One Piece: My Shadow Can Hang Up

Chapter 73 Anger, the plan to destroy the six islands

A woman and her child were both dead, with many bullet holes on their bodies. Even the most skilled doctors could not save them.

They died in an alley.

Moria stared at the two figures, and he did not come back to his senses for a long time.

I did not expect that the temporary separation would be a farewell forever!

"Look, that vixen and her child are dead!"

"It is so satisfying, it is so satisfying, that vixen only knows how to seduce my man all day long!"


Not far from the alley, a group of middle-aged women were talking to each other. They usually like to gossip, and at this moment they are even more happy, talking excitedly.

Moria's forehead veins bulged, and the tyrannical aura spread instantly. He had never felt so angry before. He only heard him gnashing his teeth and saying: "Cut off the tongue, dig out the eyes, hang them on the mast of the dock, and let the birds in the sky eat their flesh!"

They thought they could do whatever they wanted if they were quiet, but today someone taught them a lesson.

Absalom, Bonis, and Carib Cribb said nothing and went straight over to do what Moria ordered, even if the latter asked them to kill people, they would not blink an eye.

In an instant, those middle-aged women who knew how to ruin others' reputation all day long and made countless people regret for life lost their most poisonous weapon in despair!

The sight shifted to the two figures again.

At this moment, Moria's eyes entered Crocodile.

At this moment, I don't know if it was the original Moria or the current Moria.

He really didn't expect that someone would dare to be so bold, and might underestimate the seriousness of the matter.

In anger, Moria only wanted to do one thing.

Redress the widow's grievances and defend the orphans!

He didn't even have time to say a word to the children of his former partners...

Moria picked up the dry bread with some teeth marks on the ground and put it in his mouth to chew.

It had no taste, was very hard, and was very unpalatable.

At this moment, Moria's heart was very painful! It was as if the wounds in the past were torn open.

He felt an unprecedented sense of guilt in his heart!

They met but didn't know each other, just like passing by strangers.

Moria thought that even if he could treat the child to a big meal before that, he might feel better and wouldn't be so painful.

Gradually, his eyes became bloodshot and his expression became a little ferocious.

"Absalom!" Moria called out in a serious tone.

"I'm here, Lord Moria!"

Moria said in a cold voice: "Spread my words, hand over the murderer within an hour, and hand over all the people who have been involved with him and their families after three days, otherwise, no one in this sea area can bear my anger!"

Absalom took the order and left, and Lafitte also went to inquire about the news.

Robin is very sensitive to emotions, and she can clearly sense that Moria today is different from before.

If she doesn't stop dissuading him, something big might happen, but no one speaks when Moria is angry, including the usually carefree Horsman, who lowers his tail and doesn't say a word.

On the first day, the news spread, but no one responded, no one admitted their crime, and the residents of the island ate and played as they should, not caring about this insignificant life.

On the second day, the murderer was handed over, but it was indeed a corpse. Obviously, he was silenced, and the real mastermind was actually someone else.

Three days have passed, and no one took Moria's words seriously. After all, there are too many people. By the time the people are handed over, there may be no one on the island.

A funeral kicked off, but apart from Moria and others, almost no one else could be seen. Only one middle-aged man came to the funeral.

The middle-aged man's name is Dude. He was rescued by Louise at the beach more than ten years ago. He is an honest man on weekdays, and he remembers Louise's kindness to him over the years.

Over the years, he has not forgotten to help the poor mother and son, but the rumors outside are that he has the heart but not the courage to steal, and he just covets the other party's beauty, and he doesn't care.

"Sir, I'm not saying that not only this island, but also other islands around it..." Dude hesitated, "I hope you can just let it go. I guess if Louise were alive, she wouldn't want you to do this..."

"Are there any surrounding islands?"

Moria secretly took note of it, and then laughed as if he heard something funny after hearing the second half of the sentence: "Don't talk about kindness without experiencing the pain of others. I ask you, what qualifications do you have to say such things?"

Dude was speechless for a while because of Moria's question. It was true. Even if Louise died, he didn't feel too sad, but was more glad that she could be freed.

"However, thank you for taking care of them all these years." Moria's tone slowed down and said:

"I will give you two more days at most. If they haven't handed the person over after two days, take this with you and remember to tie it at the door. If you lose it or forget it, don't blame me for not telling you."

Dud took the thing in Moria's hand and looked closely. It was a long and wide white cloth belt, which looked like it was used at a funeral.

He didn't know what this thing was used for, but since Moria had given it to him, he didn't refuse.

"You must tie it on two nights later. I'll remind you one last time. It's best for your family to stay at home and not run around outside."

Moria reminded him one last time and didn't say anything more.

After the funeral, Dude returned home, but he still didn't understand what Moriah meant.

The next day, news came from the surrounding islands, and Moriah's words were heard by the princes and nobles on several islands.

However, they all turned a deaf ear and forgot about it. No one cared about what a man named Moonlight Moriah said.

But there are exceptions to everything.

At noon the next day, the queen of Varus Island came to the horror three-masted sailing ship in person to apologize, and took all the people and their families who were rumored to have had an affair on board.

Varus Island is the smallest island in this sea area, with a very small permanent population and no fortifications. It can be said that the queen is not simple enough to be able to be annexed by various countries without being annexed.

Louise was once a famous beauty, and princes and nobles may have had an affair with her, but the queen of Varus Island was not among them.

Unlike those guys who only know how to eat, drink and have fun all day, Queen Varus smelled something unusual from the news released by Moria, and she always felt that something big would happen.

Even if nothing happened in the end, sending people here now would be safe. After all, this did not involve her interests. To put it bluntly, the lives of civilians had nothing to do with her?

"You did a good job. The show is about to start. This is a performance that can only be performed once in a lifetime. It is an honor to have an audience to witness this moment."

Moria had a strange expression and a sick smile: "But others will not be so lucky, because they are all actors."

Queen Varus smiled as if to deal with it. Now Moria gave her the feeling of...

Mad man!

She did not understand a word of what he said, and did not know what Moria was talking about.

As soon as Varus Island left, Moria ordered the execution of all men, women, old and young and hung them on the docks of various islands for public display.

Excluding Varus Island, plus the boatman's island Modo, there are also Kirero Island, Babra Island, Cross Island, Conch Island, and Bragi Island, a total of six islands.

The largest number of people is the boatman's island Modo, with more than 5,000 people, but no more than 10,000, and the other islands are even less.

After the two-day deadline, the rulers of the six islands only sent a few scapegoats symbolically, but Moria knew that the initiator of all this was still at large and fearless.

The witnesses are dead, and even if Moria interrogates someone, he can't find them!

In their eyes, as long as this continues, Moria will always go out to sea, and can't stay here all the time. At most, he will catch a few people to vent his anger.

There are too many people involved in this matter, and it is very troublesome to really investigate.

On the night when the deadline ended, all members of the Moonlight Pirates received an almost crazy order. Even if some of the pirates had experienced storms and waves, they were shocked at this moment.

Moria's order was...

At the same time, massacre the six islands!

Since the evidence has been destroyed and there is no way to investigate, let's die together!

And as long as there is life, all will be executed!

Everyone has only one thought at this moment.


It's really crazy!

It may be put on the shelves tomorrow, and the update will be at noon, with a minimum of five updates

In addition, thank you for your 100-point reward from Lao Ba Da!

I hope all readers can support the first order, thank you very much!

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