"Brothers, it's time to serve the old man, go ahead, kill these Marines."

A pirate captain shouted excitedly, and hundreds of pirates responded, completely ignoring Marine's artillery fire and rushing forward frantically.

Seeing that the pirates were about to rush to the shore of the base island, if they were occupied by the pirates, it would be very unfavorable for Marine, so Polusalino, who was on the first line of defense, immediately issued an order.

"Do your best to intercept the pirates!"

With an order, dozens of generals obeyed the order at the same time, led Marine under his command, and rushed towards the pirates.

At the moment when the pirates contacted Marine, the war broke out. Most of the 20,000 soldiers brought from Naval Headquarters have already rushed to the battlefield. These people alone are more than the number of this group of pirates, and Unlike the scattered pirates, each of their teams is led by someone, and they are distinct.

Although the number of pirates is less than that of Marine, this does not mean that the combat effectiveness is weak. The pirates who follow Whitebeard are all elite. Although they are based on each pirate group and have no precise command, this is the same as they used to be. The battle is not much different. Compared with Marine's battle formation, their personal combat effectiveness is even better.


The two sides fought fiercely on the shore and on the ice of the base. Although they had just contacted each other, both sides gathered their strength and wanted to kill each other without mercy. Just one contact, there were many people. The tragic death was in the hands of the other party, but such a bloody scene did not scare the people on both sides. Someone died, and some people made up to continue the fight.

Not all the pirates were dispatched. Right now, only the pirates under Whitebeard were fighting. Some of the headquarters of the Whitebeard pirate regiment also participated in the battle, but none of the pirate captains on the Moby Dick participated in the battle.

Marco held the phone worm in his hand and kept saying: "Rabit, you stay and command everyone, use the cannon to open the way for everyone. If you can hit the fort on the Marine Base wall, you will attack with all your strength. Never let those fortresses. Stop the brothers from advancing."

"Understood, Captain Marco." A response came from the phone worm.

"Vika, you took two pirate regiments to open the way from both sides. You want to break into the base. Your cover is very important. Let your people use their abilities. If they can climb the defensive wall, they can grab a position there. , We can gain the upper hand."

For the Whitebeard Pirates, the ten-meter-high defensive wall is the trouble. If their pirate ship could drive directly to the shore before, they could use the force of the impact to hit the defensive wall, but now the sea The thief ships were frozen and could not be used anymore, so they had to use manpower to seize the position.

The pirates' assaults seem to have no rules, but in fact they all acted according to Marco's orders. As the second person in the Whitebeard Pirates, Marco is not very young, but he has the trust and teachings of Whitebeard to command the troops. Unflappable.

"Being put on by Whitebeard, there is no great advantage left."

Garp in the rear saw the Whitebeard Pirates rush forward quickly, his face was also very solemn.

Crane Vice Admiral gritted her teeth. She didn't expect this situation. She said in a deep voice, "This is also impossible. Whitebeard's ability is too powerful. Even if he knows his plan, there is no way to stop it, but The battle has just begun and our advantage is still there. If Whitebeard wants to break into the interior, he will inevitably lose a lot."

At the beginning, he did not obtain a geographical advantage, but Vice Admiral was still confident. Because Whitebeard wanted to save people, he could only choose to rush forward, but the ten-meter-high defensive wall was not so easy to break through.

Harrington and the ghost spider did not fight for the first time, but led their people to guard on both sides. They were used as the second line of defense. If the pirates rushed to the defensive wall, it was time for them to attack.

And staying inside the base, in front of the high platform where Akainu is located, are the soldiers of Claude's branch. They are very familiar with the terrain of the base. If the pirates come in, they have enough experience to fight the pirates.

Looking at the Marine and the pirates fighting in front of the base island, Akainu has recovered his calm. Although Whitebeard has been close, the initiative is still in their hands. It is not so easy for Whitebeard to attack here. Unless Whitebeard himself makes the shot himself.

"How long can you stand it, Whitebeard."

He knew very well that, as the leader, Whitebeard would either not make a shot, and a shot would have to be a thunder blow, so he kept staring at the Moby Dick. The ones that could really make him feel threatened were Whitebeard and his men. Captain, the other pirate captains don't need him to care at all. There are so many people in Marine who can deal with them.

The pirates had already followed Marco's instructions, but there were too many Marines, even if they tried their best to attack forward, they couldn't approach the defensive wall quickly.

Seeing this scene, Marco said in a deep voice to Whitebeard: "Father, there are a lot of Marines. I am afraid it will not be so easy to rely on them to rush into it."

Whitebeard has been paying attention to the battle in the field. He naturally sees that he has no advantage. He is also a man who has experienced many battles, but he really has not experienced this kind of battle a few times, not to mention this time. The Marine unit led by the well-prepared Admiral of Headquarters is really difficult to get in.

"You guys go too."

Hearing Whitebeard's order, the pirates who were already eager to try, all jumped off the Mobile in excitement, and the captains of the pirate regiment rushed into the battlefield one by one.

The combat effectiveness of the people in the headquarters of the Whitebeard Pirate Group is obviously stronger than that of the other pirates by more than one point, especially those captains. After they joined the battlefield, the morale of the pirates increased greatly, and the combat effectiveness also skyrocketed, pressing Marine back. go.

This scene was naturally seen by Akainu and others. Vice Admiral frowned slightly, and then whispered to the lieutenant next to him. The lieutenant quickly walked forward and didn't know what to say to the personnel in front.

Akainu saw that the crane Vice Admiral had made adjustments, so he didn't care about it anymore. Instead, he carefully looked at the battlefield. Soon, a dozen Marine generals would meet the captains of the Whitebeard Pirates. Several Vice Admiral, and some Rear Admiral, are all elites from Naval Headquarters.

I have to say that these captains of the Whitebeard Pirate Group are really strong, and they have not fallen behind against Marine Vice Admiral, and Akainu did not recognize who these captains are, because many of them are all captains. The person he didn't know was obviously different from the captain ten years later.

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