One Piece: My Shadow Can Hang Up

Chapter 57 Restarting the Overlord Color

As the space trembled, the ground beneath Moriah's feet cracked inch by inch, spreading rapidly like a spider web, and then he saw a sudden force under his feet.


There was only a loud noise, and then the green pepper was kicked out and hit the ground like a green onion.

Although it looks easy, it is not that simple in fact. Although Moria kicked the green pepper away with one blow, it also consumed a huge amount of energy.

Although he could retreat while forcing Qingjiao back, he knew that he could not retreat because now there was someone who needed to be protected.

Qingjiao stood up from the pile of rocks with a backflip, and then a shocking domineering force suddenly burst out from Qingjiao's body, heading towards Moriah and the others.

"Is it the overlord's domineering aura?" Sensing the aura emanating from Qingjiao, Moria felt that although the domineering aura was not strong enough, he was extremely skillful in controlling it.

I have to admire this character who can fight with Garp several times.

The purpose of Qingjiao releasing his domineering aura is to stun the people behind Moriah, thus reducing the threat to him.

However, he miscalculated.

After the overlord's domineering energy was released, no one fell down.

"It seems that you have a group of capable subordinates!" Feeling that his face was a little burning, Qingjiao praised the targets he had just attacked in order to cover up his embarrassment.

This is normal. If a person at the cadre level of the pirate group is knocked unconscious by the overlord's domineering energy, he will be laughed at in the future. Even if he is, it is obviously not the one who was knocked out of the heart of hegemony by Garp's punch. Guy.

"They are all subordinates of the future Pirate King. How can they be afraid of a headless guy like you?"

After hearing Moria's words, Qingjiao was so angry that he almost grew a head. He hated people talking about his head the most. It would be a lifetime of pain for him.

"You kid..." Qingjiao is right to say this. If Qingjiao is classified as Roger Whitebeard Garp and belongs to the older generation, then Moriah is a person of the same generation as Akainu Kaido.

I saw green veins popping up on Qingjiao's forehead, his hands clasped together, and in the absence of wind, his beard actually stood up on its own, violating the principle of gravity.

"Step aside first, you are no match for him."

Moria looked at Qingjiao in this posture and made a gesture ready to challenge.

The current Qingjiao is different from that in the original work. Now his beard is not completely white, and his strength has not declined to that extent. He is not a bit stronger than the old man who was dying after a fight with Luffy.

After hearing this, everyone retreated and gave up the idea of ​​​​preparing to fight Qingjiao in a group. They kept a safe distance, leaving enough space for Moriya and Qingjiao.

"Ah ho ho, it seems you are very confident in your own strength!"

Qingjiao originally thought that Moria would gang up on him as an old man without any sense of martial ethics, but seeing Moria's one-on-one attitude with him, she immediately felt a little calmer.

I saw both palms merging together in front of me, and then my feet suddenly hit the ground. As every inch of it exploded, Qingjiao's figure jumped into the air.

Then he found the correct position and fell down. The bald head suddenly pointed at Moriah and hit him with a headbutt.

"Eight Chong Fist, Wu Tou!"

"The breath of the moon, the second shape·Zhuhua makes the moon!"

When Moria saw the green pepper that was smashed down like a meteorite, he did not dodge or dodge. His right hand suddenly clenched the handle of the knife, and instantly swung out four huge silver-white slashes at the same time.

Zhuhua Nongyue can swing two slashing waves at the same time, but with the blessing of a shadow with the same strength as the main body, the effect is doubled instantly.

The falling Qingjiao sensed the four incoming slashes with his knowledge-colored Haki, and his pupils suddenly shrank. That is, in the next moment, the weapon-colored Haki that originally only had a little bit on the top of his head instantly covered his whole body.

Haki is limited, and he would not use such a large amount of Haki as a last resort.

"Boom boom boom!"

After the four slashes were resisted by Qingjiao, Moria's knife collided with Qingjiao's headbutt, and instantly there was another huge sound that overshadowed the previous four roars.

The moment the armed and domineering head came into contact with the blade, the ground under Moriah's feet cracked instantly, and then it couldn't bear the powerful force and flew away, gradually forming a pit.

This is a contest of strength, but also a contest of armed color and domineering power.

The fierce confrontation lasted for a while, and Moriah's feet were seen to draw a footprint. His arms suddenly exerted force, crushing the green pepper with a huge force like a mountain, and then blasted it away.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Qingjiao's figure directly hit the residents' houses on both sides, crashing into several houses before coming to a stop. In the smoke and ruins, he didn't know whether he was alive or dead.

"The Green Pepper of the Cone... was actually beaten away?"

"That was the top powerhouse of the old era. Twenty years ago, he placed a bounty of up to 500 million beli on his head..."

"He is indeed a guy who can stand up to Kaido, one of the emperors of the New World!"

You must know that the bounties in this era and a long time ago are very different from the bounties in the original work. Nowadays, even those as powerful as the Shichibukai have many bounties of less than 100 million, while in the original work, the bounties are often over 100 million, even if it is stuck A guy like Ribu also has 200 million Berry.

This can also be explained that the 320 million of Moria and the 540 million of green pepper obviously do not have that much water.

Commodore Kibin of the Navy branch who came in a hurry couldn't help but feel shocked when he saw this scene.

"If you use the iron block with all your strength, you should be able to take this move, right?"

The mysteriously confident Kibin thought to himself that among the six styles of the navy, he had the most outstanding talent in iron blocks, so that he was honored as Brother Iron Block in later generations.

While a group of Eight Treasures Navy and Navy were deeply shocked, Moria did not relax his vigilance at all. He knew that Qingjiao could not be defeated so easily by him.

Sure enough.

There was a sound of sliding gravel, and a figure stood out from the pile of stones in the ruins. The injury was not very serious.

"I have to admit that you are very strong, but you are still far from defeating me here!" Qingjiao shook off the gravel and dust on his body and returned to the open space on the street again.


Moria did not care about Qingjiao's words, because he found a familiar feeling in the process of fighting with this kind of peak powerhouse of the old era.

The kind of unyielding and self-confidence that a strong man should have, the ambition to pursue the peak, and the unique qualifications to become a king.

The next moment.

An invisible air wave, with Moria as the center, instantly swept the entire street, and even had the intention of continuing to spread outward.

Plop, plop, one by one... and more and more...

Then hundreds of Babao navy soldiers fell to the ground with their eyes rolled up, some even twitched as if they were having an epileptic seizure, foaming at the mouth.

Even some navy soldiers in the distance were affected and fell to the ground.


Everything was silent, including Qingjiao who was just talking nonsense.

Heroic Haki!

At the same time, it was extremely powerful Haki!

He was not awakened!

He just found his password and logged into his account again...

There are too many monthly tickets. I will copy them down and thank you tomorrow. Thank you for your great support. Today, I saw the extra monthly tickets and I don’t know what happened. I haven’t seen the world. In addition, please read and recommend!

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