Moria's appearance in the Ford gang's territory started half an hour ago.

After arriving at Kuruse Island, Moria found out about the Ford gang's stronghold after a little research.

The activities of gang members on the island have also begun to become more frequent, so abnormal, and Robin also has something to do with the Ford gang.

These two things add up. Unless you are very smart, you will know where to find someone.

"If you dare to scream, I guarantee that I will crush your head in an instant!"

At a corner, Moria caught a gang member while he was being released, and then began to interrogate him under his horrified gaze.

The gang member nodded, and Moriah let him go.

" first question is, why are you so big in battle?"

Although he already had the answer in his heart, Moria still asked.

"It was Boss Holm who caught Nico Robin, so he asked me to be on guard, even if a fly comes in and out!"

When Moria heard this, he continued to ask: "Then why are the people from the World Government here? Who are the people here?"


He was scared of Moria when he was so fierce, and the gang member was naturally frightened as well.

The gang member hurriedly explained: "I...I don't know...I only know that the leaders are two guys wearing masks. What else can we who are watching the door outside know?"

Wearing a mask? So is it CP0 or CP9?

Moria felt a little guilty at the moment. This was entirely because of the butterfly effect he caused.

If he hadn't invited Robin to join, Robin wouldn't have chosen to return to the Ford gang tonight, let alone hit the government personnel. By then, Robin's intelligence would have a high probability of escaping capture.

A somewhat angry Moria slapped the gang member unconscious, and then there was a sound of footsteps in the alley.

"Someone is here!"

Seeing that they had discovered him, Moria no longer hid.

This group of gang members didn't know a few Chinese characters, and would rather spend their extra time on horse racing than buying and reading newspapers. Naturally, they didn't know about Moria.

After seeing their knocked-out companions clearly, they pulled the triggers without hesitation. For a moment, fiery snakes flew and countless bullets were fired at Moria.

Moria was anxious and angry now, and didn't want to waste time with them at all, so he just went on his own.

They fight theirs, Moriah walks Moriah's.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

After a burst of gunfire, Moriah walked out of the smoke unscathed. The Ford gangsters retreated after seeing this, and for a moment they forgot to continue shooting.

Moriah walked straight through the gap they had left. No matter how stupid the Ford gang members were, they knew that this guy was not simple. No one dared to stop him.

But Moria had no intention of letting them go.

"Multiple Shadow Horn Gun!"

Like the sword of Damocles hanging above his head, it suddenly penetrated the body before everyone could react.

Suddenly the blood trickled and quickly formed a pool of blood.

When they arrived at the entrance, they didn't know where Robin was being held, how he was doing, or whether he would be okay, so he yelled out in desperation, which led to the previous scene.

Moria was not shouting incompetently, but was the result of careful consideration.

As long as he keeps saying this, people will wonder about the relationship between them, and even Holm has to consider Moria's relationship.

After all, those are the biggest pirates in the West Sea that can be counted on one hand!

At this time, Lu Qi looked at the figure through the window.

"Pirate, Moonlight Moria, with a bounty of 320 million..."

Lu Qi opened the curtains, stared at the figure and told some information about him.

"What...300 million!!?" Holm's eyes widened in disbelief.

I don’t know the name of this drunkard, but he is still very passionate about money. Three hundred million is an astronomical figure for him, and what will a person with a head value of three hundred million look like?

As he said that, he couldn't help but lay down at the window and took a look out of curiosity.

When he saw Moriah's ferocious look when angry, Holm felt a chill running down his spine, and then quickly retreated into the house to exhale.

At this moment, he didn't dare to torture Nico Robin anymore, because he was afraid that he would be accidentally caught later, and even more exposed torture would be waiting for him later!

Seeing his inexperienced look, the female CP9 member couldn't help but say with disdain in her tone: "That's a monster who has been to the second half of the Grand Line. It's not comparable to some guy who just lives in one place and is the boss."

Holm suspected that there was something in her words, but he had no reason, so he opened his mouth and said to Lu Qi, who had always maintained a master's demeanor:

"If you were to fight him, how sure are you that you could beat him?"

Holm has seen the strength of the female CP9, she is very handsome, and she is probably at the level of the right-hand man of the big boss in the gang.

As the main person in charge, Lu Qi should be stronger in Holm's eyes.

When Lu Qi heard Holm's question, he thought seriously. After pondering for a while, he said calmly: "If he is really as rumored, there is an 80% chance..."

"Eighty percent!?" Holm was stunned for a moment, feeling a sense of awe at the man in front of him for no apparent reason, but it turned out that he was still blind.

He knew the guy in front of him was very strong, but he didn't expect him to be so strong!'s done!

But Lucci hadn't finished his words yet: "There is an 80% chance that I am not his opponent, but I can still give it a try!"

Holm's mentality was like a roller coaster, ups and downs, and he was so angry that he jumped up and down.

You are very good at talking, don't say it next time.

I thought you were a rare strong man in the world!

Holm changed his face at this time, squatted in front of Robin and asked in a flattering way: "That Nico Robin, how do you know such a strong man? You see, I once took you in...for the sake of our past relationship..."

What responded to him was silent sarcasm and cold gaze.

Holm knew that if Robin was released, he would definitely not be easily released, so he simply went all out and directly pulled Nico Robin's black hair and walked in one direction, saying as he walked:

"Come with me, I know a secret passage that leads directly to the port!"

He walked directly to the empty wall, fumbled for a while, and then pushed hard, and actually opened a secret door in the middle, revealing a dark hole inside.

This place used to be the lair of the Capone gang, and gang fights were common. It was probably built for escape at that time, and Holm discovered it by accident later.

"You guys, remember to bring the new equipment you just got, just in case!" Holm ordered his men, and then walked in first.

Lucci and the female CP9 looked at each other, and then followed.

When Moria broke out of the siege, the base was already full of corpses.

When they arrived at the room where they were, it was already empty.

But Moria found two gang members who had fainted.

A careful observation shows that the blood on his face has not dried yet, and it seems that the incident did not happen for too long. It seems that there was someone there just now.

Moria also found the traces and blood on the ground left by nails, which seemed to be the mark Robin left for him.

They all seemed to underestimate this woman who had been in the underground world for more than ten years, and thus did not realize this.

"Damn it!" Moria looked at the mark left with pain, and his forehead veins bulged. It was his fault as a captain that his subordinates suffered.

The blood and nail marks disappeared completely before the wall, and the clue was broken.

Moria knocked on the wall, listened with his ears, and compared it with the surrounding walls, and then he seemed to understand something.


There was a loud noise, and the wall suddenly collapsed. Moria punched a way out.

Then appeared in sight was a staircase going down, which was bottomless and led to nowhere.

Without any hesitation, Moria plunged in.

And below, Lucci's ears moved, and then he said lightly:

"He's here!"

The others didn't understand what was coming for a while, because they didn't notice anything yet.

The reason why Lucci could sense others from such a long distance was not only because of his observation Haki, but also because of his five senses enhanced by the cat-cat fruit.

That violent breath was approaching at a very fast speed!

Being able to fight with such a strong man...

Lucci even had a little excitement and desire!

You know, from the CP9 review training to now, he has never lost.

The foreshadowing is over, I hope the following plot can satisfy the readers...

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