One Piece: My Shadow Can Hang Up

Chapter 204: Fantasy Beasts, Bounty Soars

Vegapunk and some people from the Navy and World Government saw such a bloody scene from a distance.

They didn't even see each other's movements, and several heads jumped into the air like balloons.

"Sir Guernica...they...were killed so easily..."

The people in the World Government were frightened to the point of weakness at this moment. Although they were all determined people, they still had unstoppable fear when facing the top powerhouses.

Fear is not even enough to describe them, to be precise it should be trembling.

Moria retracted the sharp blade so fast that he didn't even leave a drop of blood on the blade.

"Speak carefully if you have anything to say, put down Bonny quickly!" It was obvious that Vegapunk had misunderstood something, and he was afraid that Bonny would encounter something unexpected in the hands of the opponent.

Moria ignored it for the time being, held Pony in front of the bear, and handed it over:

"A very cute child, but compared to my daughter, he is still a little inferior."

The bear still didn't speak, just stared at Moria. Although he didn't speak, his meaning was already expressed.

Do not shake Bilian.

"What kind of look do you have? Can't the child just follow its mother?" Moria laughed angrily. Besides, he just looks weird and has nothing to do with being ugly.

It seemed that Moria's words had awakened the dusty memory, and a look of pain appeared on the bear's face.

He thought of Ginny who had died, and the pain that he could not erase in his life.

Moria put his hand on Xiong's shoulder and said sternly: "If I cure your daughter's terminal illness, you will join my army and break away from the revolutionary army. Of course, it will not just be a formal breakup."

Xiong was silent for a while, but before he could answer, Begapunk already said:

"Bonnie suffers from a difficult and complicated disease called sapphire scale. This is a terminal disease that appeared a long time ago and has not yet been conquered.

Not only moonlight or sunlight will aggravate the condition, but it will gradually worsen even if there is no exposure to natural light. How can it be cured so easily? "

Hearing this, Moria also turned his head and stared at the short old man not far away and several figures behind him.

He saw a guy from the World Government trying to get in touch with the outside world, but it didn't seem to be successful.

"I'll get back to you later."

As soon as Moria raised his hand, Guernica and the others who had just died stood up, and then the corpse raised its head and rushed directly in the direction of Vegapunk.

"Sir...this..." The group of people were shocked. How could the person whose body was separated be alive again?

"They are dead. They are just zombies now. Shoot!"

Someone in the crowd reacted and quickly reminded him.

Others started shooting belatedly, but it was still to no avail because the difference in strength was too obvious.

"Bang bang bang bang!"


The moment the bullets were fired from the group of people, the zombies in Guernica cast Iron Block. The bullets hitting the corpses were like hitting steel, causing no harm at all.

Although zombies cannot have the original fruit ability, they can have other abilities besides the fruit, and Marine Six is ​​no exception.

The group of people responsible for protecting and monitoring Vegapunk were subdued not long after, but Moria did not kill them immediately.

"When Moria used the ability to resurrect the dead, black flames lingered around him, and the air of death filled the air.

"Is this?" Vegapunk's eyes widened. He seemed to have seen this ability in an ancient book, and there were only a few words about it stored in his mind, but there was no record of it after that.

There is a record about it in the book. The head of the heron and the body look like a crescent moon.

He often moves in the shadows, and his true abilities are unknown.

According to legend, he was the scribe of Hades and wrote the Book of Death, a spell that allowed the deceased to overcome difficulties in the next life and obtain eternal life.

Renren fruit, phantom beast species, Tut form.

In the past hundreds or even thousands of years, this fruit has never awakened, so that people have forgotten its existence.

It's just not another fruit in the legend. It's not a liberating warrior, nor can it bring freedom.

Vegapunk was immersed in the memories in his mind, and Moria already said:

"Dr. Vegapunk, have you ever heard of the Surgery Fruit and the Disease Fruit?"

After hearing Moria's words, Vegapunk's thoughts returned to reality, suppressing the horror in his heart, Vegapunk thought for a moment and said: "The fruit of the operation appeared a few years ago, but in the end it disappeared due to various reasons. I have seen the diseased fruit in the devil fruit illustrated book."

Suddenly thinking of something, Vegapunk stared at Moria and said, "Could it be that you have those two devil fruits in your hands?"

Just from the surgery fruit alone, Vegapunk felt that he had a high chance of curing Bonny. After all, it was a devil fruit that could give people eternal life.

"Correction, it's not a devil fruit, it's an ability user." Moria corrected.

Seeing that Bega Punk seemed to feel that the other party might be able to cure his daughter, Xiong said directly: "I promise you, as long as you can do what you say, I am willing to do anything for you, even if it means my life. "

Moria nodded with satisfaction. Seeing that Vegapunk was hesitant to speak, he continued: "My purpose this time is not to treat illnesses and save people. Come with me, Dr. Vegapunk." ”

"What are you going to do with me?" Vegapunk looked at Moriah with some vigilance. He always felt that it would not be a good thing for the other party to find him.

And he got some information about the other party from Stussy, and Moriah seemed to know some of his secrets.

I don't know if he can understand it, but Moria said: "Is it okay to use you as a bargaining chip in the negotiation? Just follow me obediently?"

"I won't go with you. All my research results are still on this island."

Before Bega Punk finished speaking, Moria said: "You should take a look at where we are now. You can look up at the sky."

Hearing this, Vegapunk looked up at the sky, only to feel that the sky was getting closer to the island, and his breathing was not smooth.

"This is…"

"Since the research results are all on this island, we can just take them all away." Moria said thoughtfully.

If it is an island connected to the continental shelf, it is naturally impossible to move it with Piao Piao Fruit, but Punk Hassad does not even have magnetism. This is obviously not a normally located island.

Seeing that Vegapunk wanted to say something else, Moria said: "I'm not asking for your opinion, but you must follow me today..."

After a long silence, Vegapunk sighed. Now he can only compromise and find a way to escape...

several days.

The World Government has tried various methods to find the missing Bank Forbidden Zone, as if the place disappeared out of thin air.

There were various speculations for a while, but in the end no conclusion was reached.

"Sir, we have received the news. It was a navy stationed in Donghai Windmill Village who reported the matter. At that time, a group of navy also asked the surrounding villagers for news about your lord."

An informant under the Moonlight Pirates reported the results of his inquiries over the past few days.

In a room, Moria leaned against the backrest with a solemn expression, and said with a cold expression: "Check all the family information and addresses of these marines. They must pay a heavy price."

Just as the man was responding, the phone rang again.

After Moria connected, he heard a familiar voice.

It was Stussy, and she could hear some anxiety in her voice at the moment.

"Did you arrest him?" Stussy's charming voice came out, and she started questioning him right away.

"I don't know what you are talking about..." Moria asked knowingly.

"Dr. Vegapunk, I can't think of anyone other than you who would do such a thing." Stussy said decisively.

"I really don't know whether I should be happy or not about your incredible trust."

Moria teased. At this moment, there was a creak and the door was pushed open from the outside. A figure saw the former talking on the phone and walked in quietly, trying not to make any noise.

After looking up, Moria looked away again.

As soon as Stusy heard this, she knew that the other party was the instigator of this incident, so she began to ask: "How is the doctor doing now? You didn't do anything to him, right?"

Moria did not answer directly when he heard this, but asked: "You have to answer my question first, are they okay?"

In an instant, Stussy knew Moriah's true intentions.

"Don't mess around. They have been handed over to the Navy. They should now arrive at Marine Fando, the Navy headquarters, and be personally guarded by the Navy's senior officials. I have no way of contacting them."

Moria felt relieved when he heard that it had been handed over to the navy. It's not that the navy is very good, but they know how to weigh the pros and cons.

"Don't worry, I won't let anything happen to him, don't worry." Moria teased: "When the doctor is in my hands, you can have sex as you like."

"Who wants to do things for you is a beautiful idea." Stussy spat: "I will trust you for the time being. If anything happens to the doctor, I will not let you go."

After hanging up the phone, Moriah felt his body sink, and it felt like the chair under him was about to fall apart.

"Should you lose weight? You're heavier than several elephants. I can hardly bear it anymore."

Feeling the weight coming from his body, Moriah stared at the person in front of him and said, he felt that when the person sat up, it felt as if thousands of kilograms of weight were added to his legs.

"Sir, you are really good at joking..." As he spoke, Black Maria suddenly said something in Moriah's ear in a voice as low as a mosquito, and then said: "Now I have two legs, I'm afraid I can't support my body. "?"

Moria hugged Fengyun in front of her and didn't let her fall.

The size is different, the body is quite the same, and it is as gentle as a mattress.

"I have something else to do now, so let's put the things there first," Moria patted Black Maria's plumpness and motioned for her to come down.

Black Maria just moved her hands, reached out and took a plate of things on the table:

"Sir, I see that you seem to have something on your mind recently, and you always look unhappy. I made some Mitarai meatballs here. Whenever I encounter something unhappy, eating one will make me feel better."

Moria looked over and saw small meatballs skewered on bamboo skewers on the plate.

It seems to be coated with a layer of secret sauce, the aroma is fragrant, and the appearance is quite good, but it is larger, several times larger than Sixi meatballs. After all, the black Maria has the body shape, and it is an ordinary small meatball. It's probably about the size of a sesame seed.

Moria was about to take one to taste, after all, it was a token of his affection, but at this moment, Black Maria held that hand and said, "Don't move, just let me do it."



Moria's Adam's apple rolled, and it took a long time for him to react. This was like a bird feeding.

For a long time.

The Yutashi meatballs were also eaten, and Moria's mood did improve, but this was not the effect of the meatballs, but the increase in dopamine and other levels in the body, which caused excitement.

Black Maria stood up again, put the seat down, sat on the other side, and then rested the person next to her on her legs.

"My lord, close your eyes and don't move."

Black Maria said gently, and then he felt like he was resting on a very elastic pillow, and a faint fragrance lingered in his nose.

Moria did not refuse, and thought that Black Maria would not do anything out of the ordinary, after all, the other party still relied on him to get what he wanted.

Gradually, Moria was looking forward to it, not knowing what would happen.


It was not until the other party put something into his ear that he realized that it was to clean his ears.

Let alone what Black Maria's purpose was, there was no rival on this ship in terms of serving people.

While enjoying Black Maria's service, Moria was thinking about things.

The World Government and the Navy took the hostages but kept it a secret. They must want to prepare completely before taking action, which means there is still some buffer time now.

"Bang bang bang!"

I don't know how long it took, the door was knocked from outside, and Moria's thoughts returned to reality.

Moria opened his eyes, but did not intend to get up. Black Maria also saw his thoughts, so she said please come in.

After Lafitte opened the door, he saw two tall figures leaning against each other.

When Black Maria slowly took back the ear spoon, Moria sat up and said to Lafitte: "Sit."

Lafitte looked up and down at Black Maria, and in an instant, he understood.

Black Maria also had a smile on her face. Moria did not push her away immediately, but also wanted to announce their relationship to the outside world. After this time, it is estimated that she will have a green light to do things on the ship.

And the reason why she frequently went in and out of the other party's room was for this.

Lafitte was thinking in his heart, but he did not ask, but said: "Captain, the latest bounty order has been announced. This time, the bounties of our pirate group's cadres have been greatly increased."

"Hmm?" Moria was also interested. After so much time, I think his bounty should be renewed. After all, the bounty order in this world is linked to strength to a certain extent. It's just 300 million, which is a bit embarrassing.

Lafitte put the bounty order on the table. Moria flipped through it. The first one was his...

The captain of the Moonlight Pirates, "Ten Thousand Shadows" Moonlight Moria, the bounty is 4.736 billion berries.

The Moonlight Pirates, "Lion King" Horseman Lili's bounty is 2.13 billion berries.

The bounty for “Devil Police Station” Lafitte is 1.51 billion berries.

The bounty for “Demon Descendant” Little Oz is 1.3 billion.

The bounty for “Giant Battleship” San Juan Wolf is 1.16 billion berries.

The bounty for “Sound of the Moon” Van Oka is 1 billion…

There are only six people who have exceeded 1 billion, and almost all other cadres have exceeded 100 million.

Staring at his own bounty, Moria felt that the bounty was not a big problem. Only Whitebeard had a higher bounty in the world, but his photography skills were average and not handsome enough.

Moria put the bounty on the table and said to Lafitte: “Notify Bonis to issue a wanted notice for the senior navy officials and the World Government personnel.”

“Also, spread the news that I will go to the Whitebeard Pirates’ base alone in a week to challenge Whitebeard…”

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