One Piece: My Shadow Can Hang Up

Chapter 6 Naval Branch, Bastiu

[Dimensional fragments: Synthesizing 10 dimensional fragments can generate a dimensional portal, which allows the shadow to hang up in the space of the other world. ]

Moria touched the lower handle and was secretly surprised. He didn't expect that the shadow could hang up in the other world. He didn't know how the benefits of hanging up would be different from those in this world.

Clenching his fists, Moria felt a much stronger sense of power sweeping through his body. He became stronger and could feel it clearly.

And he seemed to have become thinner.

He didn't continue training. Moria knew that the benefits of the shadow hanging up were more than ten times or even dozens of times that of the body training. Although the usual training enhanced strength, its effect might be worse.

For example, in the original work, Pluto Rayleigh taught Luffy the three colors of domineering, and it took two years to get started.

But Kaido hit Ryuo with one stick, Doctrine with two sticks, and Fruit Awakening with three sticks.

It's not that Rayleigh is a false teacher, but as Rayleigh said when he taught Luffy, the way to improve strength is to fight against the strong!

The candlelight flickered.

In the living room.

Moriah stood up and said to Lafitte: "Just find a place to live here. The place is spacious enough. Just treat it as your own home. There are scary zombies on the wall. If you have any questions, just ask them."

Lafitte stood up and saluted with a smile: "Hehe, okay, don't bother the captain."

Watching Moriah leave, Lafitte's mouth curled up a curve and continued to taste the coffee in the cup.

Originally, it was just because of the big cake of the Seven Warlords of the Sea. I didn't expect that after getting on the ship, I found that he was too superficial. It can't be said that it was too good, it can only be said that it was really too good.

Fake pirates, a group of people sitting on a raft in the wind and rain for three days and nine meals. The real pirates, on the calm pirate ship, eat and drink enough and then enjoy afternoon tea comfortably.

Lafitte put his legs on the table, drinking coffee while opening a neatly folded newspaper in his bag.

The front page above reads: "The birth of the Pirate Queen", the bounty of the Emperor of the Amazon Lily Kingdom of the Daughter Island is 70 million berries.

The newspaper is accompanied by a beautiful photo of the "Pirate Queen" Boa Hancock.

Below is the latest developments of the Sun Pirates. Only these two things caught Lafitte's attention, and other insignificant trivia did not arouse his interest at all.

"It seems that the competitors are not simple, hehe!"

Lafitte leaned back slightly, frowned, stretched, and didn't know what he was thinking in his mind. Finally, he shook his head and looked at the watch. It was already night.

On the other side, Moria first sewed the doll for Perona, and then threaded the needle and sewed the body.

"It's time to find Hogback, the tool man. I wonder where that guy is now."

After sewing up all the bodies stolen by Absalom, Moria twisted his sore waist and thought so.

Although Moria's suturing skills are not as good as Hogbag, who is known as a "genius surgeon", Moria has had the habit of disassembling and re-stitching dolls since he was a child.

Over time, although he lacks talent, he has become more skilled.

After about three or four hours of driving, Perona's spirit clone woke Moria up.

The destination has arrived.

Moria looked up from the castle mansion building and saw flames in the distance and searchlights shining on the sea.

In the flames, a sailboat was slowly sinking. There seemed to be a shrill scream on it, but it was a distance away and could not be heard clearly.

Behind the rock mass in the distance was a newly completed naval base. The highest commander of the base was a major general sent by the headquarters. Even if you look at the whole, he can be ranked in the front row.

"Report to Commodore Bastiu, it seems that we sank a fishing boat. Should we rescue the wounded on the boat?"

A naval soldier saluted and shouted to the tall naval commander wearing a horn mask.

"If I remember correctly, this should be the third time, right?"

The navy named Bastiu frowned, although his expression could not be seen under the mask.

"The pirates in the surrounding waters almost know it, and there is no point in continuing..."

Using the naval base as the destination, and then giving it the name of the treasure place of the pirates, distributing treasure maps to various places, in order to attract pirates from all sides.

Although this method is effective and has sunk more than a dozen large and small pirate groups, it will also accidentally hurt ordinary people who want to make a fortune.

It can be distinguished during the day, but at night, under the baptism of artillery fire, it is not.

"Commodore, what about the people on the ship?" Seeing that Bastiu did not answer for a long time, the navy asked again with courage.

"Don't worry about them, continue to monitor every move on the sea." Bastiu gritted his teeth and finally gave the order.


Looking at the figure of the marine going away, Bastiu sighed. If he was the highest commander of this naval base, he would definitely not use this method to eliminate pirates, nor would he leave ordinary people to die.

But he is not. The highest commander is chasing a pirate, and these orders were issued before he left.

There are also reasons for not saving the pirates. First, it is because it will damage the reputation of the navy, and secondly, this plan will not be able to continue.


The alarm sounded again, as if the unknown pirate ship was discovered approaching again.

This time the navy did not directly bombard, the bombardment seemed to be able to hit something, but it also seemed to hit nothing.

Bastiyu had just arrived at the office, and before he could even warm up his butt, a navy came to report in a hurry: "Report to the Commodore, there is an "island" approaching us, and the searchlight can only illuminate part of the island."

"A moving island?" Bastiyu was also a little confused. He had been a navy for so many years and had never seen one. "Take me to see it."

When Bastiyu appeared in the port area, it was already surrounded by navy, and a group of people were whispering and pointing.

"Quiet!!" Bastiyu's voice came out, and the field was quiet in an instant.

Then Bastiu looked at a navy officer holding a pointer beside him: "Any questions?"

The navy officer was sweating profusely, holding a map and a pointer: "Report to the Commodore, this does not seem to be an island, but a ship!"

"It's a ship!?" Bastiu was shocked, "How could it be a ship?"

As if he had thought of something, Bastiu pointed to a direction in the air and ordered his marines:

"Shine the searchlight in this direction!"

The navy officers were all confused. They just thought that Commodore Bastiu was crazy, why did he shine the searchlight in the air.

But they could only do it.

The lights on the fortress moved slowly, and several balls moved slowly in the dark night, gradually converging to one point.

The onion hairstyle and a pair of skulls with flaming bat wings!

It's a sail!

It's a sail.

This is a pirate ship!

In an instant, all the navy officers understood Bastiu's intention.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"


The alarm sounded throughout the base, and the sound of panicked footsteps came one after another.

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