached him.

"Sizzle, sizzle!"

A figure directly tore the current apart with his palm, and then rushed towards the direction of Judge without stopping at all.

Seeing the guy in front of him who was twice as tall as him, Judge was not careless. He spun the spear in his hand and thrust it out fiercely.

The technological shoes on his feet also suddenly emitted blue light, making his body move faster and the power of the spear increased by several levels.

Although Hosman was huge, his speed was not slow at all, even compared to Judge.


But when the two were about to touch, Hosman jumped up quickly and stepped directly on the tip of the spear. Under this great force, Judge's spear changed its position and directly inserted into the ground.

Before Judge could react, Hosman had come behind him, and then she grabbed Judge's back with her claws and pulled it hard.


A huge force came from behind, and then Judge felt his body lighten and spun in the air.

With a loud bang, Judge fell face down on the ground, leaving a dent.

“Ahem, what a great strength!” Looking at the fur tribe in front of him who seemed like a killing god, Judge coughed dryly a few times and then cried out in horror.

The eyes of the Moonlight Pirates watching the show on the side were full of brilliance. This was one of the few times that Horseman took action.

The fighting style was completely different from the usual one, one was cold, the other was stupid.

When fighting, he was like a lonely wolf, oh no, a lone wolf, and on weekdays he was like a smart Siberian husky.

“Is this all the strength? How boring!”

Horseman clenched her fist, then stepped hard with her feet, and the ground began to crack at her point of force. The next moment, her figure appeared directly in the air.

"Sizzle, sizzle!"

The violent electric current wrapped around her whole body, and then it fell down like a stream of light, with extremely fast speed and extraordinary power.

Judge's face was covered with dust, and he hadn't stood up yet. He turned his head and saw the figure that looked like a falling meteorite.

He didn't care about his image. He rolled on the ground in horror and barely avoided the attack.

"Crack, crack!"

Horseman's single foot touched the ground, and the ground quickly cracked, which showed how powerful it was.

Moria's heart was also in his throat. If he didn't manage the family, he didn't know how expensive firewood and rice were. If his precious pirate ship was damaged, it would take a lot of manpower and material resources to repair it.

Because of the protection of the combat suit, Judge's injury was not very serious.

After he dodged the attack of Horseman, he saw a strong airflow instantly ejected from the bottom of his feet, and then he floated in the air.

"Explosive Kick!"

The back of Judge's boots ejected high-pressure energy, and then kicked at Hosman at high speed. It had the power of more than a dozen artillery shells exploding. If an ordinary person was hit, he would probably die on the spot.

"Squeak, squeak!"

Hosman took out several marbles from his arms, squeezed them in his hands, and there was some current flowing on them.

"Electric Dragon Gall!"

The lightning flashed, and there were only several whizzing sounds of breaking through the wind. The marbles that were faster and more powerful than the artillery shells appeared in front of Judge at the same time.

"Father, be careful." Niji reminded loudly. He was hit by this blow and lost his ability to fight, so he knew the power of it.

Judge knew that this thing was not easy to deal with without being reminded. Seeing this, he suddenly retracted his strength and spun the spear in his hand, hoping to form a shield to block the attack.

"Bang, bang, bang, bang!"

However, it was obvious that his perception of the attack was biased. Although several marbles were blocked by him, half of them still hit his body.

Jiazhi endured the great pain and looked at the pits on his combat suit. He knew that if it were not for the protection of the combat suit, he would have been beaten into a sieve.

He took a few deep breaths, and his original arrogance was completely defeated at this moment.

It was just that the cadres under his command were so difficult to deal with. Being able to be the leader of this group of people, his strength must be high.

At this moment, Jiazhi felt that his initial behavior was like a clown, which was particularly funny.

"You dare to be distracted when fighting with me, then don't blame me for being rude!"

Hearing the voice close at hand, Jiazhi's expression changed, and then he tried to block with his gun.

But the big hand with lightning had already grabbed his helmet and pressed it heavily against the wall. The powerful recoil force directly made the high-tech gun in his hand slide to the ground.

"Not good!!"

Judge was horrified and tried to start the jet under his feet, but found that only his lower body was moving, and his upper body was pressed tightly against the wall.

"Be quiet!"

"Electric · Heavy Strike!"

Horseman gathered his strength for a moment, and then threw a punch, hitting Judge's abdomen solidly, without a trace of strength leaking out.


After being hit by this solid punch, Judge rolled his eyes and almost fainted on the spot. His mouth was also wide open, trying to spit something, but after a long time, nothing came out.

"Father!!" The three little killers who were still dealing with the zombie soldiers shouted, and Reiju cried out in horror.

Horseman's big hand pinched Judge's head, then dragged his body back to Moria, and then threw him in front of everyone.

"It's done, remember what you promised me." Horseman is a person who doesn't get up early without profit, how could he have worked in vain for half a day.

"Got it. Tomorrow, Susanoo will be yours for the whole day."

Moria nodded, then gave a wink, and someone behind him instantly handcuffed Judge with seastone handcuffs.

Judge hung his head, and Moria pulled his hair and lifted him up: "Why do you show such a sense of superiority in front of me? What can you show off? Are you ignorant?"

Judge looked depressed, and Moria sneered: "Don't you think you have more people? Now I will kill all the clone soldiers under your command, and let you witness the whole process with your own eyes."

Not long after, Judge's daughter and three sons were also captured and placed not far from Judge.

"How could this happen? Someone tell me!" Judge broke down and cried, tears streaming down his face. He looked as miserable as he could be, which was in stark contrast to his tough guy image at the beginning.

When Judge was in danger, he would act very cowardly, and it was also possible for him to cry and beg for mercy.

Germa had not yet achieved the first step of dominating the North Sea, but now he was wiped out by others. How could Judge not be desperate?

"Stop it, I surrender, don't kill me anymore!" Seeing the clone soldiers fall to the ground one after another, Judge's heart was bleeding, and he begged Moria: "Please, let us go, we will never dare to do it again."

With a curled lip, Judge's appearance would only make people despise him more, and he didn't look like a strong man at all.

Moria suddenly remembered that he was just a scientist, not a strong man, and he was a scum without a combat uniform.

Judge's performance not only shocked others, but even his children were a little stunned. Is this still their fearless father who looked down on others?

Although Judge begged for forgiveness humbly, how could this matter end like this...

It was unknown how long it lasted, and almost all the clone soldiers were slaughtered. The inner sea was now bloody with broken limbs and arms.

Moria ordered the outer door to be opened to drain the sea water and replace it with fresh sea water.

"You, the devil, will be punished..." Seeing that so many years of hard work had gone to waste, Judge became a little nervous.

In the end, Judge lost almost all of his clone soldiers, about 5,000 in number, and Moria lost more ghouls, but he did not feel heartbroken.

Because it takes five years for Judge's clone soldiers to be put into battle.

"Let's make a deal?" Moria smiled and pulled Judge's hair and asked: "From now on, obey my orders unconditionally..."

"Don't dream..." Judge said with a dead heart: "You have shattered my hope, and I will never listen to you even if I die..."

Now that all his clone soldiers have been wiped out, it is almost impossible for him to dominate the North Sea.

"No, don't say it so early... I believe you will..."

Moria stood up with a smile, and then waved his hand. The dead clone soldiers seemed to be reborn, and they climbed up one by one in a weird posture.

"As long as you are willing, I will give you this army to lead. As for what you use them for, it depends on your preference."

Jage's eyes widened suddenly, with a look of disbelief: "Is this true?"

If it is true, he doesn't seem to lose anything.

"Of course, I have some additional conditions. First, half of the cost of the mercenaries must be handed over. Secondly, the right to use the clones in the culture medium belongs to me... Then you need to leave a child with me as a hostage, and one more thing..."

Moria brought a clone soldier in front of him and cut off his shadow in full view of everyone.

Under the sunlight, the clones evaporated directly.

People who saw it showed horror, and so did Jiazhi.

Then, in the midst of Judge's fear and resistance, Moriah grabbed his shadow and cut it off with a click:

"You saw it just now. If you don't have a shadow, you will completely disappear from the world as soon as you see the light. I will keep your shadow with me first. If you perform well, I will naturally return it to you!"

"You..." Judge was shocked and angry. Seeing his shadow struggling in Moriah's hands, his eyes were bloodshot.

"What? You don't agree?" Moriah's voice turned cold, and then he ordered Carib Cribb: "Prepare to dig a deep pit that can bury five people and send them, father and son, father and daughter, on their way."



In the end, facing death, Judge chose to live humbly.

Moriah did not kill them directly, just to be able to cut leeks continuously.

As long as there are clones, he will have countless shadows and zombies.

Although the clones in the nutrient solution cannot be used for combat immediately, they can be used to provide shadows.

After dealing with everything, the terrifying three-masted sailing ship did not hesitate any more and plunged directly into the new world.

A few days later, the Grand Line, the new world.

A navy warship was sailing on the sea. The hull seemed to have suffered some attack and was a little broken.

On the deck of the warship, a blue figure was looking at the sea.

He was not a navy, and not a human, but a fishman.

With a creak, the cabin door was opened, and a figure walked out from inside, with a look of disappointment on his face, and said to the blue figure who was observing the surrounding sea area in front of him:

"Jinbei, Brother Tiger is about to die, you go over and take a look!"

The blue figure stared, and after a long time, he sighed:

"You observe the sea here, if you find that there are navy chasing you, notify me immediately, I will go over."

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