One Piece: My Shadow Can Hang Up

Chapter 54 Giant Island, Reason

The diary turned to the last page, and the record of the event ended.

The person who wrote the diary was a navigator, and the person recorded was mainly a captain named John.

Captain John was very famous, and the most concerned thing was his treasure.

Captain John was a member of the Rocks Pirates like the contemporary Whitebeard Big Mom Golden Lion, and he took away the treasure left by Rocks after the battle of God Valley.

According to the diary, after leaving the Rocks Pirates with a group of younger brothers, Captain John wanted to take the treasure for himself, but was eventually betrayed by his subordinates.

Although the recorder of this diary was not a betrayer, he was also affected.

The betrayer poisoned Captain John's meal and then shot him in the stomach with a gun.


They underestimated this legendary strongman. The seriously injured and dying Captain John killed all the betrayers in just a moment, and then executed all the other innocent crew members.

Captain John was a selfish person. If he couldn't get the treasure, no one else could get it!

The navigator jumped into the sea and survived, but he lost his legs and had a deep wound on his chest.

Having lost his ability to move, he naturally lost the ability to find treasure, and he couldn't share things with others. He had no power to protect himself and would only bring disaster.

After that, the navigator returned to his hometown, but because he was not welcome as a pirate, he combined his memory to finally draw a map leading to the place where the incident happened and recorded the incident...

As for why the incident many years ago was only exposed now, it was because the navigator of Captain John died.

Because he lost his ability to move and was sick, his relatives in the past ignored him, so that he was sick and hungry.


One day, a little girl from a rich family gave him 200 berries, so that he could have a cheap meal and buy a bottle of medicine to stop his pain.

After giving the treasure map and diary to the little girl, the navigator died.

The girl's parents didn't take the treasure map seriously, but their friend Barton saw through it and bought it.

Let's get back to the point!

Moria closed the diary, then picked up the treasure map. After opening it, he looked at it for a long time but couldn't understand what was drawn, so he had to ask professionals for help.

Lafitte took the treasure map and interpreted the information on it in a few seconds: "Our current location is in the lower left corner of this map, then go southeast first, then..."

Suddenly, a trace of surprise appeared on Lafitte's weird face. He pointed to the destination on the map and then to a nearby sea area: "It's actually near this sea area..."

"This sea area? Is there anything abnormal?" Moria asked in confusion.

Lafitte explained: "This sea area is strictly prohibited by the World Government... Many years ago, a war took place here, and then it was gradually forgotten by people. Few people know what happened there..."

Most of the people in the field were native to the West Sea, but they didn't know these things. It seemed that someone deliberately blocked the news.

"Let's go and see if the so-called Captain John's treasure is real."

After hearing this, Moria immediately became interested, so he gave an order, and then remembered something, saying: "By the way, where is the Giant Island of Giginov? Are we a little far away?"

Even with the joining of the evil wolf, Moria still yearns for the giant warriors. After all, a giant with a little strength can become a lieutenant general in the navy.

Lafitte shook his head and pointed to a place in the lower left corner: "If it's slower, it will take three days. If it's faster, it will take two days to reach Giginov..."

"Let the evil wolf transport all the purchased ingredients back to the ship and prepare to set off!"


Three days later, the Giant Island, Giginov.

A pirate ship larger than the giant warship slowly approached, and the giants on the island were very strange.


When they saw the San Juan evil wolf standing on the ship, their faces changed drastically, and they ran back to their houses and closed the doors and windows.

It was like seeing the god of plague, and they could not avoid it.

Moria and others boarded Gejinov, and saw a somewhat dilapidated village. Some houses were under repair, as if they had experienced a fierce battle not long ago.

What happened here?

"You did it?" Moria pointed to a damaged house. He guessed that the evil wolf destroyed the village and was expelled.

"No... It's not me... It's not me!" The evil wolf waved his hands hurriedly, indicating that he knew nothing.

At this time, two heads popped out from behind a house, as if they wanted to see what they wanted to do.

In the blink of an eye, the two giants were subdued and lay in front of Moria.

"Why did you all hide when we came?" Moria sat on the giant and asked, "And why did you leave the evil wolf on the deserted island?"

The two giants said in unison:

"Because the evil wolf doesn't take a bath!"

"Because the evil wolf snores when he sleeps!"


The reason was very sufficient, and Moria couldn't find a reason to refute it for a while.

"Big pirate, Gekko Moriah, I hope you can let my men go, they have no ill will towards you." Several figures approached slowly from a distance, led by a middle-aged giant with a red beard.

The current chief of the Gejinov clan, Karulu, also known as Redbeard.

Upon hearing this, Moriah let go of the two giants, after all, they were not here to fight.

The two giants immediately hid behind Karulu.

Seeing that Moriah was very respectful, Karulu smiled and invited Moriah and his group into the village, and then asked people to prepare food for them.

The body of the evil wolf was too big, and he could not even enter the giant's house, so he could only wait outside the house.

"What happened here before?" Moriah asked during the meal, "If it's inconvenient, you don't have to say it."

When he knew that the evil wolf had now joined Moriah's pirate group, Karulu immediately became enthusiastic, and he didn't hide it.

"Not long ago, the old patriarch passed away, and the candidate for the patriarch has not yet been determined. The island is divided into two forces, one of which is ours."

Kalulu explained: "But the other candidate for the patriarch is stronger than us. If we fight like this, we are definitely not the opponent..."

"Then didn't you win?" Someone mentioned it.

Hearing someone mention it, Kalulu grinned and took a sip of wine: "That's... because we found the evil wolf..."

Kalulu continued: "In the end, we broke out in a fierce battle in the back mountain. Although there was a big difference in the number of people, with the help of the evil wolf, the other side suffered heavy casualties, and I became the patriarch as I wished."

Suddenly, Moria suddenly asked: "How many people died?"

"Huh?" Karulu didn't understand, but still replied, "In this battle, we and the other side lost a total of twelve warriors!"

"Only so few died?" Moria answered instinctively. He thought that there would be many deaths in the fierce battle, and he would have a lot of giant zombies at that time, but...

Kalulu: "Are you polite?"

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