A few days passed in a blink of an eye. In the past few days, the results of the war between the Whitebeard Pirates and Marine quickly spread throughout the New World. Originally, this war was paid attention to before it started. Now In the past few days, the news naturally spread throughout New World. In addition to New World, many people knew about the first half of the Grand Line.

The outcome of the war was beyond most people's expectations. For those who were on Marine's side, such as countries and civilians oppressed by pirates, Marine did not destroy the Whitebeard Pirates, which really disappointed them; on the contrary, , The pirate party is very happy.

Originally, because of the birth of the two new pirate emperors, the pirate forces were somewhat calm. After discovering that Marine was really unable to check the New World, they began to act more unscrupulously, and even some bold people were preparing to target the Whitebeard pirate group. And Beasts Pirates.

After all, the Whitebeard pirate group has just been hit hard by Marine, while Kaido, the boss of Beasts Pirates, was captured by Marine. These two Four Emperors were at their weakest time, and for the other pirates, it was very good. chance.

Although Marine's prestige was once again weakened in New World, most of the pirates did not think about starting to attack Marine. They only competed for territory and bullied the civilians more recklessly, which made many countries in New World complain.

What happened to the pirates outside, Akainu didn't know. He was staying at the G1 branch base to recuperate. As for Garp and Crane, they just left.

This time they left and took a total of 10,000 soldiers. The rest stayed here to supplement the G5 branch, 10,000 soldiers, and ten warships. Such a strong lineup is to send Kaido to the first half of the Grand Line.

A few days later, Akainu and the others received the news.

Claude and Akainu sat together, Claude said: "Garp Vice Admiral they were attacked by Beasts Pirates when they went back. I heard that the momentum was still very big and it caused a lot of damage."

Akainu said faintly: "No accident, Kaido is one of the Four Emperors after all, and his Beasts Pirates will not be weak. In order to save their boss, they must do it before Garp Vice Admiral and the others leave New World, otherwise they will not Chance."

Claude laughed and said: "It's a pity that they have lost more than the gain this time. They finally caught Kaido. How could they be saved easily."

Beasts Pirates did not succeed in rescuing, and Akainu is not surprised. After all, the Four Emperors Pirate Group is strong, without the leader, facing the elite troops led by Garp, with the assistance of Polusalino and others, they can help them. It's a problem to save it.

And as far as he knows, the three plagues of Beasts Pirates do not seem to have formed yet. At least he has not heard of the names of the three plagues. It must be that Kaido has not gathered them all, or the reputation is not too big. .

"What's the layout of New World during this time?" When asked this question, Akainu's face became much more serious.

Claude also looked serious, shook his head, and said solemnly: "It's not so good, even more chaotic than before. We didn't win this battle. The pirates of New World obviously didn't pay much attention to us Marine. Here, many small countries have been harassed by pirate forces in a short period of time. I heard that the territory of the Whitebeard Pirate Group is not peaceful, and there are constant provocations."

Having said this, he suddenly said with some doubts: "It is strange to say, it has been several days, but Whitebeard has not shown up, not only Whitebeard, even the captains have not appeared, New World is spreading. It said that Whitebeard was badly injured, Sakazuki, are you sure Whitebeard is okay?"

Akainu was also a little puzzled, and said, "Although Whitebeard was injured by me, his monster-like physique shouldn't reach this level? Are you sure Whitebeard hasn't appeared in this period of time?"

Claude nodded and said: "This thing is indeed strange. Even if Whitebeard is injured, it is impossible for all the pirates under his command to be injured, but they have never appeared, and they don't know what they are going to do. "

Akainu said, "I think Whitebeard might have done it deliberately. He wanted to wait for the pirates who dared to target him to jump out, and then he would be wiped out with the momentum of thunder. Get into it."

Now there are only more than 10,000 soldiers left in their base. This is to add to his private army. Compared with New World’s huge base of pirates, they are not on the same level at all, and he has not fully recovered from his injuries. , So this time is really not suitable for fighting the pirates, keeping the base is the best choice.

Things were exactly as Akainu had guessed. After half a month, the Whitebeard Pirate Group, which had disappeared for a long time, appeared strongly. As soon as it appeared, it wiped out more than a dozen Pirate Groups. In particular, Whitebeard personally took action with invincibility. It swept all the forces that resisted him and shocked New World.

The emergence of Whitebeard made the rumors self-defeating. At the same time, Whitebeard also changed his previous attitude, allowing the pirate group under his command to conquer the New World. In a short time, they conquered a lot of pirate forces, because of the losses in the war with Marine. The manpower was fully recovered in just two months, and even stronger than before. This shows how amazing the number of pirates in New World is.

Akainu's injuries have long since recovered, but during this time he did not conduct any large-scale operations other than conquering pirates around him, and he also levied soldiers in surrounding island towns to expand the G5 branch.

The civilians of New World have always been threatened by pirates. Many people hope to have a good place. So when Akainu is enlisted, a lot of people are influx. He quickly asked Claude to replenish his soldiers. His own private soldiers were refilled.

"Sakazuki, something big happened."

On this day, Akainu was discussing the private army with the ghost spider and Harrington, and suddenly Claude hurried over.

Seeing Claude's eagerness, Akainu asked in surprise: "What happened to make you so nervous? Is it Whitebeard or BIG·MOM?"

In his opinion, there are not too many pirate forces that can make Claude nervous in New World, so he immediately thought that Whitebeard or BIG·MOM had something big.

Ghost Spider and Harrington are also very curious, they are now Akainu's team, so the relationship with Claude is also very good.

Claude said with a heavy face: "It's not Whitebeard, it's not BIG·MOM, it's not New World, but something big happened in the first half of the Grand Line."

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