One Piece: My Shadow Can Hang Up

Chapter 20 Moria died on the spot?


A roar echoed, and the whole person flew backwards, hitting the rock wall with a bang, and with a bang, the rubble covered his body.

Rob Lucci, the strongest genius in the history of CP9!

Now he may have become the biggest joke in the history of CP9!

Being knocked away by a single move, that is, the hedgehog head of the South China Sea and the king of the East China Sea, Luffy, enjoyed this treatment when fighting the Four Emperors.

Holm saw that the situation was not right, and his eyes turned around thieves, and I don’t know what bad idea he was thinking.

"It’s not the time yet..." Holm looked at the rocket launcher and said to himself.

Moriah proudly carried the long sword on his shoulder and looked at Robin.

He was responded with a little resentful look.

Moriah then remembered that the person was still in someone else’s hands.

Just as he was about to rescue him, he saw that the female CP had already rushed over stubbornly.


He disappeared in an instant not far from Moria, and then appeared behind Moria, only to see a long whip taken out from nowhere.

"Be careful, behind!" Robin shouted, and then laughed himself, how could a guy of his level not feel it.

Although it didn't work, Moria was still very relieved, at least this black-bellied woman had a conscience and knew to take care of his safety.


There was a sound of breaking wind, and the black long whip of unknown material was thrown out instantly, directly hitting Moria's neck.

How could Moria not feel it? He slightly turned his body to avoid the entanglement of the whip. When he stretched out his hand, the whip was already wrapped around his wrist.

"Come here!" As soon as the words came out, Moria's arm suddenly pulled forward, and the female CP9, who had not had time, was directly taken by the whip to Moria's position.

Sure enough, he was very strong!

This was her first feeling.

But she reacted quickly enough. After a backflip, she moonwalked directly into the air and then kicked Moria in the face.

Moria was shocked. When he got closer, he could see clearly that this guy was wearing high heels. Although it hurt to kick people, it was very inconvenient when he was actually moving. Fortunately, he had the support of the Navy Six Style.

In the eyes of the female CP9, she thought that Moria did not react to her attack for a while, and she was a little proud in her heart.

"You can't be careless when dealing with the enemy!"

These words fell into Moria's ears and felt a little funny. Obviously, this guy's every move and the next move were within his calculations. I don't know where her fearlessness came from.

Soon she paid the price for her behavior!

Moria stood in front of her with her left arm, blocking the heel that was piercing down like a javelin, and then held her legs wrapped in black silk with her right hand under the shocked gaze of the female CP9.


He suddenly smashed into the ground in front of him, and he couldn't break free no matter how hard he kicked.

At this time, he was kind to women. Such people would only die at the hands of women, instead of winning their favor in a bloody way!

After a loud bang, the mask shattered, revealing the face of the female CP9.

Moriah saw that it was indeed right. This outfit and her weapon all revealed her identity.

The only female CP9 in the Judicial Island chapter, and also the weakest one, Kalifa!

Kalifa secretly rejoiced. If she hadn't used the iron block just now, she might have been knocked stupid. Even if she had used the iron block, she was still in a bad mood at the moment.

"Now, fire!" Just as Moria was stunned for a moment, Holm gave an order, and the gang members directly set up a rocket launcher and fired it.

Holm was very nervous now, Moriah's performance was really amazing.

Lucci said that he couldn't beat him 80%, and he could say that he was too conservative now. He might as well be bolder and go straight to 100%, because the highest level was only 100%.

Too strong, so strong that it breaks through cognition!

He can swear to the sky that he has never seen a guy stronger than Moria in his life!

If he doesn't get rid of Moria here at this point today, it will be his death.

He can only try his best!

Feeling the shells flying towards him, Moria swung his long sword and instantly froze them in mid-air, and then exploded one after another.

It worked!

Holm was excited with tears in his eyes. He didn't expect that he was really poisoned by him. No, it was a bet!

As long as Moria dodges, it will be fine, but...

After Moria destroyed the rocket launcher, he didn't find anything at first, but when he saw the purple smoke inside and the reaction of his body.

It's poisonous!

Seeing that the poison gas was successfully sprayed on Moria and Kalifa, Holm laughed triumphantly: "Hahaha, this is a poison gas bomb that my brother-in-law bought through special channels. The creator, the gangster star Vastino, is a genius scientist whose identity no one knows!"

"As long as ten minutes have passed, even if there is an antidote, the best doctor in the world can't save it!"

When Robin heard this, her eyes suddenly shrank, and then she shouted loudly: "The antidote is in Holm's room..."

"Shut up, bitch!" Holm directly knocked Robin unconscious.

"I was careless, I didn't dodge!" Moria listened to Robin's voice, and felt that his strength was slowly drained away. The surroundings were also wrapped in thick fog, blocking his sight. Kalifa, who was in it, was not much better.

While coughing, Moria cursed in his heart: "Which bastard made such a sinister and vicious weapon, don't let me know."

Without caring about anything else, Holm ordered his men to blow up the stairs leading up, and then ran away.

Holm changed his mind. It was not feasible to rely on others. It was better to rely on himself, so he planned to take Robin away and let him deal with it.

If he was cured, he could forget the past, but if he was not cured, he might not care about the consequences.

Just as Moria was about to walk out of the smoke, a figure stumbled out.

After being chopped off by Moria, Lucci did not lose his fighting power.

"Six-style secret... Six King Spear!"


Lucci put his fists together to gather strength, and then a terrifying impact hit Moria directly.

This was Lucci's strongest attack. All the strength gathered at one point, and then it burst out with extremely terrifying destructive power.

The next moment, Moria's figure was seen in the thick smoke with his stomach ripped open, and a liquid spurted out, which seemed to be blood.

"Did you finally defeat him?"

Lucci smiled. He knew that he had hit him just now. He could clearly feel that even if he didn't die, he would be seriously injured by a concentrated attack!

And judging from the situation just now, Moria was completely defenseless after being poisoned, which is why he was hit through the chest.

He held his breath, turned his head, and looked at where Nico Robin was, but it was empty at the moment. Holm also didn't know where he ran away.

Suddenly, a bad premonition came to his mind!

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