One Piece: My Shadow Can Hang Up

Chapter 89 Chef, Volcano Cook

Teigu Susano not only has great strength in combat, but also has outstanding skills in daily life such as cooking and construction.

It's just that it's slightly inferior compared to professionals.

After the distribution of the Teigu, everyone was no longer sleepy. The people with the Teigu were more like getting their favorite toys, playing with them back and forth.

They all cast grateful glances at Moria. At their level, money and beauties often no longer interest them, but their satisfied expressions also knew how important the Teigu was to them.

"When will dinner be served?" An untimely voice sounded. Horsman, who had transformed into the king of beasts, was excited for a few minutes, and then became unbearably thirsty.

Moriah put his hand on his forehead, he really didn't treat us as outsiders, he didn't even say a word of thanks, and he was waiting to be served like an uncle.

But Moria is in a good mood now, so she doesn't care about this white-eyed... wolf behavior.

Just listen to Moria asking Horsman: "Want to change the taste? Just try other styles of cuisine?"

"It doesn't matter if you don't taste it or not, as long as you keep it full." Hungry people only want temporary food and clothing, and don't care about those fancy things.

"Susa, tell me the name of the dish and what kind of food you know how to cook." Moria ordered Susan.

Upon hearing this, the latter started to list the dishes he could make without expression: "Sushi, seafood ramen, soba noodles, prawn tempura..."

Everyone was stunned when they heard this. Are you sure this is not a joke? With doubts, they all ordered some simple food that they liked, and then fell into a not-so-short wait.

Horsman went to feed the ham again. To be precise, he took the food from the turtle's mouth.

The smoke rose and filled the air faster than everyone imagined. The table was already full, like a seat, and from time to time, freshly made and steaming food was served.

"Amu Amu~" Hosman used both hands to quickly sweep away the food in front of him. He followed the three-guest policy, eating everything, drinking everything, and licking everything.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" Horsman shed tears and ate while crying.

When Moriah saw her like this, he didn't bother her anymore and handed over the tissue: "What? It tastes like home?"

Horsman took the tissue without a word of thanks, with a face full of regret: "If I had known better, I wouldn't have eaten so much turtle food. Now I will eat less good food. I regret it, I hate it..."

Moriah also regretted handing the tissue to this bitch.

"How about we use it instead? You ask Susan to follow me, and I'll give you the belt." Horsman asked tentatively.

Immediately afterwards, Horsman's dog's head started to smoke.

When Susan came out after cooking, she first cleaned the inside and outside of the mansion spotlessly, then straightened Perona's temporarily dull hair and combed Horsman's thick hair.

It has obsessive-compulsive disorder and does not tolerate any flaws in its eyes.

"There are not enough ingredients, so we can only cook so much." Susana said to Moria, his tone remained calm and without a trace of emotion.

"Yes, I understand." Moria nodded and asked Susan: "Why don't you sit down and eat it?"

"I don't need to take in food." Susan shook his head and continued his work.

This Teigu is even more perfect, Horsman thought to himself.

There is a small town on Kunas Island. Most of the small islands in this sea area have volcanoes. The sky is also dark and filled with volcanic ash. Only this town has human habitation.

There were not many people in the town, and when I saw a group of people coming, they all looked nervous, especially the way Moria and his group were dressed. They didn't look like good people.

When everyone in Moria came to the small town, they found that there were obvious signs of damage, and there was almost no edible food, let alone replenishing the Moonlight Pirates' huge food reserves.

The people in the small town are also sallow and thin, and each one of them looks like they haven't eaten in several days.

Shaking his head, Moria felt that there was no need to go deeper.

At this moment, an old man walked up to everyone tremblingly: "I am Bright, the mayor of this town. I wonder which captain is visiting?"

Moria didn't answer, and Absalom said, "It's the Moonlight Pirates."

"Moonlight Pirates?" Mayor Bright seemed to have never heard of this name. After all, it was more than ten years ago when the Moonlight Pirates were active in the New World.

Although he didn’t know the Moonlight Pirates, upon hearing that they were pirates, Mayor Bright still said to Moria and the others with a grimace:

"To tell you the truth, the town has been without food for several days. There is nothing left for you. If you don't believe me, just search."

This place doesn't seem to be a member of the World Government. After all, it's so poor that you can't even have enough to eat, so why should you pay for it?

"Have other pirate groups looted this place before us?"

Moria asked aloud. He originally planned to buy some things and had no intention of robbing them. As long as he was not angered, he would not take action against civilians.

Under the curious eyes of Moria and others, Mayor Bright thought for a long time, and finally he slowly said: "It's the navy..."

Bright sighed and continued: "It was the navy that stole our food. Because the world's nobles were holding a grand banquet, all the food was looted by them."

This kind of thing is not an exception in this world. In comparison, the residents of the countries that join the World Government already live a relatively comfortable life.

After all, people from non-member countries not only have to face the invasion of pirates, but also have to guard against the hunting of slave traders, and there are also some navy...

Moria did not stay on the island for long. He took everyone away directly after hearing the words, but he did not find it when he went there. When he came back, he found a simple raft outside the horror three-masted sailing ship.

There were signs of fighting on the island. It was more like a one-sided beating than a fight.

In everyone's sight, a giant was being beaten to the ground by the evil wolf.

The giant's originally huge body was now extremely small in front of the evil wolf.

The giant wore a chef's hat and had a package on his back, which contained pots, pans, knives and forks for cooking.

I don't know why he appeared on the horror three-masted sailing ship inexplicably.

Although he was holding a fork in his hand at this moment, he was unilaterally suppressed by the evil wolf in terms of size, and there was no room for resistance.

Why does this giant look so familiar...

After carefully selecting the memories in my mind, I finally remembered something. This guy seems to be the one who can make the world's unique volcanic cuisine - heavenly cuisine.

The volcanic cuisine chef who appeared in the new world!

As for the name... I forgot!

There is more later, thank you for your support...

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