One Piece: My Shadow Can Hang Up

Chapter 32 Auction House, Mysterious Egg

As one of the emperors of the underground world, Giberson certainly knows Moria. If he can maintain long-term cooperation and contact with the other party, the things he gives now are not worth mentioning at all.

After a few pleasantries, Giberson said:

"Since Mr. Moria has just arrived there, I will not bother you. If you come to the Grand Line in the future, you must tell me, and I will definitely hold a grand welcoming banquet for you at that time."

"Jihehe, then don't blame me for being rude to you."

I don't know if Giberson really wants to invite or is just being polite. Anyway, Moria can't greet him coldly when it comes to this.

The reason why Giberson is so polite to Moria is nothing more than strength and power. The navy, the four emperors, and the seven warlords maintain the balance of the world.

Although the seven warlords have not yet been established, as a candidate for the seven warlords in the future, even the emperors of the underground have to curry favor with them.

After hanging up the phone, Moria put away the Den Den Mushi that contacted Giberson. As the head of the black market merchants in the underground world, I believe there will definitely be opportunities for cooperation in the future.

Seeing a foodie not far away with his feet rooted to the ground and no matter how he called, he was very upset, as if he was an animal that was let out to have fun and just wouldn't come back no matter how he called.

Moria asked tentatively: "Is that Polgar?"

"Yes, sir, I am." Polgar was flattered and said: "Just tell me what you want me to do, I will do my best as long as I can complete it."

Not far away, nearly ten contestants on the stage were making their own specialties, some steamed, some fried, and some stir-fried, with a fragrant aroma that made people salivate.

Moriah stared at the judges' seat of the food contest, thinking: "Do you think it would be better if this contest had a mysterious special guest?"

"Special guest?" Polgar muttered first, then looked at the tall fur tribe that was about to drool, and instantly understood what Moriah meant:

"This is a good idea, worthy of being Lord Moria who is feared by the West Sea!"

Polgar directly called his men, and then luckily chose Hosman as today's special guest. Of course, Hosman was willing, and he would only say the word delicious when he went up.

Robin retracted his gaze on a tall figure, and gradually got a deeper understanding of his character.

She didn't know how she treated outsiders, but she was still very caring towards her subordinates and companions. In summary, she might not be a good person, but a good captain.

"Don't worry about her, let's go." Moriah did not forget the purpose of this trip.

He saw from the poster that the auction would sell something he wanted.

Outside the auction house, people separated.

When Moriah arrived at the auction with Perona and Absalom, the auction had already begun. At this moment, a dazzling diamond was being auctioned on the stage, and many people dressed as wealthy businessmen and noble ladies were competing to bid.

It is worth mentioning that in order to avoid being remembered by others when the items are auctioned and thus staging a murder and robbery drama, masks will be distributed to participants when entering the auction.

There are still some empty seats in the auction hall, and Moriah did not show how conspicuous it was to let others give up their seats, but asked everyone to find their own seats, and he also sat on the edge.

Soon, one by one, the auction items were taken down, and soon one of the auction items caught Moriah's attention.

It is said that it is a weapon made by an unknown country, with very good quality, and it is very well received in the underground world. Even the world government cannot make such a weapon.

Moriah always feels that this weapon is inseparable from Wano Country, and it is estimated that it should be circulated from there.

The weapons are tied together in bundles very casually, and the number is estimated to be dozens, or even more.

Although the weapon was good, it received a lukewarm response after it was brought up, with only a few people bidding.

"Ten million once... Ten million twice..." The sexy auctioneer was looking at whether anyone was still raising their placards, while conveying information through the broadcasting telephone bug.

"Eleven million!" A voice sounded, a big man who sounded a bit rough, but no one knew what he looked like.

"VIP No. 56 bids eleven million, is there anyone who bids higher? Then..."

The auctioneer was good-looking, spoke well, and dressed sexy, but the people who could enter this auction house were all well-known figures, and they didn't care about her at all.

"Twenty million!" Moria raised his placard and bid.

While bidding, he was secretly thinking that guns and cannons in this world were actually cheaper than swords. Ordinary swords cost about 100,000 berries, and the better ones started at one million.

Of course, buying weapons was not to buy them back for collection. The wights made with the hearts of the aliens were in need of handy equipment, which was just right for temporary arming.

The price of 10 million has made many people give up bidding. After all, some of them are merchants and nobles, and most of them use it to make a profit from reselling, and the price of 20 million is far beyond their affordability.

When Moria quoted the price, some people cast covetous eyes.

"Two..." Just when someone was about to continue to quote, he was stopped by his companion.

The man sitting next to him said: "Hey! Big brother, we don't have so much money to continue to quote."

"But, the old man..." The rough voice was hesitant.

"If we can't pay by then, the boss behind this place will definitely be very angry. At that time, it will be difficult for us in the Flower Country to go to the underground world to buy things."

The man next to him suddenly leaned over and whispered: "With so many things, it will be very inconvenient to transport them. We will be at the port..."

If they take off their masks, many people in the field will recognize them as a violent gang in the West Sea Flower Country.

Flower Country, Babao Navy.

The rough voice is the deputy pillar Lao Cai, and the one next to him is his younger brother.

Lao Cai nodded secretly after he finished speaking. He couldn't do anything in Worm City, but it was not certain that he would be able to do it outside the island.

The reason why the Babao Navy needed weapons was because the Flower Country was recently at war with its neighboring countries and urgently needed a batch of weapons to arm the army.

As expected, the batch of weapons was finally bought by Moria, but he did not leave the table and take the things away directly, but quietly waited for the auction of the item.


The items on the stage were auctioned off one by one, and finally a huge egg was lifted up with the joint efforts of several big men.

The egg was several meters high and several meters wide. Its surface was crystal clear and flawless. Under the lights of the auction house, it reflected golden light.

"Sorry to have kept you waiting for a long time. Finally, the most exciting moment has arrived..."

No one in the audience was excited, but the auctioneer was excited first.

"Finally... it's the turn of today's highlight..."

The auctioneer began to tell the background story he had prepared in advance:

"This egg was accidentally obtained by a pirate ship. It is said to be the egg of a sea beast. According to eyewitnesses, this sea beast is larger than an ordinary island when it grows up... It may be a giant sea king egg!"

"Starting price... 80 million berries!"

As expected, the auctioneer was still professional. He just made up a lie and made the people who had not been interested just now suddenly excited...

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