One Piece: My Villain Identity Has Been Exposed

Chapter 258 The Underground World

"I want more."

The granulated sugar has been completely conquered by the fruit candy, squeezing Boone away from Sherlock, who was sitting next to Sherlock, and sitting on the stool with her little butt, looking at Sherlock eagerly.

Sherlock smiled helplessly, took out a handful of fruit candy from Kabuto of pants, and put it in the hands of granulated sugar.

"Tooth decay may develop."

The atmosphere of the banquet was very harmonious, and the officers of Sherlock soon became one with the officers of Donquixote Family.

This time with Sherlock, Laubran, Baccarat, Boone, Bedma, Tihanna, and Wrightson, except for the witch Tihanna who is sometimes unpredictable and unpredictable, everyone else The character is very sunny.

"What about Crocodile?"

Suddenly, Doflamingo asked, he remembered that during the war at the top, Lao Sha abandoned himself and followed Houston, why didn't he see Crocodile among Sherlock's cadres.

"He parted ways with me and said he had his own plans."

Sherlock said with a smile, Lao Sha also worked very hard to catch up with him. In addition to becoming stronger, his main purpose was to find the war weapon Pluton.

Sherlock estimated that if Lao Sha is lucky, he should have gotten a clue from Pluton, but it's hard to say whether he can find it smoothly.

Even if they part ways, Lao Sha will not become an enemy of Sherlock in the future, because Sherlock's goal is not just to become the strongest person in this world, he has to get rid of his destiny of the magic pillar and compare with the strong in other worlds.

Sherlock had a hunch, waiting for him is the sea of ​​stars, the heavens and the world.

The prerequisite is that you have to get access qualifications.


Doflamingo let out his signature laugh, raised the red wine glass, shook it, and took a sip, "It looks like you have also been abandoned."

"Lao Sha also has his own ambitions."

Sherlock said with a smile, and then the two chatted around Crocodile for a while, just like two old friends who hadn't seen each other for a while, and then they got involved in each other's arms.

Speaking of arms, Buggy, who has recently become popular on live broadcasts, also smoothly squeezed into the topic and began to talk about various items.

The picture is harmonious.

But the two are not friends, they only have business dealings.

After the harmonious banquet, Sherlock and others were sent back to live in the other courtyard of the palace.

After a few days of peace, it was finally time for the party.

In the underground world gathering, only giants were allowed to go, so Sherlock's cadres were left in the other courtyard.

Sherlock rode Dressrosa's giant elevator to the underground world.

The giant elevator connects 6 places of [Royal Palace], [Toy House], [Creative Tower], [Trading Port], [Smile Factory], and [Scrap Yard], and these 6 places are the internal structure of the entire dark world , Be regarded as hardware.

The Dark World’s software is a huge network formed by various illegal transactions linked by the intermediary Doflamingo. There are not only various mercenaries, political parties, but also Four Emperors Kaido and aunts in this network.

Among them, Kaido is his biggest customer, and the aunts have relatively few contacts.

However, this underground world gathering is indeed where all the underground forces with a reputation will come.

Sherlock had always wanted to participate in this party before, and now I finally have the opportunity to meet the world's most notorious villains.

Sherlock and Buggy were led to a dimly lit room, similar to a private room.

Said it is a party, but each other will not see each other's appearance. The structure here is a ring structure. There are 10 rooms on the outer ring, which are 10 people participating in the party, and the walls in the middle of all rooms are open. See Joker, the intermediary in the center.

Through Joker, both parties can complete the transaction.

Of course, you can also trade directly with Joker, he himself is also engaged in weapons and Devil Fruit trading.

It can be said that apart from Joker, no one can see all the big guys attending the party.

But Shylock was an exception. He opened the [Law] and could see everyone clearly within a certain range.

In the left room of Sherlock, there is a guy named Beji Gail, who formed the Beji Mercenary Corps. He only takes on the mission of war mercenaries. His hobby is to destroy other people's homes. He is a major war criminal wanted by the World government. , The bounty is as high as 3.2 billion Baileys.

In the room on the right, there is a stranger named Kesarski, who is a doctor of science pervert like Guy Sa, who sells poison gas and various biological weapons.

In the room next to Kesarski was the Four Emperors Kaido, which was also one of Sherlock's goals this time.

The Governor of Beasts Pirates, with a reward of 4.611.1 million Berry, is the member of the "Four Emperors" who has announced the highest reward among the surviving pirates.

Those with the abilities of fish fruits, monster species, and blue dragon form, used to be the trainee pirates of Rocks Pirate, and later separated from Rocks Pirate and formed the White Beast Pirate Group. With their own strong strength, many pirates surrendered.

As a pirate, he suffered 7 defeats. He was arrested 18 times when he challenged Marine and Four Emperors alone. He was also tortured more than a thousand times and sentenced to death 40 times. However, his vitality was extremely tenacious, even if he was executed. The chain will be broken by hanging, even if it is put on a guillotine, the guillotine can be shattered, and even if it is stabbed by a spear, it will end in a spear break. There were as many as nine huge prison ships sunk by him, and no one could kill him, even himself.

He is now Wanokuni’s protector of the country, occupies the island of ghosts, and possesses the necessary items to go to "Raftel", one of the four "Road Sign History Texts".

Kaido attempted to establish an anarchic pirate empire and named it the "New Ghost Island Project".

Sherlock used identification techniques on him.


[Identity: Governor of Beasts Pirates, one of the "Four Emperors" of New World]

[Title: The strongest creature, tricolor overlord]

[Devil Fruit: Fish and Fish Fruit, Monster Beast, Blue Dragon Form]

【HP: 30W】

[Bounty: 4,611.1 million Berry]

[Skills: Thunder Eight Trigrams, Breath of Heat, Bad Wind, Tornado, Tornado Bad Wind, Tyrant Sea, Jung III·Innaraku]

[Skill analysis:

Thunder Eight Trigrams: Strike the opponent with an iron rod entwined with lightning at a very fast speed. The power is extremely powerful. A single blow can knock down Luffy in the fourth gear, and once used this trick to resist the prestige of BIGMOM. The thunder that entangles Conqueror's Haki Eight Trigrams can attack from the air, and even achieve the effect of one through two...[Expand]]

[Haki: Observation Haki, Armament Haki, Conqueror's Haki]

[Evaluation: Extremely fatal, please don't provoke it easily. 】

Sherlock frowned. No wonder that Kaido is known as the strongest creature in this world. He can't die. It turns out that his blood volume is so thick that he is already at the same level as himself. And he, like himself, also owns Conqueror's Haki. Fighting Kaido will be a fierce battle.

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