One Piece: My Shadow Can Hang Up

Chapter 48: Distribution of Imperial Tools, Red Hair Pirates

Back to the ship.

Under the candlelight, Moria stared at the imperial tools that Shadow brought back and observed them carefully. Imperial tools can give users special abilities, which are somewhat similar to devil fruits.

The two imperial tools are a big sword and a puppy.

"Master, everyone has been notified and is coming here now." The first spider rat made by Hogback quickly jumped across the ground, and the voice reached Moria's ears.

"Well, I know, you go down and continue to monitor every move on the island."

Moria waved his hand and asked the spider rat to return to the ship to continue guarding their treasure buried in the soil.

Not long after, accompanied by footsteps, the cadres had all arrived, and they were a little confused as to why Moria called them over.

"Mr. Moria, where did you find this puppy? It's so cute!"

When Perona came to Moria, she was immediately attracted by the ugly puppy. Robin was the same. She and Perona had a different definition of cuteness from ordinary people.

When Perona squatted down and wanted to touch [Monster Transformation·Hundred-armed Giant], Moriah hurriedly said: "Wait... I still..."

But Perona had already touched the puppy's head, and the puppy instantly became cheering and jumping around Perona.

"This..." Moriah saw this scene, and his previous concerns disappeared immediately. He didn't expect that the imperial device would recognize its master so easily.

Is this the mutual attraction between the imperial device and the user?

But Moriah felt that this puppy was nothing, and [Devil Haunted·Operation Armor] was more handsome, and he also had a predetermined candidate.

If the transparent fruit plus the transparent power of the armor should make it imperceptible to anyone at that time, right?

"Mr. Moriah, what's going on?" Perona asked Moriah puzzledly while teasing the puppy.

Seeing that everyone was also looking at him in confusion, Moriah said, "These are a few things I accidentally got from the ruins when I went out. According to records, they are called imperial tools, which can give users powerful abilities, just like devil fruits."

"As you can see, the puppy-shaped imperial tool just now has recognized its master. Now there is one left. Let's see which of you it will choose as its master."

After the voice fell, although people were very curious about when and where Moria got the things, they instinctively did not ask, but were a little curious about the remaining imperial tool.

It always feels ordinary, nothing special, and it feels worse than the moving dog.

"You all hold the handle of the knife and try it. If the imperial tool chooses you, you can move its power." Moriah continued, "Abu, you try it first..."

"Okay, Lord Moriah!"

Absalom walked to the front of the knife, held the handle, and then there was no more...

"Lord Moriah, what's next?" Absalom asked in confusion.

"Do you feel anything now?"


Moriah was shocked. It stands to reason that Absalom's ability is the most compatible with the evil spirit, so how could there be no reaction?

After waiting for a long time, there was no sign of the armor being possessed, so Moriah had to continue: "Next..."

All the cadres grasped the hilt of the knife, but the knife did not change at all. Obviously, the evil spirit did not choose any of them.

Moriah's face darkened. If he could not use the things Shadow brought back at that time...


Moriah just thought that the transparent power and Absalom were somewhat compatible, and forgot about himself for a while, so he thought to himself that he would try it himself later.

Just thinking about it, under the gaze of everyone, Moriah grasped the hilt of the knife, and an unknown force swept around him in an instant.

In an instant.

There was a wave of air flow around, and then a layer of armor covered Moriah's surface, and in the blink of an eye, Moriah's whole body was covered.

The armor of the evil spirit can be adjusted as the user's body changes.

The people in the field cast a surprised look. They didn't expect that this knife could summon a set of armor. What on earth is this thing...

"So handsome, Lord Moria!" Absalom's eyes lit up. At this moment, he envied him.

Clenching his fists, Moria instantly felt that he had endless strength, much more than usual.

Moria didn't expect that the evil spirit would choose him!

But now that I think about it, this result is much better than expected.

"Jihehe!" Moria moved around in the armor and said, "It seems that this imperial weapon has made its choice."

The ability to be transparent is something that every man yearns for.

After getting familiar with the evil spirit, Moria, who was no longer fresh, removed the armor and asked Lafitte and everyone, "Last time I heard that there was an island of giants nearby. Should we go and take a look?"

Unlike other races, giants are distributed in various seas, and the West Sea is the stronger branch of the giants.

"Last time we talked, we were closer to the giants' island, but now we've strayed a little from the route, so we need to walk a little further if we want to go there."

Lafitte twirled his cane and expressed his opinion:

"The giants are natural warriors, and even if the world government is eager to obtain this power, I think we should be able to find some suitable partners there by then."

Moria also has this plan. If he can dig up some giant corpses, he can also arm the zombie army.

"Does anyone have any different opinions?" Moria asked the others.

No one else expressed an opinion or refuted it. In the end, Moria made the decision to change course and head to the Island of Giants in the Western Sea.

Meanwhile, the Red Earth Continent, Mount Levis.

The place where the four seas meet, the southeast, northwest and northwest.

Twin Point.

A pirate ship docked at the shore. The pirate ship had a red dragon head, and the pirate flag was a skull with several red slashes in the eye sockets. This pirate flag indicates the owner of the ship...

They are the red-haired pirates who have become famous recently!

On the shore, a group of people were holding a banquet. Although they didn't look up or down, they had endless things to say.

"Doctor Kurokas, this is good wine brought from the New World." Red-haired Shanks, the captain of the red-haired pirate group, pushed a full glass of wine in front of Kurokas.

"No more drinking. You need to know how to control yourself when you get older." Kurokas waved his hands repeatedly, "Didn't you just go to the Grand Line not long ago? Why did you come back again?"

Shanks seemed to have remembered something interesting and laughed loudly: "I have a companion who is still in the East China Sea. He and I agreed to wait until the child grows up in a few years before sailing with us. Now we are going to the East China Sea to pick him up. He's on board."

"Huh! Companion?" Kurokas thought a lot at this moment, Rab and the Lumba Pirates, and the companions who went to Rafdru with him.

Roger has been dead for twelve years, and even Shanks, who was a child before, is already that old.

"Time flies so fast..." Kurokas couldn't help but sigh.

Shanks didn't answer and drank on his seat: "Before we go to the East China Sea, we have to go to the West Sea first. Then we will definitely bring some wine from the West Sea for you to try."

"Going to the West Sea?" Kurokas wondered. He joined the Roger Pirate Ship relatively late, and he didn't know some of the things that happened before that.

Shanks fell into memories and remembered some of the words Roger had said to him. He then took a sip of wine and calmly replied:

"Go check out the place and meet them!"

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