One Piece: My Shadow Can Hang Up

Chapter 42 Wedding, Musicians and Doctors

Get married! ?

Xin Duoli was dumbfounded.

Hogbak's thoughts fell into a brief blank, and then he reacted.

Please do this! It's okay to do the whole set.

At this moment, Hogbak's eyes changed when he looked at Moria, and now he looked more and more pleasing to the eye.

"Hesitating, are you two really lying to me?" Seeing that the two did not reply, Moria's tone immediately became unfriendly: "Absalom"

"I'm here."

Moria continued to order: "Drag Hogbak out and chop him up to feed the dogs! The woman will be given to you as a reward."

Absalom walked over directly after hearing the words, but even if Moria said so, he didn't dare to accept this woman. He would just kill her directly at that time.

Xin Duoli looked at Absalom and was immediately stunned.

To be honest, everyone cares about the appearance of the other half, and Xin Duoli is no exception. She originally felt that Hogbak's appearance was ordinary, but now compared with the real monsters, it's not worth mentioning.

Hogbak likes her, and now she knows it, otherwise she wouldn't have come alone to question Moonlight Moria.

As her marriage partner, her fiancé doesn't have the courage.

With Hogbak's conditions, many people want beautiful women to give him, but any woman in front of him is like a naked corpse, and he is not interested in women in his heart.


But when Xin Duoli turned her head and smiled slightly, the heart of this bad doctor melted.

Although Xin Duoli didn't reject Hogbak, she didn't like him, but Moria pressed so hard that there was really no way.

"Agree to it later, but we're just pretending."

Xin Duoli knew that she was the one who made the decision now. Once the window paper was broken, the active party would become very humble, and the same was true for Hogbak.

"Is that so?" Hogbak showed a little disappointment in his eyes, but it was unexpected to be able to do this: "Then... Xin Duoli, I will listen to you in everything..."

"Captain, if it doesn't bother you, it's okay to hold the wedding here..."

Sin Duoli didn't doubt that Moria and Hogbak were in collusion. After all, Hogbak's performance didn't seem to be acting.

Besides, who can invite a world-class figure to act?

The only explanation now is that Moria fell in love with her, but didn't like married women. If he could prove that he was already in a relationship, he would be relieved.

After getting a satisfactory answer, Moria asked people to take Xin Duoli and Hogbak away to rest.

After Xin Duoli left, Moria passed by Hogbak, and Moria whispered: "I have done this for you, shouldn't you also consider what we said before?"

Moria left without waiting for a reply, and Hogbak stood there.

It turned out that all this was in his plan, and it also had a warning meaning.

He who can deliver a person to you also has the ability to take her away.

Time passed quickly, and a few days later.

On the wedding day.

Hogbak and Xin Duoli held their wedding in Bali, known as the "Paradise" Island.

The scale of this wedding can be said to be one of the best in the West Sea.

Of course, the money was not paid by Moria. Hogbak, who believed that money was more important than life, naturally had a lot of savings over the years.

Xin Duoli's relatives were all invited, and the wedding venue was full of people, including Xin Duoli's fiancé who was also invited.

As Hogbak in a suit and Xin Duoli in a wedding dress came into view, whispers were heard in the field.

Some praised the bride for her beauty, but no one praised the groom for his handsomeness.

At this moment, the men all cast envious and jealous eyes at Hogbak.

Seeing that beautiful figure, Xin Duoli's fiancé Henry felt mixed emotions. He couldn't understand why Xin Duoli was still alive.

The man who should be on the stage now was him...

What qualifications did that fat pig Hogbag have to stand there?

The wedding continued.

Not long after, the pastor began to read the host's lines: "Mr. Hogbag, are you willing to marry Ms. Xin Duoli as your wife? No matter..."

Hogbag: "I do."

Pastor: "..."

"I..." Hogbag answered without thinking, but Xin Duoli hesitated.

At this time, I don't know whether it was because he drank too much or he couldn't stand his fiancée marrying someone else, but Henry stumbled onto the stage.

"Xin Duoli, I am your fiancé, why do you want to marry him!"

Hogbag's face immediately darkened when he saw the person coming.

"What can Hogbak do to match you? He is just a famous doctor. He is not as rich as me, and his appearance is..."

Henry seemed to feel a chill on his back, and he took back the words that were about to come out of his mouth.

Not far away, Moria stared at the stage with some displeasure.

Except for Horsman who was only concerned with eating, the others at the same table also noticed Moria's mood changes.

There was an uproar in the field, some praised his courage, and some shouted for him to get off.

Xin Duoli looked at the man she once liked a little after hearing this, and now she felt extremely disgusted.

Maybe Hogbak was not as good as him in other aspects, but Hogbak dared to collect her body alone, while this man was so ugly after thinking he was dead.

Although it cannot be said that there is no love, this kind of love will gradually disappear over time. You can fall in love, but it is not worthy of being entrusted to you for a lifetime.

"Mr. Henry, please go down, my fiancé is now Hoguback, and I am willing to marry him!"

I don’t know if Sindori said this because she was angry, or if she was afraid that Moria would find out about their relationship.

The pastor then realized what he was doing and hurriedly stepped forward to push Henry down. He couldn't bear it if he made the adult unhappy.

"Who dares to touch me? My father is the chief guard of the Gama Kingdom. I don't want to think about who licked my face in the first place..."

The Kingdom of Gamma is located in the West Sea, which is Sinduoli's hometown, and their marriage was also proposed by Sinduoli's parents in order to climb high.

Henry shook his arm to get rid of the priest, and instantly several big men appeared behind him. Although they did not make a move, no one dared to move anymore.

"Yes, yes! Sindori, listen to mom's advice..."

Sindori's parents also like Henry more, after all, it can help them more. They originally planned not to let Sindori continue to be a star, but to go home and get married as soon as possible. After all, their daughter can only play her best role when she is by their side.

Although Hogbark is also very good, you have to shop around.

Both Hogbark and Sindori looked ugly.

The scene reached a stalemate for a time.

In the silence, a voice that was neither salty nor light was heard:

"Kalibu, Kribu, take your men, drag out those irritating guys and shoot them for half an hour as a celebration of today's wedding!"

Everyone looked around and saw a group of strangers sitting in a corner directly in the distance.

Although Moria's body is huge, it is not uncommon in this world, so people are not surprised.

Who is this?

This is the common sentiment of many people.

People were still confused when they saw that Caribu had pulled Cribb and all his subordinates onto the stage.

"Who are you? Why..."

Then, accompanied by weird laughter, blood burst out. In the blink of an eye, several people were subdued. Amidst a burst of wailing, they were pulled down by their legs by the Caribu people.

"Bang bang bang bang bang!"

Like the sound of firecrackers at a wedding, the sound of gunshots came one after another.

At this time, everyone in the field was stunned, not only terrified but also horrified.

There were screams and children crying, and the scene was chaotic.

"He is Moonlight Moria!?"

"Didn't I tell you a long time ago? You told me that we just look alike..."

Everyone was talking about it.

"Since someone recognizes it, I will tell you straight away, my name is Moonlight Moria,"

Moria stood up, revealing his white teeth, which made people a little frightened:

"I just called you here to announce a piece of news. From now on, Victoria Sindori will be the musician on our ship. As her relatives and friends, I now provide you with two choices. One agrees, the other agrees. Choose!"

There was total silence. Even if a third option was provided, no one would dare to do this.

"Then I assume you all agree." Moria was very satisfied with their performance:

"Then... let's have a feast!"

Sindori: "Do you want to ask me, the client?"

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