One Piece Of Admiral Akainu

Chapter 192 Misery Robin

"You said you got information from Nico Robin,'Son of Devil'. Is the information accurate?"

Seeing that Akainu stopped talking, the ghost spider knew he was thinking, so he asked Lopez.

Lopez quickly replied: "I have confirmed several times, and the information is very accurate."

Akainu asked, "Where is she now?"

Lopez replied: "Nico Robin is hiding in the Kingdom of Bolivia in West Blue, working for a small consortium."

Akainu nodded, and then said, "If you bring her to me silently, can you do it?"

Lopez said immediately: "There is no problem."

"very good."

Akainu said, "Keep this matter confidential, I don't want to make mistakes, understand?"


The Kingdom of Bolivia is a medium-sized country in West Blue. Robin fled here only a few months ago. Since the Ohara incident, she has been offered a reward of 79 million Baileys and has become the eyes of many people. The sweet pastry, her life was very difficult.

In the past few years, every time she finds a job, she will be betrayed by others, joining the pirate forces, or other forces, and also betrayed by others, so she can only wander around incognito. Some time ago, there happened to be a consortium to collect people. , So she changed her name and joined it.

The Gofeet consortium is still very powerful in this town. Half of the business is theirs. Although Robin is only twelve years old, he is very smart. Within a few months, he became a leader because of his intelligence. An accountant who settles accounts.

Because he lives alone and has experienced countless dangers, Robin is very mature, and the longer he gets, the more beautiful he is.

During these four years, it was difficult for her to stay in one place for a few months. This time she was able to work here for a few months without being found out. So she cherished this opportunity very much, and her nervousness was gradually released. .

In the evening, the rest of the staff had left, but Robin was still working. She worked harder than anyone because she wanted to live.


The office door was pushed open. Robin looked up suspiciously and saw a short fat man walk in. She immediately stood up and said respectfully, "Boss."

This person is the boss she works for. She doesn't like the boss because she finds that every time the boss looks at her, the eyes are very weird, as if to eat her.

"Selena, haven't you gone back?"

The short fat man found that only Robin was alone, his face suddenly blossomed, and his already ugly face became even more wretched.

Serena was Robin's fake name. Seeing this short and fat man approaching, she suddenly became very nervous, and instinctively backed away.

But the short fat man was obviously ill-intentioned, approaching step by step, and said with a smile: "Selena, seeing your hard work every day, I really feel distressed, I think you can follow Thanks to me, I promise you that in the future, those who eat fragrant and spicy ones will be hundreds of times better than now."

Robin kept stepping back and shouting nervously: "Boss, me, me, don't mess around."

The pudgy man reached out to grab it, but Robin avoided him, which made his face suddenly cold, and he yelled to Robin viciously, "Little girl, don't toast or punish wine, you obediently follow me. You will have a good life in the future, but if you dare to resist again, you will be finished."

Robin bit his lip and said pleadingly, "Boss, I just want to do a good job. Please spare me."

After working here for a few months, of course she also knew who this short and fat boss was. It is said that he persecuted many women, but he was so powerful that no one could help him. Many people were afraid of him and he was not to be offended. Big shot.

Although she knew that the boss was not a good person, she did not leave because she was bored with a life of escape. In the past, this boss did not look at her with good intentions, but this is the first time in a situation like today. happen.


The humpty boss scolded angrily, then pointed to Robin and shouted: "I think you are your perseverance, bitch, don't think I don't know who you are,'son of the devil' Nico Robin, you are the World government offering a reward The arrested person, Laozi kindly took you in, and now just a little bit of reward, you dare not agree, believe it or not, I will kill you now?"

With that, he actually took out a gun and pointed at Robin threateningly.

Hearing this, Robin's face changed suddenly, and she looked at the short fat man in horror. She always thought that her identity was secret, but she still exposed it, and this person even threatened her with this, she couldn't help but let her She remembered her past experience, and her whole body became trembling.

The chunky boss saw Robin trembling all over, thinking she was frightened, and suddenly laughed proudly: "That's right, as long as you listen to me carefully, I promise you will be fine. Come and let me now. It hurts well."

He was about to pounce on Robin, but at this moment, Robin suddenly raised his head, twisted his hands, and saw a few arms suddenly appeared on the pudgy boss, and he gave the pudgy boss to him. Controlled, even his pistol was shot.


The chunky boss was controlled by a few arms emerging from his body, and his face suddenly showed a look of horror.

Robin, who did all of this, didn't feel the slightest joy. Instead, he gritted his teeth and said in pain: "I just want to live well, why are you forcing me to live."

Regardless of the pudgy boss' begging for mercy, she blocked his mouth, complained and felt herself for a while before recovering, and looked around with reluctance, knowing that she should change place again.

With her own things, Robin was about to leave. As for the boss, she never thought about killing him. After all, although she has fled everywhere in the past few years, she has not killed anyone yet, even if she was betrayed. , And just flee.

She is still only a twelve-year-old girl, far from reaching the level that she later became. She has spent the days of being betrayed and betrayed, and she is still relatively simple now.

But before she took two steps, suddenly the office door was opened, and several people quickly appeared in front of her.


As soon as he saw the person, Robin's face changed suddenly, and his heart was extremely frightened, while the pudgy boss who was under control was struggling with excitement, as if he had seen a rescuer.

The person who appeared here was naturally Lopez Rear Admiral, who was ordered by Akainu. Because Akainu asked him to act secretly, this time he only took a few people with him, all his most trusted confidants.

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