One Piece: My Shadow Can Hang Up

Chapter 12 Miss, would you like a drink?

Kurusei Island is a very large island, and most of the coastline is concave towards the land, so there are many ports here.

Close city. Silver Tavern.

The tavern owner's name is Silver. He was originally a sailor, but he lost a leg while sailing, so he returned here and opened a tavern.

There was no fan in the tavern and the fans were spinning creakingly, and the few guests felt lethargic and drowsy.

There was only one person sitting in front of the bar, a woman wearing jeans, a cowboy hat, and sunglasses.

The tavern owner, Silver, filled the woman's glass with wine, but did not leave directly. Instead, he tried to talk to her: "Miss, have you heard about the two things that have been widely reported here recently?"

"Huh? What are the two specific things? It's really possible that I don't know!" The woman chuckled, her tone was very calm and gentle.

"The first thing is that the "Demon Son" Nico Robin has appeared on nearby islands, so recently bounty hunters have come from all over the place, some even from the Grand Line."

"Actually, I'm very grateful to her..." Silver smiled and then explained: "This has also caused the shop to have more customers in the past two days. Normally, we hardly see a few customers."

The woman laughed dryly and asked again: "Then do you know who revealed the news?"

"This...can't be said." Silver remained tight-lipped and never mentioned this matter.

The woman didn't ask any more questions, as if she didn't care at all.

After a while, the woman stopped saying anything, but Silver was full of expectations, as if you just asked, and I'll just tell you.

The woman was a little absent-minded.

In the end, Silver couldn't hold it in any longer, so he covered his mouth and whispered: "I'm telling you this, but you must never tell others that it was me who said it. In fact... it was the news spread by the Ford gang."

The Ford gang, like the Capone gang, is one of the five major mafia families in the West China Sea.

The woman showed an expression that was indeed true. She had asked for information before entering the tavern.

The boss, Silver, is a person who can't hold things in his heart. If he can't express what's on his mind, he will feel uncomfortable all over.

At this time, the door of the tavern was pushed open from the outside, and a group of people walked in.

These people all had flintlock guns hanging on their waists, and they looked fierce. They also had some bandages on their bodies, and some of them had scars on their faces that left marks after recovery.

"Boss, bring us wine and the exclusive apple pies mentioned at the door, twenty." A middle-aged man wearing a cowboy hat ordered Silver.

After explaining to the woman, she didn't turn around the whole time, so Silver went to greet the new guests with a smile.

At this time, the cowboy hat also noticed the woman in front of the bar. His eyes narrowed slightly, but he soon returned to normal.

He didn't care if his hands were clean, he just remembered picking up an apple pie and tearing it apart, but his eyes never left the woman at the bar.

After Silver finished his work, he returned to the bar, wiped Han, winked and whispered: "That guy in the cowboy hat, Jonah, the famous bounty hunter in the West Sea, probably also wanted to capture Nicolo. guest.”

The woman complimented: "Boss, you are really well-informed. You can know even this kind of character just by looking at him."

"No, no, I just know a little bit." Silver said no, but it showed that anyone who saw it would say more if they knew how to talk. I like to hear this.

"What about the other thing?" the woman changed the subject.

Feeling that the conversation was very interesting, Silver started talking even more: "The other thing is even more remarkable. The entire West China Sea is paying close attention to his every move!"


"Yes, that man." Silver looked longingly, "I heard some time ago that Lafitte, the "Devil Patrolman" of the Kingdom of Abida, has joined his command. If I guessed correctly, he should be preparing to recruit his subordinates. , prepare to go to the Grand Line again.”

The woman seemed to instantly understand who she was talking about, but Silver had no intention of stopping:

"After many years, Moonlight Moria has finally regained its strength. If my leg had not been broken, I would have wanted to join them."

The woman giggled: "Moonlight Moria really needs talents like the boss!"


"Boss, you are such an interesting person, but it's getting late today and I need to go back."

The woman smiled and put the money for the drink on the counter, and paid a little more. Silver suddenly smiled brighter and said, "Slow down."

Just when the woman was about to leave, the bounty hunter named Jonah stopped eating.

Before the woman got up, he directly took out the gun and pointed it at the woman, shouting: "Don't move! Nico Robin!"

The corner of Jonah's mouth was slightly raised at this moment. Unexpectedly, during the break of eating, he bumped into the prey of his dreams. He would probably wake up laughing in his dreams in the future.

That’s 79 million walking.

Hand her over to the Navy, and she won't have to do this kind of knife-edge licking blood for the rest of her life.

The reason why he didn't take action just now was because he came across the ocean and was hungry, exhausted and in urgent need of some energy.

"Nico Robin? Where is he!?" When Silver saw the black hole with the muzzle of the gun pointed at him, he suddenly felt like he was dead and began to carefully study the meaning of Jonah's words.

After a while, he finally realized and looked at Robin in front of the counter. After a closer look, he could not say how similar they were, but they were exactly the same.

" Robin?" Silver didn't know what to say for a moment. It seemed that he had been talking about her past in front of her for a long time.

He felt that this business was not going to work anymore, so he decided to sell salted fish. After thinking about it, he decided to forget it. He couldn't bring himself to shout while selling salted fish.

Robin did not deny it, and did not take Jonah's threat seriously.

"Don't resist in vain. You can suffer less if you surrender obediently."

Jonah stood up from his seat, pointed the gun at Robin's head and slowly approached. Silver subconsciously stepped back to avoid being accidentally injured.

Jonah did not shoot directly, not because of mercy, but because there was a rule in the bounty collection that the bounty of the dead bounty criminal would be reduced by 30%. 30% of 79 million is not a small amount.

Robin put his hands on his chest and prepared to activate the power of the Flower-Flower Fruit. It seemed that this guy didn't know the power of the devil fruit, so he could catch him by surprise.


The next moment, Robin looked again and found that the target had been lost.

The lower half of the body was on the wall, and the other half was already inside the wall.


In front of him was a huge black shadow several meters high. It was it that just slapped the bounty hunter Jonah away.

The drinkers were dumbfounded for a moment, watching this incredible scene.

Robin, who was immersed in shock, suddenly heard a voice behind him:

"Hey! Miss, don't be in a hurry to leave, do you want to have a drink with me?"

Robin was even more shocked.

She just noticed that there was no one sitting in the seat last second.

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