One Piece: My Villain Identity Has Been Exposed

Chapter 158: The Sojourner Soul Swallowing Beast

Willie Pope said: "This tomb is too big, 10 million square meters, we have no time to explore, we have lost all of them."

It is worthy of being buried in the tomb of the Phoenix, 10 times larger than the Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang known by Sherlock.

Sherlock could see the structure of the tomb through the laws of light and shadow flowing in the air.

At the same time, a lot of Phoenix's breath exudes from the surroundings.

Only Sherlock could perceive this breath.

In other words, once stepping into the mausoleum, Phoenix will be awakened.

He has been guarding in the Tomb of the Phoenix.

And built a palace of his own within the mausoleum.

He needs a lot of time to sleep, and he has been reluctant to leave the Tomb of the Phoenix. There must be a secret connection.

Sherlock can only know if he goes to the bottom of the tomb or sees Phoenix again, using the [Qiyu].

"My favored one."

Willie Pope and Kiya Roka looked at Sherlock at the same time, waiting for his instructions.

"Stay up there first."

Shylock ordered.

The pirates began to build simple tents.

There were 7 clergymen wearing white robes. They dispersed in an orderly manner and stood in a formation of phoenixes. Each of them held a white candle in their hands, lit the candle, and began to chant ancient hymns.

"What are they singing?"

He Ling asked curiously.

"Sing about the greatness of the Phoenix, and pray not to condemn them."

Sherlock explained briefly.

Sherlock can understand any language within the scope of the overlap of the air zone and the law.

Their singing stimulated the soul singer Bedma.

Bedma was eager to try and wanted to sing a song. Sherlock had already foreseen the next moment when everyone was sent away by his singing.

So, he was immediately stopped.

Bedma opened her throat, but made no sound.

Alas? Why am I being banned again?

Bedma looked dazed.

Sherlock patted him on the shoulder: "Keep your strength."

After the clergy's singing class finished singing and praying, the tent was also set up.

"My favored one, divine messenger, please."

A soldier respectfully invited Sherlock and Holling into the tent.

In the tent, Willie Pope and Kiya Roca are already sitting at the round table, which is a folding round table that is convenient for marching, and can be reassembled and spliced ​​into a bed at night.

"This is a map of the tomb left over 1,000 years ago. According to the buildings above, the surface has not changed much, but I don't know what the underground world looks like."

Willie Pope spread out the map, allowing everyone to see the structure of the tomb.

The moment Sherlock saw the map, information appeared in his mind.

[The incomplete and ancient drawings, the design drawings left behind when the tomb was built, are less than one-third of the entire map, but its coverage is wide and there are complete closures, which is misunderstood as a map of the entire tomb]

"Unexpectedly, such a large cemetery has only one entrance and no exit."

Kom sighed, he took out his notebook and began to record.

"After 8:30, there will be a heavy rain. Everyone hides in the tent and must not touch the rain."

Willie Pope took out his pocket watch and checked the time.

"The previous exploration team was taken away by this heavy rain."

"Is this rain corrosive?"

Kerm asked in horror.

"No, this rain has a special smell. Once it gets wet, it will stick to this smell, and it will be attacked by the soul swallowing beasts living here."

Willie Pope talked to Sherlock about the soul swallowing beasts they encountered on the way here.

This is a kind of beast that specializes in eating human souls, and they will be invisible. Once marked by them, there is only a dead end.

They only eat the soul and have no interest in the body.

And to pass through the phoenix building complex and enter the gate leading to the tomb below, one must pass through the territory of this group of soul-swallowing beasts.

So the corpses of these soldiers are intact, but every day they wake up in the cemetery, they will be killed by the soul-swallowing beasts.

"We are going to enter the main tomb and find the coffin of God."

Willie Pope pointed at the map earnestly, "The prophecy records that the way to unlock the curse is on the coffin."

"To reach the main tomb, you have to pass through these 12 side halls, as well as the sacrificial pool of ten thousand beasts."

Kiya Roka also pointed at the marker on the map.

While everyone was talking about it, Sherlock didn't say a word.

He Ling, Tihana and others also quietly waited for him to express his attitude.

"Sir, what do you think?"

Willie Pope asked.

"This is not the main tomb, but just a passage to the next floor. This map is not complete."

Sherlock waited until they were dry and talked before speaking slowly.

"This? This map looks very complete."

Willie Pope and Kiya Roka looked at Sherlock inexplicably.

Before, Sherlock opened the air zone and law and looked down at the tomb.

Through perspective, he discovered that this huge mausoleum has 18 floors.

There are partial halls and burial chambers on each floor, but the partial halls and ear chambers decrease according to the number of floors.

Each layer exists independently of each other, there is no passage, as if it were repaired and then stacked.

So where is the Phoenix?

Sherlock's vision was suddenly disturbed, and the blue mist that only he could see spread out from the tomb, covering the entire tomb.

Sherlock has been thinking, why is it 18th floor?

The moment he saw the map, he suddenly figured it out.

Although this map is incomplete, its design is a reduced cage!

The cage, 18 floors, hell.

This mausoleum is a huge magic circle.

In fact, the exposed buildings are just a blindfold, and the underground structure is the key.

"This mausoleum is divided into 18 floors and is built according to the meaning of Eastern Hell, and the main tomb is at the lowest level. This is not for your phoenix god to be immortal, but a kind of soul forbidden, so that its soul is also immortal. I can never leave this mausoleum."

After Sherlock said it, he added in his heart, "The Prophecy of the Phoenix might just want me to save it."

Everyone in the tent was shocked.

How can it be? The tomb of the Phoenix was built according to the laws of hell!

And it is eighteenth floor.

How could the beloved know this?

After all, the new gods and the old gods are both gods of the Phoenix sect.

If Phoenix knew this was a hell cage, why would he choose to sleep here? Guarding the Phoenix?

They have many things they can't understand.

Only Qiya Roca didn't seem to care about the truth of the matter, he looked at everyone.

"Since the favored person said so, that must be the case. God chose the favored person, and it must have his unique intention."

Willie Pope nodded slightly, agreeing with Qiya Roca's point of view.

"Then how should we explore?"

"Wait for the rain to stop, pass through the territory of the Soul Devouring Beast, and directly enter the mausoleum."

As soon as Sherlock's voice fell, the heavy rain poured down.

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