One Piece: My Shadow Can Hang Up

Chapter 77 Zhan Yixiao, the Moon Lion

The aftermath of the battle between the two spread directly to cover half of the island, and the power was so strong that it was a bit scary.

While everyone on the island was amazed at Moria's powerful strength, they were also fortunate to meet a hidden master like Yixiao who was full of justice passing by here.

When the aftermath dissipated, the two took a step back, and then the blades came into contact again. There was only a sound of ding-ding-clang, and in a blink of an eye, they had exchanged several moves.

Moria was holding the knife with a straight grip, and Yixiao was a bit different. He held the knife with a backhand grip. They didn't gain any advantage in several battles.

After a brief contact, Moria felt that even if Fujitora was not as powerful as in the original book, he would not be much weaker.

Yixiao is now 42 years old, four years older than Moria.

The blades creaked when they came into contact, and the same armed color covered them. Otherwise, with the power emitted by the two, even the hard blades would be condensed into twists!


Feeling the sudden increase in weight on his body, like a mountain pressing down, Moria instantly exchanged positions with the shadow.

The next moment, the shadow was directly pressed into a mass of something that was indescribable, like liquid but not liquid. Then the shadow condensed again and turned into a sharp spike that pierced Yixiao's abdomen.

Feeling the sudden threat in front of him, Yixiao retreated with the knife in his hand.

"The ability of the devil fruit?"

Yixiao's eyes were pale, and he couldn't see the surrounding environment clearly. He relied on his powerful observation color to perceive. He only knew that this strange scene suddenly appeared. It should be the ability of the devil fruit like him.

"Swish, swish, swish!"

The pieces of gravel around Yixiao floated directly into the air and shot towards Moria. He could control the direction of movement of objects by changing the gravity of objects.

"Three forms, disgusting moon·eclipse!"

The blade in Moria's hand swung out suddenly, and two crescent slashes burst out in an instant.

"Crack! Crack!"

The extremely sharp slash wave directly tore the stone into pieces, and smoke and dust rose between the two people in an instant, and then a slash broke through the rock and flew towards Yixiao.

The latter instantly drew his sword out of its sheath to block the violent slash, but that slash was not just one, and there were many small moon blades mixed in it.

If it were someone else, he might be hit, but Yixiao was a blind man and would not be misled by appearances. He waved his sword a few more times, and all the moon blades were bounced out.

At this moment, Moria rushed towards Yixiao at an extremely fast speed, wanting to win by speed, and the long sword in his hand only took the latter's neck.

"Gravity chaos!"

I saw a purple gravity wave coming out of Yixiao's back, and the ground began to lose weight in an instant.

Moria only felt that his body was light and flew up, and then it was like a mountain pressing down on his head, and he was almost crushed directly.

In an instant, he got rid of Yixiao's gravity control by exchanging, and the shadow was now behind Yixiao.

Because when the shadow condensed and formed, it was attached to the ground. If you don't use your eyes to see it, especially in Yixiao's eyes who rely on perception, it is no different from ordinary ground.


When the shadow condensed, it was captured by Yixiao's powerful observation Haki.

He stood up instantly, and then swung his sword to block Moria's slash. After forcing Moria back, Yixiao did not speak, but held the cane sword in his backhand.

"Gravity Sword·Tiger."

Yixiao swung his sword in his backhand, and then gravity began to accumulate in a large area in front of him, so that the entire space became distorted.

The gravity space spread towards Moria at a very fast speed. Knowing that Moria was powerful, he naturally couldn't resist it, and he jumped directly to the side in the air with his feet.

The slash with violent gravity swept across the residential building behind Moria, instantly crushing it.

In mid-air, Moria swung a sword directly in the direction of Yixiao, and a flying slash dived down at a very fast speed.

"Second form, Zhuhua Nongyue!"

When the flying slash appeared, it was locked by Yixiao. He drew his sword with his backhand and offset all the slashes with a few swishes.

Then the cane sword was unsheathed again. When Yixiao slashed, purple halos flew to the distant sky and disappeared, as if he was doing something useless.

But Moria did not dare to be careless, he knew what this meant.

Sure enough, not long after, there was a rumbling sound, and the dark night with moonlight was now bright as day.

A small meteorite fell from the sky, and through friction with the air, it gradually turned into a fireball and slammed down towards Moria's position.

Seeing the fireball so close, Moria did not dodge or evade, and even did not swing the knife, giving people the feeling that he wanted to use his body to bear it.

"Breath of the Moon, Form Five, Moon Soul Disaster Vortex!"

As the meteorite fell, countless moon blades around Moria kept spinning, creating a huge vortex of blade wind around him, instantly cutting and bouncing the meteorite away.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The meteorite fragments scattered everywhere, instantly turning the buildings wherever they went into ashes, accompanied by air waves and smoke.

In the distance, some people, including Lucio, showed horrified eyes, thinking that the two people fighting were not like humans, and their strength was far beyond their cognition.

They now understood what kind of existence they had provoked!

If it weren't for the blind swordsman passing by, they might have been beheaded.

Thinking of this, they couldn't help but pray that Yixiao could kill Moria here on the spot to eliminate their worries.

After a long battle, both sides had some consumption.


The next moment, the ground under Yixiao's feet protruded directly from the ground, and then floated up to the air with the former, and quickly approached Moria under the control of gravity.

"Shadow Horn Gun!"

Instantly, an extremely sharp shadow gun appeared directly in front of Moria's feet, and stabbed directly at Yixiao's chest.

Its power can even easily penetrate the hard skin of Little Oz, a descendant of the demon race. If it is stabbed, the consequences can be imagined.

Moria thought Yixiao would dodge in advance, but he didn't expect Yixiao to rush over directly.

When the shadow gun was inserted into the flesh in front of Yixiao's chest and was about to penetrate his chest, Yixiao's knife was slowly retracted.

"Hell Brigade!"

With Yixiao's action, Moria was directly pressed to the ground, and the shadow gun also shattered.

This gravity was so sudden that Moria had no time to react.

After being pressed to the ground, the shadow quickly condensed in the distance, and then Moria and the shadow exchanged positions.

The shadow's position collapsed downwards instantly, as if it really led to hell.

"What a pity, it's such an unpredictable ability!" Yixiao sighed.

The two faced each other again, and blood kept flowing out of Yixiao's chest.

Moria looked fine, but the blood flowing from the corner of his mouth showed that he was not what he looked like.

Yixiao suffered external injuries, while he suffered internal injuries. Although he exchanged positions in an instant, the huge gravity also injured his internal organs.

"Sure enough, is there still a certain gap?" Moria thought to himself. If it was possible to beat him at his peak, he had not fully recovered now.

It's not just because Yixiao is older than Moria, Yixiao's strength is also stronger, but the most important thing is that he has rich practical experience.

Just when Moria was about to take out his trump card, a strange sound came from a distance.

"The moonlight tonight is so beautiful!"

A figure looked up at the full moon in the sky, and then the figure suddenly changed. Her body began to grow larger, her eyes began to turn red, her hair turned white and swelled, and her nails became unusually sharp.


A beast roared through the world, and then there was a flash of lightning, and it appeared in front of Moria and Yixiao again.

"You hurt him, didn't you?"

The figure stared at Yixiao, his expression serious, his voice cold, as if driven by it, the temperature around him dropped a few degrees.

Moria looked at the guy in front of him who he had never seen before, and couldn't help but wonder:

"Who is this?"

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